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� ��14�3445 <br /> In�pectivn. Lender ar �ts agent may nr�a�e r�asanab�� en�ries upon and �.nspec�ions of the Propert�. Lender shal� <br /> gi�e Barrav�er n�ti�e a�the tzme af or priar��an�nspectian spec�fyirag reasonable cause for the�n.spec��on. <br /> Condemnation, The praceeds of any av�rard vr claim for dar�ages, direct�r�onsequent�a�, �n connect�.on v���h any <br /> con�emnation ar�ther takmg of an�par� af the Pr�per�y, or for conveyance a�n �ieu �f cond�m�na��an, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> In�he e�en� of a�o�a��aking flf�he Property, �he pra�eeds shail be app�ied�o tihe sums secured by�hxs Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument, whe�her or not then due, with any excess pa�d �o Borrower. �n the even� of a par��al �aking of the <br /> Prflpex�y �n �vh��h the fair mar�e�value of the Proper�y �mmed�ateiy before the ta.king is equa�tfl or greater than <br /> �he arn�.ount of�he sums.secured by �hxs Se�urity �nstrument immediate�y before�he taking, un�ess B�rr�wer and <br /> Lender��hervv�se agree �n writ�ng,�he sums secured by this Security�ns�rument sha��.be reduced by�he amaunt af <br /> th�proceeds multip��ed by�he fallowing frac�ion: �a�the�ota�amoun�af the sums secured�mmed�ate�y bef�re th� <br /> tal�ing, d���ded by �b} the fair mar�et �a�ue of�he Propert� �.m�med�a�eiy b�fore �he tak�ing. Any baiance sha�� b� <br /> pa�d�o B�rrower. �n �he e�er�t of a�arC�a� tak�ng af the Pr�per�y �n wh�ch the fa�r marke�vaXue �f�he Prflper�y <br /> xmmedia�e�� before the �aking is Iess than the amount of the sums secured �mmed�a�ely before the takxng, un�ess <br /> Borr�wer and Lender otherwise agree x.n wrx��ng ar unl�ss App�xcab�e Lavv otherwise prav�des, �e praceeds sha�l <br /> be applzed to the sums secured�by th�s Security�ns�rument whether�r no�the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Proper�y �s abandaned by Bflrrov�er, or if, af�er no��ce by Lender to B�rrov�er�hat the condemn�r affers�o <br /> make an award or settle a c�a�m far damages, Borrvwer fai�s to resp�nd�a Lender�vx�h�n�he m�nimu�m nunzber flf <br /> days e��ablxsh�d by App�xca�ale Lavv after the date�he no�ice �s gi�en,Lender is autharized to�al�ect and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� its op�ion, exther �� res�ora��fln or repair of�he Pr�per�y vr ta the su�ms secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrunlen�,whether ar n��then du�. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrav�er o�herw�se agree in v�r���ng, any��on of proceeds to pr�nc�pal shall not ex�end <br /> ar pos�p�ne the due da�e flf�he payments due under�he�ontract or�hange�he amaun�of such payments. <br /> Borrower Not ReXeased; Fnrbearan�e Ry Lender N�t a Wa��er. Ex�ens�on of �he time fflr paymen� or <br /> mo di f ication o f amflrtxza���n of the sums se�ured by th�s Secur��y Instrument gran�ed by Lender�� Bvrrower or <br /> any successor in �n�eres� �f Borrovver sha�� nat opera�e to re�ease the �rab�Z�ty of the or�g�na� Borrower nr <br /> Borrower's successors in �n�eres�. Len�er sha�l nat be required to comtx�r.ence praceed�ngs aga�nst any su�cessor zn <br /> in�eres�ar refuse�a ex�end ti.