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��14�351� <br /> in�he Propert� and rights und�r th�s Security �nstrumen�; and�d} takes such action as Lender may <br /> reas�na�ly requir�to assure tha�Lend�r's in�erest �n the Property and r�gh�s under�h�s Security �ns�rumen�, <br /> and Barr�wer's obligati�n�o pay�he sums s�cured�y�his 5e�urit� Ins�rument, sha�� continue unchanged. <br /> Lender ma� requ�re that Borrower pay such reinstatemen�sums and e�.p�nses �n one�r more�f�h�foiiow�ng <br /> forms, as sei�cted�y Lender: �a} cash; �b}m�ney order; �c}cer�ified�he�k, bank check, tr�asur�r's ch�ck or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check xs drawn upon an�ns�i�u��an whos�deposits are�nsured��r a <br /> f��.eraX agency, instrumen�a�ity ar entity; ar�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atement by Borrower, <br /> this Se�uri�y �ns�rum�nt and�b�igat�ons secured hereby shall rema�n fu�I�eff�ctive as �f na acce�era�ion had <br /> accurred. �3owe�rer, th�s r�ght tfl reins�ate sha��no�apply in the case of accelerati�n under Se��ian �8. <br /> �[�. Sa�e af �Vvte; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Gr�errance. The N�te or a partial �nterest in the <br /> Note�tagether�it�th�s Securit�r lns�rument�can be so�d one or more t�mes w�thout priar nat�ce�o <br /> Bo�rav�er. A sale might resul��n a change�n th�entity �knovw�.as the "Lnar� Servicer"� that colle��s P�r�ad�c <br /> Payments due under�he Nofie and�his Se�ur�ty �nstrument and performs ather mor�gage�oan servicing <br /> �b�iga�ions under�.e No�e, this S�curity Instrument, and Applicable Law. There alsa mig��be one ar m�re <br /> changes of the Loan Serw�cer unrelated�� a sa�e of�he Nate. If�here�s a chang�of the Loan Serv�cer, <br /> Borrawer wi�l be given vvr�t�en no��ce�f th�change whxch will s�ate the name and address af the new Laan <br /> Serv�cer, �he a�.dress to vvh�ch pa�men�s shau�d�be made and an�o�her infor�ma�ion RESPA requires in <br /> connec���n w�th a no�i�e of�ransfer of servic�ng. �f�he Note is sa�d and�h�reafter the Laan is ser�ic�d b�a <br /> Loan Ser�r�c�r other�han the purchaser of th�Na�e, ��e mor�gage�oan servicing vb��ga�ions�a Borrawer w�11 <br /> rem.a�n with th�Loan Serv�cer�r be transferred ta a success�r Laan Ser�icer and are na�assumed by the <br /> Note purchaser un�ess a��erw�se pravided by the Note�urc�aser. <br /> Nexther Barrower nor Lender may cammence,�oin, �r be��ined to an�jud�cia� act�on�as e��her an <br /> �ndividuai �i�igant or the meznber of a c�ass��hat arises fran�.�he ather par�y's actions pursuant to th�s <br /> Security�nstrumen�or�ha�alleges �hat�he�ther par�y has breached any prov�sion of, or any du�y owed by <br /> reason of, this Security �nstrumen�, un��1 such Bflrrower or Lender has n��i�ed�he other par�y (wi�h suc� <br /> nat�ce g��en�n cvrnpliance w��h�he requ�r�men�s of S�ct�on 15}of such a��eged breach and afforded�h� <br /> o�her par�y h�reta a reasanable period after t�e g�ving of suc�not�ce��take correc���re action. If App�icab�e <br /> Law prav�des a tim►e p�riod which must elapse before cer�ain act�on can be taken, that time period wi��be <br /> deen�ed�o be r�asona�le far purp�ses of�his paragraph. The n�tic�af accelera�io�.and o�portun�ty tfl cure <br /> giv�n to Borrawer pursuant�o Sec�ion��and the nat�ce af acce�era�ion given to B�rrower pursuant t� <br /> Section �.$ sha��be deemed to sa�isfy the n�tic�and�ppor�uni���o take corre�tive ac�ran prov�sions of�h�s <br /> Sect�an 2a. <br /> �'i. Hazardous Su�stances. As used in this Sect�an 21: �a} ".F�a�ardous Sr�hstancQs"are�hose substances <br /> de�ned as��xic or hazardous substances, po��u�an�s, or v�ras�es by En�riranmen�al Lav�r and�he fo�����ng <br /> su�star�ces: gaso��ne, kerosen�, o�h�r f�am�mab�e�r toxic petro�eum produ��s, ��xic pes�ic�des and her��cides, <br /> �o1at�Xe so�ven�s, �na�eria�s c�n�aining asbes�os or forma�dehyde, and radioac��ve materials; ��} <br /> "E'nvzron�rzen�al La�v"means federal Iaws and�aw�of the�urisdic�ion where the Proper�y �s Iocated tha� <br /> re�a�e to�eaith, safety or env�ranmen�a�prote�tion; (c} "Envi ronmenta� �reanu�"�ncludes any resp�nse <br /> ac��on, remedia� action, or rema�a� act�on, as def�ned�n Env�ronmen�a� Law; and (d} an "Enviro�tmerttal <br /> �`onditiar�"means a conditiar��hat can cause, c�ntr�bu�e to, or otherwise trigger an Env�ronm�n�a1 �leanup. <br /> Borrower sha��na�cause ar permit the presence, use, disposal, s�orage, �r re�ease af any�iazardous <br /> Su���ances, or�hrea�en�o release any �azard�us Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Borrower shali na�do, <br /> nor a�low arz�one e�se�o do, an�rth�ng affecting�he Property�a} �ha�is �n�iolation of any En�rironmenta� <br /> Law, �b}which crea�es an�nviran�men�a� ��ndi�ion, or�c} which, due to�he presence, use, or re��a.�e of a <br /> Hazard�us Substance, creat�s a cond�t�on�ha�adverse�y affec�s the vaiue af the Proper�y. The preceding�wo <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3n�$11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6{N�f{i 34Zy <br /> Walters Kfuwer�inanci�l Ser�i�es Page 13 a#�7 <br />