' , �
<br /> � a ��14�3475
<br />�
<br />� .
<br /> a�} a�avrti�r� �f. �3or����nrer'� pa�men�s �"or Nlor��a�e �nsura.��.ce, �n exc.�ange for sharing or moc�ify�ng�he n�or��ag�
<br />! �nsur�:r'��isk,Qr red�xG�n�����s�s.�f su�h a�r�c�r��r�t�r���id�d�hat a�a�f'�li.at�of Len�.er�ak.�s a shar�c�f�he in�ur�r�s r�sk.
<br />�
<br /> �n e��hang�for a sh�.re of��e�re�niu�ns-�a.id�o �th� insurer, t.he �.r�a���em�nt is o�e�.��rmcd"capti��reinsuran�e."
<br /> Fur�her:
<br /> {�}A,ny s��h agre�ements w��l�no�aff��t the amounts tha��3orr����r ha�a�reed��pav f�r Martgage Ins�uranc�,
<br /> �r an�vth�r t�r�s of t��L�an,Su�l�a��ee�nents wil�n�at in�r�ase the�r��unt Sorrav�er�ill ow�f�r�I�rt�age
<br /> �nsur�n�e,an�th�y wili nat entitl�Svrro�v����any refund.
<br /> �b�An� 5u�h a�a�eements wii� ��� affect th� ri��t� �arr��ver has —if any--vw�th res�e�t to th�e M�rrt�age
<br /> �nsur�nce���der��h�I-��n�����n�rs Protection�����1����r�ny o�her l��v,�`hese r��hts m�.�►=i�clude th�ri�ht�a
<br /> r�ce����certain di�cl+��u���,�a request�nd vb�ain cance��atifl�vf th��lart�ag�Insurance,to h���e the 1'I�Iort�a�e
<br /> Insur�nce t�x�ninated�utom�.ti����y,andlor ta r��ei�e a refu�d af�n�Mort�a�e I�suranc�premiums that�ere
<br /> �x��arx�e�d at th�time af such can�el�at�on Q�term�nat�an.
<br /> 1 i.A��ignm�nt of�r'Ii�cellaneou5 Prac�eds;Forfe�tur�.Al�.I�.isce��a��ous�'r�ac���.s are here�y�ssigned to and
<br /> shal�b�pai��o Lend�r..
<br /> �f�h�Prc�p�rt�z�da.�n�.��c�,s�.��:h M.isce��an��us prc�c��:�.�sha��b�app���ed�c�r�st�arat�on ar re�a�r t�f th�F'raperty,if
<br /> thc res�.oration or rc�air�s�co��o�m.ica�lyr f�asible and L�ndcr's se��.rri��s nat i�sse�ed.I]urin�;s��h r��air and r���.orat�o�
<br /> peri�d,L:�nder sha�l have th�ri�h�tQ ho1d.such Mis�cellaneous�'r�ceeds unti�Le��der has ha�an€����r�uni���i�spec�
<br /> such Prc���r���o ez�s��re�he wr�rk h�s been GQmp�et��i to Lenc��r.'s�a�r:�s�actioz�,p�r��r�ded th�a.�su�ch i:�.s�e��ic�n sh��.� �e
<br /> u���.�r�a.k�n pramptly.Lender tnay pa�far��.c rep�.irs a.r�d rest�ra�i�n���.sing��d��bu�:�em�nt Qr in a��r�es af progress
<br /> �a�m�n�s as�h��ark is camp�e���. I.�nl�ss a.��.gre�mcn�i�mad��n wri�in��r App�i�ah�e Law re�€�ir�s�nteres�t�b�
<br /> �a.id an�uch Mis�e�laneou�.�roceeds,Len��r sha��nat be require��o pay�arr��er�.n� ����r�s�or e�rnings on such
<br /> Misce�lane4us Pr����ds.If the r.es�oratio�or repair is�n�t e���.on7ica�1�f�asibie��r�end�r's se�urit��v�u�d be lesse�.ed,
<br /> th�Mi.scel�anLau�Pra��eds�hal�b�:appli�d to�h�5u���►s�cur��i by�hi�Security I�.stru�ncn�,�vhe�h�r c�r not then c��ie,
<br /> dvith�:h��xcess, �f any, p�.x��u B�rra�er. Such M�s��lianc�us Prace�ds�ha111�e app�li�d.�n the�rd�r pro��ded for in
<br /> S�ction?.
<br /> �n �he ev���t �af. a�o�al �akin�, ��struc�i��., ar loss i.��.�dlue of���.e P:rc�p��-�y, th� M.iscel�a:n.eous �'r�c��d� shall b�
<br /> ap��ied to th� s�ims seeured �y this SGcur�� Instrume���, �F�c��.er c�r not th��. due, ��ith the cxcess, if an�, �atd to
<br /> Borrvu�er.
