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<br /> 9.Frofectian�f L���er's Int�rest in�h�Prap�r#���nd R���t��Jnd��r�his S��urit��Instrumen�.If��.}Borra�uer
<br /> fai��to���for�n�h�covenants a�d�.�r���n�n�s con��.ined in this Sec�a�i�:�ns�ru.�����,�b}�her�is a.Iega��rQ�eeding�hat �
<br /> zn��;��t si�x�.i f�cant�� affe�t �.ender's ���teres� i� �he �'ro����y andl��.r ri;�ts �n�.�r th�s ����u�i� �.��st�-ument �s��ch as a
<br /> p�-o����in�in ban�kr�.�pt�;y,��r��atc,f�r�and�mn�.����n c�r for���tua-�,fc���enfarc�rr�e�t of a��en vvh�ch may at�tain��riori�
<br /> �u�r th�s S�cun��n�tr��men�or to cnfarc��a��vs or reg���ati�r���,�r�c}Barrow�r has a.ba��doncd�l�e Proper�,�h.cn Lender
<br /> ma�do and�ay for��h�te���r is reasflna.�l�or ap�ro�ria��to prc�tec�L�nder's i��erest ia�the�'rop�r���.nd rights und�r�h�s
<br /> S�curity Instrr.�ment,ine�udin��.rotectin�;and.lor�.��es�s�ng��e��.�ue�f�h.e�'rop�er�}�.�.�.��ecur�n�and�ar repairin�the
<br /> P�-c��ert�r.Lender's actions i��.inclu�.e.b��are not ii�nit�d tc�:�a}payin��.��r�ums s��:urec�by a li�n whic�has�ar�ori��
<br /> over�:his S�ecu�1:}�Instrumen�;�b}�.ppt�.ring����ur�;a�.��c}pa�in�r�ason�.bie�.t�a��y�'�'e�s to pro�ee�its int�r�st in th�
<br /> �'roper�r andlor r��h.�s und�r�his S�ecu����Ins�run�en�,inc�ud��g its se�~ur�d pasitio��n�bankrup�c�praceedz��g.Se�uring
<br /> th�Pr.ape:�i.nclud�s,�u�i�n��limi�ed�a,�nter�.n�;���:Pr����rty t��x�ak�repair.s,c:�h�.��e l.a�ks,repl�ce�r b�ard�p dao�-�
<br /> and vvinda��vs, drain ��ater��nn�pipc�, �lin�i�aa�c hr�i���n�;��r c��h�r c����ialati�ns o.r dan�eraus�onditians, and hav�
<br /> u�i�i�ie��u.r�ne�on or off Althau�h L�nd�r ina}�t�.kc a�tian under���s��ct:ion�,Lend�r doe�r�o�ha�c�o do so�.nd�s not
<br /> under �.n� du� ar ob��g�.tion t� �o �o. It �s agre�� t�at L�nd�er �ncu�s n� Iiab��i�� tor no� �aking �.n� or al� �.��ians
<br /> au�hori�ed unc�.�r this Sectian�.
<br /> .�ny amt�unts disb�zrseci by L�n�er under t�is Sec�ic�n 9��.a1�b�c�me�.d�i�������.1�.eb�of Bt�r.ro��r s�t�ured by�his
<br /> S�curit� Inst:rum.�n�:. These a.r��.��.�nt� �ha.11 bc�.r i���r�s� a�: the �vtc rat� fr��n the �a�e a�'disb�rsement ar�d sha11 be
<br /> ���a�l�,�v�t��su.ch in�erest,up�n�o�ice�rom L�n�er�o Borr�w er reqt�es�ing pa�rmen�.
<br /> I.f�hi�Sec�.�rit�r�ns�:rume���i.s o��a�eas���ld,Bo�r.ov���r�ha�l catnp���vith al.��h.e pr�visians of the lease.If.Bor�-ov�er
<br /> aequir�;s fe�ti�l����he P�-c��erty,��.e lea,s���o�d and th�fec�ti�l��ha11 nc����rge u��less L��der agre��tc���e mcrg�r. ia�
<br /> �vriting.