�me for pa�men�or other�v�s�mod�fy arnar��za��on of the su�ns se�ured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen� by r�as�n of any dern�and m.ade b� �he ar�grna� Borrvwer or Borrower's successors �.n in�erest. A.ny <br /> forbearance by Lender xn exerc�sivag any r�gh�nr r�medy sha�l not be a wai�er�f or preclude�he exercise �f any <br /> rig��or remedy. <br /> Succe�s�rs and Assigns Bound; Jaint and Severa� L�ab���ty; Acc�mm�dation Signers. The c��enants and <br /> agre�ments flf�h�s Securzty�nstrumen�sha��b�nd and benefi��he successors and ass�gns �f Lender and Borro�ver, <br /> subjec� ta the provisions �f section ����ed Transfer af the Praper�y or a �3enef�c�ai Intere�t in Borrower. <br /> Barro�ver's co�enan�s and agr�ementis shal�be j�int and se�e�aX. Any persan who�fl-�s�gns�h�s Securif.y�ns�ru�nen� <br /> bu� has no persana� �iabilzty under the Cflntract �"Accom�.noda��on S�gner'{}: (a� �s cv-sign�ng �his Securi�y <br /> Instrum�n� oniy �o mor�gage, gran� and con�ey �hat A�commodation S�gner's �n�er�st �n the Pr�perty under the <br /> �errn� of �he �ecuri�y �nstrumen�; �b� is no� persona�Iy obl�gated �� pay the sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c}agrees�ha�Lender and any other Barrower may agree to extend, modify, �'or�ear or mak�any <br /> ac�am�m�da�z�ns w��h r� the�erms of t�.�s Se�ur��T Instrument or�he Con�rac��vithou��ha�Accfl�nmoda�i�n <br /> S�gner's�ansent. <br /> L�an Charges. If�he �oan secured hy �his Secur�ty Instru�nent is subject �o a Iaw �hzch sets max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat�a�v�s f na��y in�erpre�ed so tha�the �nteres�ar ather��an charges caZ�ected or to be�allec�ed�n <br /> cannect�an v���h the �oan exceed �he permi.tted l�mits, then: �a� any such ��an charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce �he �harg�ta�he per�mitted �imx�s and�b� any sums a�ready co�Xected fr�m B�rra�ver <br /> v�hich exceeded p�nm��ted lim��s vvil� be refunded ta B�nravver. L�nder may chovse to make �his refund by <br /> redu�ing the pr�nc�pal ovved.under the Cant�rac��r by makin� a d.irect paymen��o B�rrower. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,the redu��ion wii�be�reated as a par�ia�prepayrnen�under�he�ontrac�. <br /> Nat�ces. Any n���ce �� B�rroWer pro�ided for in this Security �nstrument sha�� be,gi�en by de���er�ng it ar by <br /> ma��i.x�g rt by f.rst class ma��un�ess ApplicabXe Lavv requires us�of ano�her me�had. The no��ce shal��e d�.r�cted to <br /> the Property Addr�ss or any;a�her address ��rro�ver designa�es by nvtice �o Lender. Sflrrovver agrees t� provzde <br /> Lender with Borr�v�er`s m4s�current mai�ing address, as i�rnay �hange from�tin�.e-t�-t�me. Any notrce �o Lender <br /> sha��b�gi�en by firs�class mai���o Lender's ad�ress s�a�ed here�n or any��her address Lender deszgna�es by na��ce <br /> �n B�rr�wer. Any n�t�c�pro��ded for in�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument sha��be deemed�o�a�e been given�o Bflrrovver <br /> �r Lender vvhen grven as prov�ded�n�h�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Lavv; Severab�li�y.Thxs Security�nstrumen�shall be governed by fed�ra�la�and�he�aws of�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n.�he e�en� �hat any pro�ision or c�ause af�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� t�r �h� Con�rac� c�nfl�ctis vv�th <br /> Appl�cab�e Law, such G�nfli�� sha�� na� affec� o�her prov�s�ans af this Secur�ty �nstru.ment �r�he Cantract�vhich <br /> can�e gi�en effe���vithout the�anfl�c�ing pravisiv�. T�thxs end�he provisions of th�s Security�ns�rument and�he <br /> Contract are dec�ared��be severab�e. � <br /> Borrflwer's��py.Borrower sha�I be g�ven one copy af this Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> Transfer Qf the Prflper�y or a Benef�c�aI Interest�n Barr�wer. If all�r any par�of�he Pr�perty or any�n�eres� <br /> in i� �s s��d ar transferred ��r �f a benef cxa� �nteres� in B�rrav�er �s so�d �r �ransferred and Borrav�er �s not a <br /> na�ura� persan� w�thout Lender's pr�or v�r��ten consen�, Lender may, at its opt�an, requ�re immet��a�e paymen� in <br /> Q 2��4-Zd I3 Comp�ian�e Systems,�nc.9F9G-451 f-2013L2.a.?Z 1 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2035 Fage 3 v�'5 . www.� <br />
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