<br /> 1��h�e��nt of a p�.�tial�a�i�g,destructian,or�oss i��alu�af�he�'ropert��i��hi�h the fa�r market va�u�❑f th�
<br /> PrQ��r��mn��d�at���b�f�re����p�r�ia1�ak�n�,c�estr�:a�tit�n,o.r�o�s�r��al«e�s equal t�z�r�;reater than the a��ount af.'th�
<br /> sun�s s��~�red b}�th�s S�c��.�rity�ristr�.�m.en�in�m��iate����for�th���.r�ial�a.l�in�;, d�str.uc;���n, or loss in va�ue, un�es�
<br /> Borrav��er�.��d Lend�r ti����rvv�se agr�c in�wr��.ir�g,the��ams s�cur�ed�y�his Sec�rity Inst.rumc��t shall b��educ�d by��.�
<br /> a�ount of the:Misc�l��.n�o�.s Proce�ds nlui�ipli�d.b�t�ie fol�Q�.�in�fra.c�i���: �a3��e��tal�.m€�unt of the sums secured
<br /> itn.m.et�iate��bef_or�t���par�ia�.�aki.n�,de�truc�i�n,o���.os5�n�aiue dividec�by��}t�.e faiY•�n�..r��t�a.�u�a.f.the F'r�per�y
<br /> ir�.m��ia.��l�hefore the�artial tak.�n�,d�:struct��r�,or ic�ss�n��.�ue.Any balanc;e�l�al�bc paid tc��a��rav��r.
<br /> In�h�cv��n�a�a partia�taking,�estru�t�on,ar�oss in ualuc of.�he Pre�pert� i�.�hi�h the fa�r m�.rket va�u�a�'the
<br /> .�rop�rty i�nme�i�.�e�y b��'ore the par��a�����r�g,destruct�on,or�oss�n�alu.�is less than���amou�.t o�the surns secu.red
<br /> imm�dia�ely befare�h� par��al tak�n�, d�stru���on, or�cass in.va�ues u��le�s �orra�jer at�.d �aende.r�th.�r.�ise a�;r�e i�
<br /> �r�tin�;,�he�iscel��.ri�c��rs Proceeds sh�.l��e�p�l����o��.e sum�sec��red by this S�€�curity�nstr��ment whe�h�r or nc���he
<br /> sums ar��he�duc.
<br /> If�h�Pr�per��r�s�ba�doned'by Barro�r�r, ��ifs �.f��r no��c�by��nder to Bo�ro�T�r th�.��he Opposin�Par�tY�as
<br /> d�f�.ned��the z��x�s���ten.c�}of..fers��tnak.e ar�au�ard��se���e�c�aim.fo.r damages,���o��er f.ai�s t�respand to I��nder
<br /> ���tlain 3�days af����th��.ate th�no�ic�is�i�r�n,Lend�r�s�.u�h�riz�d tc��c�l���t and a.�����]�.e�i�ce�laneous�'roc��c�d.s
<br /> �i��i�r to r�;stor�.�ion�r rcpazr af thc�'roper��or to�:hc surns secur��d�y this S�iu�i���ns�:r�n�.�n�,w�e�h���r na�:�h.�n d�.e.
<br /> "�pp�sin�;Par�y"�neans�h��hird par��tha�owes�orrati�er Misc��laneous Proc�eds or�h�pa��.gainst whom Barr�vver
<br /> ha�a ri�.h�of actior���re�axd��Mis�ella.n�ous Pr����edsa
<br /> E�orra��r sha�l b� in d�fa.ult if an� ��tio� c�.r pr��ce�c�i��, tivheth�r civil �r cr�mi��al, is b��ur� thati, in L�nc�er's
<br /> �ud�ment,cou�d r�sult xn forf�i�ur�of�he Pra�erty or o�her m�.��r�a�impa���rn.e��of Ler�d�r'�inter�st�n�he Praper��or
<br /> r��h�s und�r�h�s Sec��7t�Ins�r��ent. Ba�•o�er can cure such a default�.�.d,if ac�e��r�.tian has occurr�d,re�nstate as
<br /> �roWided in.Sect�an ��9,�y causi:��;�he a�t�o�.ar praceed�n�ta b�disiniss���i�h a.ru�i���hat, �n L.�n��r's jud�ment,
<br /> NEBRA�I{�1-5�ngl�Family-F�nnie�aelFre�die�ac 11NlFt�RM 1N5�"RU�EIVT with lNEF�SFvrm 3028 '11Q'!
<br /> Page��f'i 3
<br /> �os,i��.
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