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. . ��14�3511 <br /> �f the Loan is subject tv a law vvhich sets maximum�aan charges, and that�aw is fin�ally in�erpreted so that <br /> the in�erest or ather loan charges callected or to be col�ected in c�nnection w�th the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted�imits,then: (a}any such loan charge sha11 be reduced by the amaunt necessaYy to reduce the <br /> charge to the permitted limit; and(U}any sums already co�l�cted fram Borrower which excee�ed permitted <br /> lirni�s will be refunded�o Borrower. Lender may choose�o rnake th�s refund by reducing the principai owed <br /> under the Nate�r by ma.king a direct payment to B�rrower. �f a refund reduces principal,the reduc��an will <br /> be treated as a partia��repaymen�without any prepaymen�charge �whether or not a prepayment Charge is <br /> pro�ided for under the N�te}. Borrower's acceptance of any such refun�made by d�rect payment to <br /> Borrower will constitute a wai�er of any right of a�tivn Barrower might ha�e arising out of such vvercharge. <br /> '15, Noti��s.A11 notices gi�en by Barrower or Lender in cvnnection with this Security Instrument must be in <br /> writing. Any notice to Borrn�ver in connectian w��h this Security Instrument sha.11 be�eemed to have been <br /> given to Borr�wer when mailed by�rst c�ass ma�� or when actually delivered to Borrawer's notice address <br /> if sent b� v�her means. Notice to any one Borrower shall constitute notice ta a11 Borrowers unless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requ�res vthen��se. The no�ice address shall be the Property Address unless <br /> Borrower has designate�l a subst�tute notice address by notice to Lender. B�rrower shall promptly notify <br /> Lender of Borrower's change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for repvrting Borrower's change <br /> �f address, then Borrawer�ha1l anly report a change of address through tha.t specified procedure. <br /> There may be vn�y vne designated noti�e address under�his Securi�ty Instxument at any one time. Any no�ice <br /> t�Lender sha11 be given by delivering it or by mailing�t by first c�ass mail to Lender's ad�.ress stated herein <br /> unless Lender has designated ano�her address by n�tice to Borrower. Any natiee in connection with this <br /> Se�urity �nstrumen�sha11 not be deemed to ha�e been given to Lender unt�l actual�y received by Lend�r. If <br /> any natice reqwired by this Security Instrument is a�so required under App�icable Law, the Applicab�e La�v <br /> requirement�uill satisfy the carresponding requirement under this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 1 G. Go��rningLaw; Ser�erability;Rules of C�nstruction.This Securi�Instrumen�sha�1 be go�erned by <br /> federalla�v and the�aw of the jurisdiction in which the�'roperty is l�cated. A11 rights and abligations <br /> can�ained in�liis Security I�,stxument are suhject to any requiremer�ts an�limita.tions�f Applicable Law. <br /> , App�icable Law might explicitly ar implicitly a11ow�he parties to agree by contract or it might be silent,bu� <br /> such silence shall n��be canstrued as a prolubition against agreement by contract. In the event that any <br /> pro�isinn ar clause�f th�.s Security instrument or the Note eanfli�ts with Applicable Law, such conflict sha11 <br /> nnt affect other pravisians of this Security Ins�rument or the I�Tote which can be gi�en effect wi�hout the <br /> conflicting pro�ision. <br /> As used in this Security Instrumen�: �a}words of the mascu�ine gender sha11 mean and includ�cvrresponding <br /> neuter words or words of the femirune gender; (b}words in the singular sha.11 mean and include the p�ura.l <br /> an�1�ice�ersa; an��c}the word"may" gives so�e�liscretion without any obligati�n to take any actian. <br /> 'I l. �orrower's�opy.Borro�ver shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instxument. <br /> 'I 8. Transfer of the Prop�rty or a B�nef�ciallnter�st in Borrower.As used in this Section 18, "In�erest in <br /> the Pr�perty" means any 1egal or benefie�al interes�in the Praperty, including,but no��imited to,those <br /> bene�cial interests transfenred in a bond for deed, contra.ct fvr deed, installrnent sales cantract or escrow <br /> agreement, �he �x�tent of which�s the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If a�l�r any part of the Property or any Interest in the Froperty is sa1�1 or transferred�or if Borrower is nflt a <br /> natural person and a beneficia�interest in Borrower is sold or tra.nsferred}v�zthout L�nder's prior written <br /> cansent,Lender may reqr.ure immediate payment in full of a�l sums secured by�his Security �nstrument. <br /> Ho��ver,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exer�ise is prohibited by Appl�cable Law. <br /> 10BANE OOOfi289B8588 May 29,2�14 09:1 fiam <br /> NEBRASI{A-Sir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT VIl�TH IVIERS Form 3028 11Q1 <br /> VMP[� VMP�A[NE}[13a2�.00 <br /> Wolters Kiwu+er Financia#Serv�ces Page 12 of 17 <br />