<br /> 1D.Mar�ga���nsuranc�.If L�nd��-r�quir�d 11ol�r�ga��Insuran�e as a c�nd�tion af'mak�n�th�I�oan,Borro�rer sha�l
<br /> pay th�pr�n�iums requ�red to��nain�ain the Mvr��a�e InsuranG�in effec�. �.f, f�r an�r�asan,t h��ior�g�.g� �nsurance
<br /> �o��ra�;e r�qL�i�r�d�y L�x�der��e�.s������a��a�lable frnm�he m�r��;age�.nsur.er�hat�re�riaus�y p.r�vi�ed such i.ns�rance
<br /> and B�rraw�rer��a�s re��.zired to mak.� �eparat�ly d�si�r��.�eci paym�;��s �o�arc�the pr�miur��s for�ort��.ge �n�ur�.nce,
<br /> $orrow�r sha.l� pay �:hc pr��i�ms r��uired t� ���:ain co���r�.g� s�bs�an�;iall� ec�€�.i��.l�rit �:o �he Mortg�.�;� ��.surance
<br /> pr��ia��sl��n effect,at a cost substantiaily equi�al�nt�o�h���s�to Bc�rr��ver of t�e Mortgabe Insurance�r���aus�y in
<br /> eff.ec�,frazx��n�.�terna�e�n.or��;a�e ir�.�u�-e�-se�ect�d b��:ender.if substan�:ia�l�equiva�e�xt 1�Iartgage Ins��ra.x��e co�����.�;e is
<br /> not av�.i�a�i�,Borrow�r�ha�.�continu���pa��t�L�nder th�amour��c�f�hc s�parat��y��s���a��d pa.�men�s that wcrc��.�e
<br /> �h.en th� insuranc� covera�� �eas�� to b� in �ffe�t. I��r�d�r v�i�� �.ccept, use �.nd r��a.in these paymen�s as a na�-
<br /> re�'undab��las�reser�e�n�ieu af Mor�ga��Insura�.�e.�uch�oss res�r��e sha��be�on-refundabl�,no�viths�an�i�g�he fa��
<br /> that��e Loan�s u�ti��.d����p�.i�in.f.u�l,�.nd Lend�er sh��.l not��required�o pay.�3o�rr�awer any in��er�s�ar earnin�s�n such
<br /> Ic�ss reserwe.i���der ca.n nz3�c�n.��r r�quir��c���r�s�:r���ayrn�n�s if M�rt�;a.��Ins�:€ranc�cav�r�.�e�in�h�amount an�f�r
<br /> th�peri�d tha.�L�nd�r r�quires�prov�ded b��an insure�se1����d����cne��r a��.in b�com�5�.�ailab�e,�s obta�n�cl,and
<br /> Lender r�q��ires se�arate�� d�si�na�ed ��.��ents towar� ��.� p�e��ums fc�r N��r�gage I�Is�rance. If Le�d�r requ�red
<br /> Mc�rt�age I��ura��ce as a �ondit:�on of. m.akin� th� Laan an��3orr���r �vas r.�qui.re� ta make separa�eiy d�si��a�ed
<br />, p�.v.ments t���•ard th��remi�ms�c�r Mort�;ag�Ir�sura�.�e,:Bc�rrc���er sha�l p�.y th���a-�TniuYns requir�d tc�maintain N�ar��;a.�;e
<br /> �z�surance in�ffect,or t��r��id.e a.r��on-refundab���as�rese�ve,�n�i�Lender's requiren��n�far Mo�-�g�.�e Insuran��erid�
<br /> in accardane� ��th any writt�n �.�r��m��t b�t�ueen Borro��er a�nc� L�nder provid�ng far such �er�ninatit�n ar un�i�
<br /> term:ination:is r��uired by A.pp��cabl��a�.Not��ng�n this Sec��an l�af.��c���3orr��rer's c3bli.g�.�ian ta pa.�i.n�erest a�th�
<br />, rate pro�rid�d i7�th�Nate.
<br />: Mort�a�e Insura�c� re�z��urses Lend.er��r�n� e��t:it.� tha�pur�hases t�ae�iote} for cer�a.in�o��es it�r�a� �ncur if
<br /> B�rro�T�r d��s n�t r�p�V�h�I��an as agreed.Sorro�er is nat�.part��Q the Mortga�e�nsuran�e.
<br />� Mo�rt�age �:�.sure�-s e�alua�e t�.e ir. total ri.sk on.�l� suc;� i.i�s�ra.n�e i z�. f�rce f_ron���ia���o t�m.e, �.nd may �r�ter intc�
<br /> i a�r��mEn�s vv�th ��hcr par��e5 �ha� shar€� c�r���adify �heir. risk, or r�ducc� l�s���. Th�s� a.�;r��m.e�ts a.rc o�� �crm� a.nd
<br />� '
<br /> conditi�ns ���.� are s�t�sfactc�ry to �;he mor�g�.be �nsur�r �.n� the athe�r par�y ��r�ar��cs} �o ��i�e�� agrc�men�sa These
<br /> �.�r�em�n�s n�ay require�h�n-���gag��nsurer�o n��k��ayn��n�s using an�sc�urce of fu.n�s t�iat�h���r�gag�insurer may
<br /> ha.W�ati•ai.�abi���hi�h may i�clude funds obta�ned�r�m M�rt��..�e Insuran.ce pre�nium.s}.
<br /> As a r�sul��f.thes�a.�;rcei��:n.�s,�end�r,any purchaser of�h��c�t�,a.nc�th€�r i.nsur�r,�.r��r�insurer,�.���r�th�r�ntit�,c��
<br /> aff lia��o�`��of�hc foregain�,n��.�re�ei�e�dir���l�or indirecrl�r�amau�.ts i:h�.t deri�r�i�-an�.�_�r�nigh�t���haracteri��e�
<br /> NE�RASKA-5ingle Fam�ly-F�nni��ae1F��ddie�ac UNiFt"�R�INSTRU�Ei��u�ith MER�Form 3028 '�IQ'I
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<br /> iaS,I�c.
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