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��14�3459 <br /> N�tices. Any notice �v Borrower pra��ded far �� this Securi�y �ns�rumen� shall be g�ven by de�iver�.ng �� or by <br /> ma�l�ng it��first c�ass ma�l un�ess Appl�cable Law requ�res use of another me�hod. The natice sha�l be direc��d to <br /> �he Prop�rty Address or any a�h�r address Bflrrov��r de��gnates by notice tfl Lender. Borr��er agrees �a pr�v�de <br /> Lender��th�orrower's mos� current maxling address, as it may c�ange frorn��me�t�--�im�. Any notice to L�nder <br /> sha�l be g�ven by first c�ass mail to Lender's address stated herein�r any other address Lender designa�es by n����e <br /> �fl B�rr��wer. Any noti�e provided for in this Secur�ty Instrument shal�be deenled ta have been given to Bflrrov�er <br /> �r L�nd�r when g�v�n as pra�ided in th�s paragraph. <br /> �overn�ng Law; �everab�lity.Th�s Security�nstrumen�sha�1�e gaverned by federal lav�r and the laws of the state <br /> of�el�raska. �n �he �ven� tha� any provis�on ar �lause af�his Security �nstrument flr �he No�e �onfli��s with <br /> Appl�cable Lav�,such�oriflic�shall not affec�o�her pr��iszvns of this Secur�ty�ns�ru�ent�r�he N��e vvhich can be <br /> gi�ve� ef�ec��ithou�the confl�ctxng pr��vision. T❑�h�s end�he pro�ls�ons of this Security Instrument and�h�Not� <br /> are declared to be se�erable. <br /> Barr���r�s�op�.B�rr��ver,shall be gi�en one c�py of this Security�nstrunzent. <br /> Tra�sf�r of th�Proper�y or a Bene�cial Interest in ��rraw�r.If a11 or any part of�he Prnper�y or any�nteres� <br /> in it is sold �r transferred �ar �f a benefic�a� in��rest ir� Borrower �s s��d or transferred and Borrov�er �s n�� a <br /> natural persan} un�e�s �he Nate shows �hat Borro�rer's laan 15 �SSl1n.1a.�3I�� Lender may, at its o��i�n, requ�re <br /> �mmediate payment ��a full of all sums secured by th�s Security Instrumen�. How��er, th�s op��on sha�� x�ot be <br /> e�ercise�by Lender�f exercise is proh�bited by federa� �aw as of�he da�e vf th�s S�cur�ty�nstrument. �f�he N��e <br /> sh�ws�Y�at S�rrower's l�an�s assumab�e,Borrov�rer must�b�ain Lender's written perm�ss�an for an assump���n and <br /> fo�lfl�any other requiremen�s af Lender re�a�ed to an assumption. I�Borrov�er d�es no�do s�,Lender may require <br /> �m�xr�edi�.�e pa�men�in fu��of a�l sums se�ured b�r�his Se�ur�ty�ns�rument. <br /> �f Lender e�er��ses �his op�i�n, L�nder sha�� g��re Barrov�er no�ice of ac�e�eration. Th� not�ce shall prvvide a <br /> peri�d �f not �ess than �he n�.��imum number �f days estab�ished by Applicable Lav� from �he da�e the na�ice is <br /> delivere�. or mailed �ri�hin which Borrower rnust pay al� sums se�ured by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�. �f Borr�vver <br /> fai���a pay �hese sums pri�r �� the expzrat�on of�his period, Lender may �n�oke any remed�es per�m�tted by this <br /> Security�ns�rumen��w7ithou�fur�her no�ic�or demand�n Borrav��r. <br /> Borrower's IZight tc� Reins�ate. If Borro�ver �nee�s cer�ain canditi�ns, �3orrov�rer sha�� have �he r�gh� to have <br /> enforcement of this Se�urity�nstrument dis��n��nued a� any t�me pr�or to the ear�ier of: �a� 5 days (or such o�her <br /> peri�d a.s App�icable Law may specify for reinsta�e�nent�befare sa�e of the Pr�per�y pursuan��o any pov�er of saie <br /> con�ained in this Securit� �nstrument; �r �b} en�iry �f a j udgmen� enforcing �his Security Zns�rum��nt. Th�se <br /> cond���ons are that Borrower: �a} pays Lender al� sums which �hen v�auld be due under this Securit� Instrumen� <br /> and�he Nate as �f na accelera�ion had oc�urred; (b� cures any defaul� of any a�her cQ��nan�s or agreements; [c� <br /> pa�'s al�expenses in��arred in en�oxcing th�s Secur�ty�nstrum�n�,inc�uding,but