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��14�351� <br /> sentence� �ha�� na�app�y t� the presence, use, or st�rage on the Pr�per�y of small quantiti�s of�azardous <br /> Substance�tha�are generally recogn�z�d t�be appropriate��normai residentia�uses and to main�enance of <br /> the Pr�per����nc�uding, but�.ot��ma.��d to, hazardaus subs�ances in�onsumer produc�s}. <br /> B�rr��er sha��promptly give Lender written notice of�a} any inv�st�gation, ��aim, demar�d, lawsu�t or ather <br /> a��ion by an�r gavernmen�a� or regu�atQry agenGy o�private party �nvalvzng the Property and any�3azardous <br /> Sub�tanct ar En��ronmen�a� Law of wh��h Borrflwer has a��ual kn�w�edge, tb} any Environmentax <br /> �ond�t�on, inc�ud�ng bu�no��im�i�ed�o, any spx��zng, ��ak�ng, d�sGharge, re�ease or�hr�at of re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and �c} any c�ndi�ion�aused by the presence, u�e�r re�ease of a�3a2ardflus Sub�tan�e <br /> v�hich adversely affec�s the value of the Property. �f Borr�ur�r�earn�, �r�s not�f�ed by any gov�rnmenta� ar <br /> regula��ry authorit�, �r any pr�va�e par�y, that any remo�ral flr other remediat�an of any�azard�us Substance <br /> affect�ng�he Prop�r�y zs necessary, Borrovver s�iall promp��y take all necessary remed�a� a�t�ons �n <br /> ac�ordance vWith En��ronmenta� Law. Nothing herein shall create any ob�igation an Lender f�r an <br /> Environ.menta� ��eanup. <br /> �on-Un�form Cavenants. Borrovver and Len��r Co�ena.t�t and agree as fo���ws: <br /> ��. Acc�leration; R�medies. Lender sha��g��e n��ice to Borrower prior to accelera�ion fol�owing <br /> �3orrower's breach of any�ovenan�or agreemen��n th�s Securi�y Ins�rument �but not pr�ar to <br /> acce�era�ion und�r Sect�an 1$un�ess App��cab��Law pravides�thervv�se). The no�ice shall specxfy: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b} the act�on requ�r�d��cure�he defau�t; �c} a date, not�ess than 3�da�s frarn the date <br /> �he not�ce is given to Borr�w�r, by which the defau�t mus��a�cured� and �d} that fa��ure�o cure�he <br /> defau�t on or befare the date sp�c�f�ed�n�he no�ice may resu�t in acc��era��on of�he sunr�s secured by <br /> this Secur�ty Instrument and sale of�he Property. The notice sha��fur�h�r infarm Borr�wer af the <br /> r�ght�a re�ns�ate af�er acce�erat�on and the r�ght ta bring a�aurt act�on to asser��he n�n-�x�stenc�af a <br /> defau�t or any other defense af Borrower to acce��rat�on and sa�e. If the defau�t�5 no�cured on or <br /> bQfore the date spec�f�ed�n the notice, Lender at its op��on ma�require�m.xnediate paym�n�in full af <br /> all sums�ecured by th�s Secur��y Ins�rumen�wi�h.out further dexnand and may invoke the power�f s�le <br /> and any oth�r remedies perm�tt�d��App�icab�e Lavv. Lender sha�l be entitled to ca��ect a��expenses <br /> incurred in pursu�ng the r�medies pro��ded in this Sec�i�n 2�, inc�uding, but not lim�ted�o, reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' fees and�os�s of�i�le�►vidence. <br /> If�he power of sale�s�n�oked, Trus�ee sha�l record a no�ice af default in each county in wh�ch any <br /> par�of the Prap�rty�s�oca�ed and sha�i mail capies of such natice in the prescribed by <br /> Applicab�e Law to Borrower and to the ather persons prescri�ed by Applicable Law. Af�er�he t�m� <br /> requ�red by App��cab��Law, Tru�tee sha��g�►ve pub��c notice of sa�e to�he persans and�n the manner <br /> pre�cr�bed�y App�icab��La�v�v, Trus�ee, �vi�hou� demand on Borrower, sha��se��the Property at public <br /> auct�on to the highest b�dder at the t�me and place and under the term�.s designated�n the no�ic�of sa�� <br /> in one ar more parcels and in any vrd�r Trus�ee de��rmines. Trustee may pos�p�ne sa��of a�l�r any <br /> parc�l of the Property by public announcemen�a��he��me and pla�e�f any pre�ious�y schedu�ed sale, <br /> Len.d�r�r i�s des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip�of paym�nt of the price�id, 'Trustee sha�� de��ver�o the purchaser Trus�ee`s deed <br /> con�ey�ng�he Property. Th�rec�tals in the'I`rus�ee's deQd sha��be pr�ma fac�e ev�dence of the�ruth of <br /> the s�atements made there�n. Trus���shall app�y the proceeds of the sa�e�n the fo���w�ng order: �a} �o <br /> a��cos�s and expenses of exerc�s�ng th�power�f sale, and the sale, inc�uding�he paymen�of�h� <br /> �rustee's fees actual�y�ncurred an�reasonable at�orneys' fees as perm�t�ed�y App�icab�e Law; �b} ta <br /> al�sums se�ured by�hi�Secur��y In��rumen�; and �c� any excess to�h�person or persons�egally <br /> �ntitled�o i�. <br /> NE6RASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaelFreddi�Mac tJNIF4RM INSTRUMENT F�rm 3028 11fl1 <br /> VMP� VMP64N����3�2] <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial 5er���es Pac�e 14 of 17 <br />