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��14�3459 <br /> sectian t��ied Transfer flf�he Property ar a�3enef�cia�Interest�n Borrflwer,un�ess AppxicabI�Law pro�ides <br /> otherwise). The not�ce shati spec�fy: �a� the defau�t; �b} the ac��on required ta cur� the defau��; [c� a date, <br /> not�ess than the minimum number of day� e�tab�ished by Appl�cab�e Law from �he da�e the not��e �s gi�en <br /> �fl Borr�wer, by wh�ch the default must b� cured; and (d] that fa��ure �o cure the defau�t an or before the <br /> da�e spec��ed in the n�tice may r�su�� �n acceieratii�n af the sums secured �y th�s Security Instrurnent and <br /> 5a�e flf th�Property. To the extent perm�tted by �aw, the not�ce sha�l further inform Borrower�f the r�ght <br /> tv reinsta�e after acceleratian and the right ta �r�ng a cvurt ac��on �o asser� �he n�n-ex�stence vf a defauxt <br /> flr any other defense of Borrvwer ta a�c�l�rat�on and sa�e. �f the default is not cured on nr befvre �he date <br /> specxf�ed �n the nnt��e, Lender at ��� �pt�an may requ�re �mmed�at� payment �n fu�i of al� sums secured by <br /> this Secur�ty Ins�rument w��haut further demand and rnay in�oke�he pavver vf sa��and any ath�r rem�dies <br /> perm��ted by App�ica��e Law. To the extent perrnx�ted hy �aw, Lender shal� �e en�it�ed �v c�l�ect a�� <br /> expenses in�urred in pursu�ng the remed�es pro��ded �n th�s Se���on, �ncluding, but not �im�fed to, <br /> rea�vnab�e attorney5' fees and casts af t�tie ev�den��. <br /> If the power of�a�e�s in�oked,TruS�ee shali recvrd a not�ce of defauit �n each caun�y �n wh��h any part�f <br /> the Propert� �� laca�ed and sha��mail�op�es of su�h no�i�e�n the manner pr�scr�bed �y Applicab�e Law to <br /> Borrflvver and to the other p�r�ans �re�cri�ed by App��cab�e Law. After the t�me requ�r�d by AppZ�cab�� <br /> Law, Trustee shalt g��e pubiic no��ce af sa�� to the persvns and in �he manner prescr��ed �� Appl�ca�le <br /> Lavv. TrusteQ,w�thout demand on B�rrower, shal�5e11 the Proper�y at pub��c auc��on �a �he highest h�dder <br /> at the t�me and p�a�e and under the terms designa�ed in the nv���e of sale in�ne�ar more parcels and�n any <br /> order Tru�tee determines. Trustee rnay postpane sa�e af alI ar any parce� of th� Pr�perty �y pub�ic <br /> announc�ment a�the�ime and p�ace�f any pre��ous�y schedu�ed sa�Q. Lender or its de5ignee may purchase <br /> the Pro�erty at any sa�e. <br /> TJpon r�ceipt of payment �f the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�I de���er to the purchaser Trustee's deed convey�ng <br /> the Property. The rec�ta�5 in the Trus��e's deed sha�� be prin�a facie e��dence of the tru�h vf the stat�ments <br /> rnade th�re�n. TruS�ee shai� apply the proce�ds Qf the sa�e in the fo��owing order: [a� tiQ al� cast5 and <br /> expense� �f�xerc�sing the power af sale, and the 5a�e, inc�uding the payment af the Trustee's fee� actual�y <br /> in�urr�d and reasonable a��arneys' fe�s a� perm��ted by App���ab�e Law; �b) �o ail sums secured by this <br /> Secur�ty Instrum�n�; and��j any�xcess�o�he persan vr�ersons lega��y ent���ed to�t. � <br /> R.econveyance. Upon payment of a�� sums se�ured by �h�s Securi�y Instrurnen�, Lender shal� request Trus�ee �o <br /> recon�ey �he Property and shal� surrender�his Secur��y Ins�rumen� and a1� no�es e� deb� secured by th�s <br /> S�cur�ty �ns�rument �a Trus�ee. Trustee shal� recon�ey �he Property ���houti vvarranty to the person or persons � <br /> �egally �n��tled to i�. Su�h persan or p�rsans sha�l pay any recorda�ion cos�s. L�nder �nay charge su�h persan ar <br /> persans a fee far rec���ey�ng �he Proper�y, bu� on�y �f�he fee zs paxd �o a third party �such as the Trust�e� far <br /> ser�zces rendered and�he charging of the fee�s permztted un.der App�xcabie Lav�. <br /> Substitute Trustee. Lender, a� i�s �p�ion, m.ay from�llne to time remove Trus�ee and appo�n�a suc�ess�r�rust�e <br /> t� a�.y Trus��e appoin�ed her�under by an xns�rumen�re�orded �n the couza�y in�h�ch�hi.s Secur�ty �nsi:rumten� is <br /> re�orded. �]L�z�h�ut c�n�eyan�e af�he Pr�perty,the su�cessor�rus�e�sha�l suGceed tio�a�X�he����e,power and�u��es <br /> cflnferred up�n Trus�ee herein and by Applicable La�v. <br /> Requ�st f�r No��ces. Bflnrov�er requests�hat cap�es of�he zaotice�f d�fault and sa�e be sent to Borrawer's addre�s <br /> whrch is�he Property Address. <br /> BY SI�N�NG BEL��, B�rro�er accep�s and agrees to the ter3ms and co�enants �an�ained �n al� pag�s of�his <br /> Security�nstrumen�and�n an�R�der executed by Borrower and recorded w�th�t. Sign��and s�aled by Borr�wer: <br /> , � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> = tSea�} �Sea�} <br /> James L Berr man Date - F ' `� t ;� �~ � <br /> Y M a r c�a A S e r r m a n I]a t e � <br /> � �� � <br /> Y � <br /> INDIVII7IJAL A�I�N�WLEDGMENT <br /> STATE�F NEBRASKA � <br /> ) <br /> �C]UNTY�F �IALL } <br /> The foregoing instrumen� vvas ackn�vvledged by J�am�S L Berryman and Marcia A Berryman, husband and <br /> w�fe,before me on May 31,ZD14.�n witness wher�of, e to set han and,if app�icabie,my officxa�seal. <br /> ,� 3 F � ." � ,� <br /> My comrn.zssion expires: 511�1�015 ':.� � <br /> � L�s Nlayer <br /> GEN��At.���TkRY-5�a�e o���b�a��ca Notary Pub�ic �. <br /> �� ��uA#�.�II�AYE� Ha��County,NE <br /> .... s....... My C��m.ExR.�ay�Q,�4�5 Iden�zf cation Number <br /> (�ffcia�Sea�} <br /> C�20q4-2a 13 Campliar�ce Systerns,Inc.9F96-AC79-Z013L2.�.72 i <br /> Consumer Reat Estate-Sec�zrity Instr�mer�t DLZ03b Page 5 af 5 www,cvmpIiancesysteans.cQm <br />