■ �
<br /> . � ��14�3475
<br /> of insuranG�cc�v�ra�;�,n����h�rwise r�qu�r.ec�by Lend�r,for�.�.�na�e��,�r destruc�i�x�af,th�Prop�rt�,su�h.pa�icy s�all
<br /> includc a�t��.dard mc�r��ag�cl�us�and shal�nan��e L�nder a�m.c�rt�;��;�c�andlc��-�.��.��addi��c��.al l�ass�a.�e�:.
<br /> �n th�e�cr��of l+ass,B�rr��cr shail�i���ron�.����o�ic�ta�h�in��ra���carrier an�L�nde�:Le�der may mak�proaf
<br /> o��oss ���o� nzade pro�np�l� b� Borro�er. I�n�ess L�nd.er ant� B�rrower o�herwis� agre� in�vri�in�, any �nsuran�e
<br /> pr�ceec�s�v�het��er�r nat t�e un�.erl�i�.g i�a.su��-�.�.�e�as requ���d by I��n�.e.r,�ha.l�be app�ied fic�restaratian�r r�pair of�he
<br /> -- Prop�r�y,if����-�stc�ration ar r�:�a�r�s�,c�an��n�ica��y f.��.s�b��a�ad LiY���er's s��:�.�ri��is no�le�s�n�;d.I�u�in�s�ic��r��a�r an�
<br /> restora��on perio�,���d�r�h�.11 hav��;h�r��h�:tfl h�o�d.such�nsurance procc��s un�.i1 L�nd�r��a.s had an opp�r����i�y�o
<br /> ��spec�su�h�rQp�r���o ensur�the v�a��has been�a���i����.��L�����°'s sa�isfac�ion,�rt���id�d th�.�such�nspe��ion shal�
<br /> be u�der�a�.en promptl�.L�n���r may dis�ur.se prac��ds f.�r th�r��aa�r.s�.r�d r.�stor.at�oi�.ir�a six��le paym���t o�•in a�er.ies o�
<br /> pr.z��r�5s pay�nents as�ht�work.is c�mp�etcd.�n�e�s a��agre�rr�e�.��s����€��ir��vri�ing c�r�pplicab�c La�requ�res�nt€�r��t
<br /> ��b�:�a.id.o��sU.ch i�.surance�r��ceds,L�ndcr sha��not b�re�ui�ed t�pay�arror�r�er a�.�r in�erest or�a,r�ings on such
<br />' praceeds.F��s for pub����djus�er�,�r o�her��ird.�ar�ies,re�air��d�y Borra��r shall not b�paid aut of th��nsuranc�
<br />� prt�ceeds a��.d shall b�e�he s€�I�oh�i��ti�z�of�3orr.�v��r.�.f�h�restaratio:�.or re�ai.r is�.����;���c�mi�a.��y fe�.sibl.e�r�.ender's
<br /> s����rity wouid b�: ��s�en�c�,the in5ura��ce prc�c�eds shal�b�a�pli�d ta�th�suxn5�e�ure�by�his �ecurity Ins�runzen�,
<br /> wh��her or nc�t�h�n du�,av��h�h��x��ss,if any,pai�to�3o�o�er.Su�h�nsura�.c��.�roceeds sha��be�pp�i�d in�:he ard�r
<br /> pra��ded for in Sectivn?.
<br /> �f Bar.ro�v�r aban�ar�s th��r��p�rty,L�nder�r��..��le,ne���iat�and settle an.�a�rai�abl.e insuran�ce c�aim an�.r.ela���.
<br /> xn�.�t�r�.If Borrc�r�er doc�no�r�s�3on.d withir�3�d�.vs ta a n���ice fr����Ler��.er that�he znsurance ca�-r��r�as affere�t�
<br /> s��t��a c��.im,th�t�.L�nd�r may r�e�o�_ia�e ar�d s�ttle thc clai�n.Th�3�-d�.�pe�io�v�i�1 be�ir��h���.the n��ic�is�iven.I�
<br /> ei�her event, flr if I�ender acqu�res the Pr��e� und�r Se�t�an �� �r fl�he�ise, Bor�o�er her�by assigns t�� L�n�er
<br /> �a}Borr�awei-'s rights to a�.��ns�.�ra��.�:e praee�c���r�an an�au�.t no�t���exce�d���e�maun�s unpaid��nder�he N�te�r�his
<br /> Secur�.�y�nstru�nen�,and�b}an}�c�th�r�f B�r�ro►�r�r's ri���s�o�h�r�h�.n�he righ�����y refund af une�.rn�d pr�miun�s paid
<br /> b�B�rr�wer}unc��r all insu�ra.r�c�pc���cies c�ver�ng�:he Pro�����,inso�`ar as su�h rights ar�appli�ab�e�o the co�era�e c�f
<br /> t��e Praper�y.Lend�r m�,�us�t�.e insurar�.ce pra�e�d.s�i�her ta re��air€�r restare�he�'rQ�er�y�r�o p�y amoun�s unpaid
<br /> under t�xe�nt�ar th����cu.ri��Iz�st��ument,���ether or t�ot the�n.d��e.
