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� <br /> � � ��14�3511 <br /> Securi�y Instrument,whether or nofi�hen�lue. "�ppasing Party" means the third party tha.t owes Borrvwer <br /> Miscel�aneous Proceeds or the party against�vhom Bvrrower has a right of actian in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shai�be in default if any action ar proceeding,whether ci�il or crimina�, is begun�ha.�, in Lender's <br /> judgment, cau�d result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairmen�of L�nder's interest in the <br /> Proper�y�r rights under this Se�urity instrument. Bvrrov�er can cure such a default and, if accelera�ian has <br /> occurred, reinsta.te as pro�ided in Section 19,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a <br /> rul�ng that, in Lender's judgment, preclu�es fflrfeiture of the Propeity or other material impairment of <br /> Lender's interest in the Proper�y or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or <br /> claim for damages that are attributable to the impairmen�of Lender's interes�in the Pr�perty are hereby <br /> assigned and sha.l�be pa�d to Lend�r. <br /> All Miscellaneous Prviceeds tha.t are n�t applied to restoration or repair of the Property sha11 be app��ed in <br /> the order provid�d for in Section 2. <br /> 'I�. Borrow�r Not Released;Forbearance8y LenderNot a�Ilai►��r.Extensian of the time for payment ar <br /> modificatian of amorti2ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lend�r to Borro�er <br /> or any Successor in Interest�f Borrower shall nat operate tv release the liability vf Borrower or any <br /> Successars in Interest of Borrower. L�nder sha11 nat be requ�red to commence proceedings against any <br /> Successvr in Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amartization <br /> �f�he sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasan of any demand made by the original�orrower or <br /> any Success�rs in Interest of Borr�wer. Any f�rbearance by Lencler in exercising any right or remedy <br /> inclu�ing,without limitation,Lender's acceptance af payments from third�ersnns, entities or Successars in <br /> Interest of Borrow�r or�n amvunts less than the amaunt then due, shall not be a wai�er of or preclude the <br /> e�er�ise af any right or reme�y. <br /> 'I 3. Jo�nt and Se�eral Liabiiity;�o-s�gn�rs;5ucc�ssorsand Assigns Boun�.Borrower co�enants and <br /> agrees that Borrnwer's obligati�ns and liability sha1�be jaint and severa�. Howe�er, any Borrower who <br /> co-signs this Security Instrument but does nflt execute the Nvte �a "co-signer"}: (a}is co-signing this <br /> Security Instrument on�y to mor�gage, grant and convey the co-signer's interest in the Property under the <br /> terms of this Security �nstrument; �b}is not personally obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrument; and(c}agrees that Lender and any other B�rrower can agree to extend, mQdify,forbear or make <br /> any acc�rnmadations with regard to the terms of th�is Security Instruxnent or the Nate without�he c�-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to�he pro�isions�f Sectian �S, any Suceessor in Interest of Borrower wha assumes Borrower's <br /> obligations under this Security �nstrument�n writing,and is approved by Lender, sha11 a11 Qf <br /> Barrower's rights an�benefits un�er this Security Instrument. Barrower sh�a.11 not be released fr�m <br /> Borrower's obligatians and liability under this Security �nst.n�ment unless Lender agrees to such re�ease in <br /> � writing. The co�enants and agreements of this Security Instrument sha�1 bind(except as provided�n Section <br /> 2�}and benefit the suc�essors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 'I 4. Loan Charges.Lender may charge Borrower fees for services perfarmed in connection vvi�h Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Prvperty and rights und�r th�s Security <br /> Instn�ment, 1riC1�1C�1rig,but not limite��o, attorneys' fees, proper�y inspectian and valuation fees. In regard to <br /> any other fees, the absence of express authori�y in this Security �nstrument to charge a specific fee�o <br /> Borr�wer sha11 not be constru�d as a prohibi�ian on the charging�f such fee. Lender ma� not charge fees <br /> that are express�y prohibited by this Security Instrument ar by Applicable La�v. <br /> 9�BANE 000628968588 May 29,2014�9:�fiam <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRL]MENT 1MTH MERS Farm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE}{1302}.00 <br /> Woiters Kluw�er Financial 5ervices Page 11 of 1? <br />