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��14�351� <br /> designa�ed a subs���u�e noti�e address by not�c��a Lender. Barrovver sha��grompt�y notify L�nder af <br /> Borrower's charzg�of address. �f L�nder spec�f�es �pr�cedure for repor��ng Borrow�r's chang�of addr�ss, <br /> �hen Barrow�r sha�� only repor� a chang�af address thr�ugh that spe�i�ed procedure. <br /> There ma���only�ne designated notice addr�ss under this S�cur��y �nstrument a�any on�t�me. An�na��ce <br /> �a Lender shall be giv�n by d���ver�ng it ar by ma���ng �t by first c�ass mai� to L�nder's address s�ated herein <br /> unless L�nder has des�gnated an�ther address by no��ce��Borrower. Any natiCe in connec�ion with this <br /> 5ecuri��r �ns�rument sha��n�t b�deemed�o have been gxven to �end�r un�z� ac�ua��y received by L�nder. If <br /> an.y no�ice required by�h�s Security�nstrument is alsfl r�qu��ed under App��cab�e Law, �he App�iCa��e Law <br /> re�u�rement v�ill sat�sfy�he corr�sp�nding r�quirement und�r�his Securi��r�nstrum�n�. <br /> 'i 6. Gv�erning Law; Se�erability: Rules of Cnnstructian. This Security Ins�rument sha��be go�rerned by <br /> f�deral Iaw and the�av�r of the jurisdicti�n�n v�hi�h the Proper�y is located. Al�rig�ts and�bl�ga�ions <br /> canta�ned in thi��e�urity�nstrumen� are�ubj�ct to any r�qu�rements and limitat�ons of App�icable Law. <br /> App��cable Law m�.gh�exp��c���y�r impl�cit��r a��ow the parties to agree by c�ntract or i�might be�i�ent, but <br /> such s��ence sha��na���construed as a prohibi�ion against a�r�emen�by c�ntrac�. �n the event that any <br /> provi�ion�r clause af�his Secur�ty �nstrument or the Note co�.flic�s wi�h Appl�cable Law, such conflic�shall <br /> ���affec�a�her pra��si�ns�f�his Securi�y�nstrurn�ent�r�h�N�te whic�x can be g�ven effeCt vvithau��he <br /> c�nfl���ing prov�sion. <br /> As used in this Securi�y �nstrumen�: �a}words af the mascu�zne gender sha�l mean and includ��orrespanding <br /> neu�er words or�vords of the f�minine gender; �b}�or�s in the singu�ar sha�l mean and include the p�ura� <br /> a.nd v��e versa; and��}�h�word "may" g�ves s��e d�scretian vv�thout any abliga�ion ta�ak�an�action. <br /> '17. Borrawer"s Copy. Borrower�ha��be gi�en one copy of the Nate and of th�� Secur��y Instrume�t. <br /> �8. Transfer �f the Praperty or a Beneficia� �nter�st in 6vrr�wer. As used�n�h�s Sect�on 1.8, "�nteres� in <br /> �h�Property" means any�ega� or b�ne�c�a.�. �nter�s�in�he Proper�y, �nciuding, bu�not��m.�ted�fl, those <br /> bene�c�a� �nt�rests�ransferred�n a bond for deed, contract fflr deed, �nstallrn�n�salts ��ntra�t or es�row <br /> agreem�ent, the inten�of which zs�he transf�r of t�t�e b�Borrower at a futur�date t� a purchas�r. <br /> If a��or any par�af the Pr�pert�or any�nteres�in the Prap�rry is s�ld or�ransferred �or�f Borr�wer is not a <br /> �a�ura�person and a bene�cxal in�eres�zn Borrnu�er is sold or transferred}without L�nd�r's pr�or�wrz�ten <br /> consen�, Lender may r�quire immediate pa�ment in full of a11 sums s�cured by this S�curity�ns�rument. <br /> However, �h�s option sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such�xercise�s proh�hxted by Applica�i�Law. <br /> If L�nder�xerc�ses�his option, L�nder sha11 give Borro�ver not���of accel�ra��on. The not�ce sha11 pravide a <br /> per�od of n�t�ess than 30 days fr�m the da�e the notice is given�n acc�rdar�ce w�th��ct�on l.5 w��h�n whzch <br /> Borrower must pa�r al� sums secured by th�s Security Instru�nent. �f Barrower fai�s to pay �hese su�ns pr�or�o <br /> th�expira��on af th�s period, Lender may invo�e an�remedies permitted by this S��urity I�strument v�i��out <br /> further notzce�r demand on Barra�ver. <br /> �9. Bvrrvwer's Right tn R��nstate After Ac�eleratinn. �f Borrow�r m��ts cer�a�n condx��ons, Borr��er <br /> sha��ha�e th�r�gh�to ha�e enf�r�em�nt of this S�curity�nstrumen�disc�ntinued at any tzme pr�or to the <br /> earlies�of: �a} ��e days befor�sal�of the Pr�per�y pursuaxat to any p�wer af saie conta�zaed in�hzs Secur�t� <br /> �nstrum�nt; �b} such�ther per�od as App��cab�e Law rnight spec�fy f�r the t�rminat�on af Borrower's r�gh��a <br /> reinsta�e; or�c}�n�ry�f a judgment�nforc�ng th�s Security Ins�rum�nt. Thnse cond�ti�ns are that Borrawer: <br /> �a}pay�L�nder al� sums which�hen w�uld be due under�his Securi�y �nstrument a.nd th�Note as if no <br /> acceleratian had occurr�d; �b}cures any d�fau��of an��ther covenants or agre�men�s; ��}pay� al� e�penses <br /> incurred�n�nf�rc�ng this Secur��y�nstrument, �nc�uding, bu�na�lim.��ed�o, r�as�nahle at�or�aey�' f��s, <br /> pr�per��inspect�on and�a�ua�ion fees, and other fees incurred for th�purp�se of pr��e���ng Lender's interest <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Fami�y-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6tN�y�13�2� <br /> Wvlters Kfuwer Financia[5er�ices Page��af 17 <br />