<br /> f.C]�cupanc�.�3orro����r shall occup�,�sta��ish,an�use the Propert�as�3orruwer'�prin�ipa�r�sidence wi�hin 6Q
<br /> �.�.ys af�e�-th�exec�.��i�n of.this S��uri��Inst�-umen�an�sh�.I��ontinue to accu�}��h�E Pro�erty a�B�rrower's principal
<br /> r�sidence fQr at 1eas�o�.e�ear a.fter the date o�o�c�.�a.ncy,unl�s�L�n�.�r o�herur�se a�ree�in�ritll�g,�hi�h�ansent sha�l
<br /> n��b�e ul�reasonab�yr usit��ie�d,or un�ess�xt�nuatin�c�rcun�st�.n.ces ex�st which ar�beyan�.Borroti�►�er's c�ntrv�.
<br /> 7,Pr�s�r���i�n,Maint�n�.nc��nd Pratecti�n�vf�h�Prap�rty;I���pe�tions.Barr���er sha1�nvt c��s�ray,da.mage
<br /> or impair the Prop�rt�,a��o�the Prop��-t�r�c�����ri�ra��or c�mxni�wast�or�t��e Propert�. '�'heth�r ar no�Bc�rr�v�rer��
<br /> ��si�ing in the Pro����, Borro��ver shall rna�ntair�.�h.�Pra�e�in ord�r�a pr�V�nt�h�Pr€�p�rt�frarn d�t��.�ra�in�;c�r
<br /> d�creasin��n va�uc��.�to i�:s condi�ion. �Jri�ess i��s de�errnined purs��nt to Se��r��a� that rep�.�r�r res�oration is�o�
<br /> e��na�nic;�ll�f�as�b�e,�orr���er sh�.11 pra��p��y rep�.i�t�e�'rape���f d�.�a�e�to a�T��d.further d���riara�ion�r d��na�e.
<br /> If insu:ran�e o:r c�nc��mnation pr�ce�ds�ar���.id�t�.conr�.e��i�n with.da�na����,�r th��a,kin��f,the�'rop�r�y,�3o�rawer
<br /> sh�.l�b�res�on�,�bl�fc�r�-e��.iring Ur rest��rin��h�Prapert�c�n�y�f Len�er ha��r�l�a�ed prc�c��:ds f€�r such pur��c�ses.L�:nd�r
<br /> �a�disburse procc�ds for t�e repairs�.nd re�tara�ian�n a��n���pa��r�cnt or i���.���i�es of��rogrc���ayn�e�ts as the�ork
<br /> is c����ete�l.�f�h�iMs�ranc��r con�le�nr�a�ion proceeds�.r��o�suff'icien�tQ re�a�.i��r r�store�he�'r���rty,BorrQ�er�s
<br /> n.�t re�ie�ed o�'F3�rrower's�b�ig�.t�on for�h.��a�np�e�ion af such repai r or r�stc�rati�n.
<br /> L�nder�r its a��n�may n�a.ke�€�aso�.a.b�e en�r�Ls u���.and insp�c�i��.s Qf the Pr�����. �f i�has�-�asona�l.e ca�:�se,
<br /> Lcnder rna.�ix�s�e�t th�ir�terior tit�:h�����r��em�n�s���:h��'roper��.Lenc��r shall�i�r�����ro�er no�i�e�.�:�he�:��ze of ar
<br /> prior�o s���h�.�i i�.�erior ins�e��ian specifying suc�re�.sor��.����ause.
<br /> �.Sorrn�w�r's��an Applicat�a�.Borro�er sha��be in def�ult�f,durin�the Loan�.p��i�a�io��rQcess,Barrovver or
<br /> an��erson�or en�i�i�s acti��g at�he di.r�c�ior�.of:�a�-�-ov�er o:r�Yi��►�3c�rr����er's knowi�d����c�nsen.t gave mat�ria.���r
<br /> fals�, misl�ading, c�� i�ac�:urate ��xforma.��on ar s��.�t��n�nts �� �.���c��r ��or failcd ��� �ro�id� L�n��r vvith m.aterial
<br /> ir�format�on� in conn�c�i�r� �i�h t�e Loan. �aterial r��res�nta�i�n� in��ude, �u� are nat Ii�n.�t�d to, r�prescn�a��an�
<br /> con�erning Borr��ver's o�eupancy of�he Prop�r�as�3�rr���r's�r��cipal r�si��n�e.
<br /> �VEBR�4S�[A-5ingle Family-�anni��a�lFredd�e Niac�NlFC�RAA I�STR�I�ENT with FIAERSF�rm 3a28 �1fl'I
<br /> Page�af�3
<br /> yoS,���:.
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