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��14�3459 <br /> xnterest from.the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shal�be payab�e,vv�th�n�erest,upon notice firom Lender <br /> �o B orrower reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Mortgage InSurance. �f Lender requir�d m�r�gag� insura�.ce as a condit�on of rnaking �he Iaan secured by �h�s <br /> Security Instrument,Borrflvver sha��pay�he premiums required ta mainta�n�he mvr�gage�nsurance�n effect.�f,for <br /> any reason, the mortgage �nsuran��erage requ�red by Lend�r �apses ar ceases �� be �n effect, Bvrrflwer shal� <br /> pay the premiums requ�red �� ab�a�n co�erage su�bs�ar�txal�y equx�alen� t� �he mortgage �nsurance previously �.n. <br /> effe��, a� a �ast subs�antxally equtval�nt �� �he c�s� ta Sarrov��r of the m�rtgage insurance prev�aus�y i.n effect, � <br /> fram an a��erna�e mQrtgage�nsurer approved by Lender. �f substan�zaily equi�alent mor�gage insuran�e c��erage�s <br /> n�t a�ailab�e, Borravver shal� pay ta Lender each month a sum equal ta one--tweifth of�he year�y m.or�gage <br /> insurance premiun�being paxd by Bflrr��er when the ir��urance co�erage lapsed or ceased��be in effect. Lender <br /> w��� accep�, use and reta�n�hese payn�en�s as a loss reserve xn Iieu af rn��r�gage insurance. Loss reserve paymen�s <br /> may no ��nger �e requ�red, at �he op��on af Lender, �f m�artgage insurance coverage tin the amoun� and for the <br /> per�od�ha�Lender requ�res�prov�ded by an�nsurer apprfl��d hy Lender again beco�.es ava�Iab�e ar�t�is ob�a�ned. <br /> Borrav�er sha��pay�he prem�u�rns required�a maua�ain m�r�gage i.nsurance in eff.ect, �r�o prov�de a��ss reser�e, <br /> u.nt�l �he requir�am.ent f�r m�r�gage insuranc� ends i�n accordan�e wi�h any wrx�t�n agreement between Borrnvver <br /> and Lender or Appl�cab�e La�r. <br /> Inspection. Lender ar �t� agen�may make reas�na��e en�r�es up�n and inspect�ons �f the Property. Lender shall <br /> gx�e Barr�wer na��ce a�the t�me af�r prz�r ta an inspect��n spe��fying reas�nab�e cause f�r�he inspe����n. <br /> Condemnation. The pr�c�eds af any av�ard�r claxm for damages, d�rect ar consequential, �n Gonnec�ion wi�rh�any <br /> cvndemna��an ar o�her�aking Qf any part af�he Property, vr for conveyance �n �ieu of eandemna��on, are hereby <br /> as��gned and sha1�be pa�d�o Lender. � <br /> �n the event �f a�ota� taking of the Proper�y, �he proceeds shaXl be app�ied�� the sums secured b this Se�urx <br /> Y �Y <br /> Instrumen�, whe�her �r not then due, wi�h any excess paic� to B�rrflvver. �n �he even� of a par�ial taking of�he <br /> Property i.n which the fair market�a1ue �f the Property �mrned�ate�y bef�re the �aking �s equal to or greater�han <br /> th.e amount of the su�m.s secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument immed�ate�y befar� the �ak�ng, unless Barravver and <br /> Lender o�herw�s�agree in vvr�ting,the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument sha��be reduced b��he anlaunt flf <br /> the proc�eds m.ul��plied by the fo����ing fra���on: �a}�he tota�am�un�of the sums se�ured immed�ate�y before the <br /> �aking, d�v�ded by �b� �he faxr m�arl�e� value of the Praper�y immed�at�ly befare �he tak�ng. Any balance sha�� i�e <br /> paid to Borrflwer. �n the even�.af a par�ia� �aking of th� Pr�per�y itY v�hxch the fair market vaiue of�he Pr�p�r�y <br /> immedia�e�y befare �he taking xs �ess �han �he amount of�he sums secur�d �mmed�a�e�y befflr� �he, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender othe�-vv�se agr�e xn v�r��ing�r un�ess App��cable La�v o�herwise pravxdes, the pra�eeds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed�o the sums secured by this Secur��y Ins�rumen�whe�her or not�he sums are then due. <br /> If�he Pr�pert�is abandnned by