no��iri�ited to,reasanable attorneys' <br /> f�es to th� exten�permitted by Iaw; and�d}ta�es su�h ac��on as Lender may reasariab�y require�a assure that�he <br /> �ien�f this Security�nstrument, Len�ier's r�ghts in the Proper�y and B�rrow�r's o��igat�on�fl pay��e sums secur�d <br /> by �h�s ��Curity �nstrument shal� c�n�inue unchanged. Upon r��ns�a�ement by Borrower, this Security �ns�ument <br /> and the obliga��ons secured hereby shali renlain fu�ly effective as �f no acce�era�i�n had oc�urred. Hovve�er, �his <br /> righ.t t�reins�ate sha��not apply�n�he case af a�celeration under the sect��n titled Trans�er�f the Property�r a <br /> Be�ef�cia�Intere�t�n B�rrower. <br /> Sa�� af Not� Change af Loan �ervicer. The Nv�e or a par��a� iriteres� in �he N�te t�ogether v�ith �his 5ecurity <br /> �ns�-un��nt�may be s�ld�ne�r�nore t�xnes vvithout pri�r not�ce to Borr�wer. A sa�e may result in a change in t�e <br /> ent��y ��snow�r� as �he "Lvan Servic�r"} tha� col�ec�s periad�c paymen�s due under the N�te and �h�s Security <br /> �nstrum�n�.Th�re a��o may be one or nzore chang�s�f th�Loan Servicer unrela�ed to a sale ofthe N��e.�f there�s <br /> a chang�of�he Loan Servicer,Borrov�er�vill be gi�en wr�tten noti�e of th�change�n aGcordance with the sec�ion <br /> �itled Nvtice� and Applicable Law. The notice wi11 sta�e �he name and address of the nevv L�an 5ervi�er and the <br /> address to whi�h pa�ments shoul� be made. The no��ce w��l also contain any other informati�n required by <br /> App�i�able L�.�v. <br /> Ha�ar�nus Substances.Borr�wer shal�n�t caus�or permit the presence, use,d�sposa�, storage, or re�ease af any <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�anc�s on or in the Proper�y.B�rr��er shal�not do,nor all�w anyone eXse�o d�,any#hing affecting <br /> �he Pro�er�y �hat is �n v�ola��on of any En�riranmenta� Lavv. The pre�eding�wa �en�ences shall nflt app�y ta the <br /> �resenc�,us�,�r storage on th�Praper�y�f snlall quan��t�es af Ha2ardous Subs�ances that are generaXly recogni�ed <br /> � to be approprxat�t�norma�residen�ial uses and to ma�n�enan�e�f t�e Property. <br /> Borrawer shall promp��y give Lender vvr�tten noti�e�f any ir�vestiga�ion,claim,clema.nd, lav�sui��r��h�r ac�ion by <br /> any go��ernmenta� or regulatory age�cy vr privat� parfiy in�o��ing th� Pr�per�y and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> En��ro�men�al Law of v�rhich Borrower has actua� knowledge. rf B�rrovs�er Iearns, or is no��f�ed by any <br /> governm�nta�flr regu�atory au�hority,tha�any rer�n�al or o�her rerned�at�o���f any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affect�ng <br /> the Property �s necessary, Barrower shall pra�nptly �ake all ne�essary remedial ac��ons �n accordance v�ith <br /> En�ir�x�menta�Lav�. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are�h�se substances defined as t��ic or ha�ardaus subs�ances <br /> b� Environ�x�en�al Lav�r and the follovsr�ng subs��nces: gasol�ne, kerosen�, Q�cher flamma��e or toxic petroleum <br /> products, �a�ic pes�icides and herbxcides, volat�le solWen�s, materials c�ntain�ng asbestas or f�rma�dehyde, and <br /> radiaac�xve materials.As used��this paragraph, "En�ironmen�al L�.w"means federal Iaws and laws flf the sta�e of <br /> Nebras�a�ha�re�a�e��heal�h,safe�y or�n�ironmental protec��on. <br /> Ac���eration; R�medie�. L�nder shall give no�ice ta Borrower priflr �o accelerati�n f�ilo�+ving BorrowQr's <br /> br�a�h vf any co�e�ant �r agreemen� in this �ecurity Instrun�ent �but nat pr�or t❑ acceleration under the <br /> C�20b4-20I3 Cvm�r�iance Systems,Inc.9F9d-AC79-20i3L2.fl.721 <br /> Consumer R�al Escate-5ecuri�y instrument DL2035 Page 4 of 5 <br />
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