Borrower, �r if, after na��ce by Lender t� BorraWer that�he c�ndem�nor�ffers�o <br /> make an av�ard or se�t�e a claxnz far damages, Borra�er faz�s ta respand��Lender��th�n�he min�mum number of <br /> days es�ab�xshed by Applicab�e LavW after the date the notice is given,Lender�s au�ho�rized to c�l�ec�and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� its op�ian, either t� res�oratian ar repa�r �f�he Pr�per�y or �a �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her�r not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and�orrvvver otiherwise agree in v�ri�ix�g, any app�ica�ion of proceeds�o prir�c�pa� shaX�not extend <br /> vr pastpane �he due da�e of�he payments referred �� �n the sec�ian t���ed Payment of Princ�pai and Inter�st; <br /> Prepayment and Late�harg�s or change the amaun�af such payments. <br /> B�rrnwer Nvt Reieased; �"orbearance By L�nder Not a ''�Vai�er. Ex�ens��n �f the �xme far payment �r <br /> mod�f ca��on of am�r��zat�on of�he sums s�cur�d by �h�s Securxty Instrumen� gran�ed by Lender�� Borrovver �r <br /> any succ�ssor �n �nteres� of I3�rrovver sha�� n�� operate t❑ rel�ase �he �xab�.li�.y of �he �r�gina� Borr�vver �r <br /> Borrower's su�cessors ir� �nterest. Lender shall no��e requ�red�o commence prflceed�ngs aga��s�any successor�n <br /> interes�ar refuse ta����nd�ir��e for pay�men�or athervvzse mod�fy amor��za�ifln af�he sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Ins�ru�nent by reas�n of any denzand �made �y �he or�ginal Borrower or Borrov�er's succ�ssors in �n�eresti. Any <br /> for�earance by Lender �n exerc�sixag any rxgh�flr remedy sha��no�be a wai�er of�r pre�iude the exercise af any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Succ�ssvrs and Assigns �vund; Joint and Se�eral L�ab�Ii�y; A��ommadation S�gners. The co�enants and <br /> agree�m.en�s vf th�s Security�nstrument shall bind and benef t�he successors and ass�gns �f Lender ar�d Barro�ver, <br /> subject �o the pr��is��ns af sectxnn t�t�ed Transfer of the Prop�rt� vr a Benef�c�al Intere�t in Bvrrawer. <br /> Borrflwerts c�venants and agreemen�s shaZ�be jflin�and several. Any pers�n�vha co-signs�hzs Secur�ty Ins�ru�en� <br /> but does no� exe�u�e �he No�� �T'Ac�ommoda�ion Signer"�: �a} xs co-signing this Securi�y �nstrumen� on�y tQ <br /> �nor�gage, grant and con�ey�ha�Accammodatxon S�g�.er's i..nteres�in the Property under the�erms nf the Security <br /> Ins�rumen�; �b� �s nat persona��y ob�igated ta pay�he sums secuxed by�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�;and�c} agrees�ha� <br /> Lender and any��her B�rrov�er�nay agree�fl ex�end,mod�fy, f�rhear�r rnake any ac�vmrn�da�xons v�i�h regard�o <br /> �he�erms of�his Se�urity Ins�rument ar the No�e without�ha�Ac�ammoda�zon S�gner's cansent. <br /> L�an �harges. �f�he loan �secured by �his Secur��y �ns�ru�.en�t is subjec� �o a �av� vvhich sets maxi.mum Xoan <br /> charges, and tha�Xavv is f nally �nterpre�ed so�ha��he �nteres�or o�her�aan charges cal�ected or�o be collected in <br /> connectifln vvi�h �he Ivan exceed the permit��d Iim��s, �hen: �a) any su�h �oan charge sha�� �e reduced by t�e <br /> amaun�necessary to reduce �he charge �o�he perm��ted Iim�ts and��b� any sums a�ready co�lec�ed fram B�rrvvver <br /> �hich ex�eeded permxtted 1im��s wi�� be refunded to E�rrov�er. Lender may choos� �o make th�s refund by <br /> �he principa� �wed under �he N��e or by ma�ing a direc� payment �o Barr��er. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,�he reduction wi.��be�rea�ed as a par�ial prepaymen�wi�hout any prepayrnen�charge under�he N�te. <br /> C��DD4-Z013 Campliance Systems,�nc.9F96-AC79-2413L2,0.72t <br /> Cansurrier Reat Estate-Security Instr�ment DLZ036 Page 3 aF 5 www.compiiancesystems,carri <br />
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