<br /> Appl�cah�e Law. As used in this Secur�ty Instrumen�, the ��rm "Applicab�e La�v" sha1� mean all c�ntroll�ng
<br /> app�icable federal, sta�e and l�cal statu�es, regula�i�ns, �rd�nan�es and a�m�n�strative rules and �rders ��hat ha�re
<br /> the effect af law�as v��1�as a��app�icable fi�a�,��n-app�a�ab�e judicia�op�n�ons.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Bon ower sha1� pay aI� ta�es, assessmen�s, charges, f nes and impositions at�ributable �o the
<br /> Proper�y which may a�ta�n prior��y aver this Security�ns�ru�ent, and Ieaseh�ld payn�ents �r ground ren�s, if an�.
<br /> A�th�request of Lend�r,Sorrower shal�pramp��y furnish�o Lender rece�p�s ev�den��ng the pa�ments.
<br /> Borrawer shall pr4mptl� d�scharge any�ien which has priori�y over this Security�ns�rumen�u��ess Borrower: �a�
<br /> agrees in writing t� t�e payn�.ent of�he �bliga�ian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b}
<br /> con�es�s in good fa�th �he I�en by, or defends against enforcement �f th� 1�en xn, 1ega� praceed�ngs which �n the
<br /> Lender's flpinian operate t� pr��ent �he enforcemen� of the �ien; or (c� s�cures from �he holder of the lien an
<br /> agreernent satisfactory to L�nder subflrdina��ng the lien���his Security Instrumen�. If Lender de�ermines�hat any
<br /> par�of�he Pr�per�y is sub�e�t to a l��n which may at�ain priarity over this Securi�}r Instrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrawer a not�c� ide�at�fying�he lien. Borr�wer sha�l sa�isfy the �ien ar�ake one or mare af�he ac��ons set f�r�h
<br /> ab�v�vvi�hin ��days of�he gi�ing�f notic�.
<br /> IIazard or Property In�urance. Borrov�er sha�1�eep�he impro�emen�s n�vv existing or hereaf�er er�cted�n�he
<br /> Propert��nsured agairnst 1�ss by fire,hazards�ncluded vvi�hin the�erm"ex�ended co�erage" and any other hazards,
<br /> 1I7C�uC�1n� �aQCIS ar f�ooding; for vvhich Lender requires insurance. This insurance shal� be ma�nta�ned 1n the
<br /> am�un�s an�for the p�riods that Lender requires.The insurance carrier pr�vid�.r�g the insurance sha�l b�chos�n�y
<br /> B�rrov�er subject �o Lender'� approval vvhich shal� na� be unreasonab�y withheld. �f Borr�v�er fa�Is to ma�n�ain
<br /> cfl�r�rage described abo��, Lender n1ay, at Lender's vption, �b�ain Coverage to proteGt Lender's rights in �he
<br /> Property�n accordanc�w�th sectifln tit�ed Protect�on�f Lender's Rights in thQ Prap�rty.
<br /> AI� insurance pali�ies and renewals sha11 be a�cep�able to Lend�r a�d shal� �nclude a standard mortgage ��ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the righ�to hold�he po�icies and renev�als. If Lender requires, B�rrawer sha�l promp��y give to
<br /> Lender a�l receipts of paid premiun�.s and renewa�n�tices. Iri�he e�en�of loss, Borro�rer sha��g��e pr�mpt not�ce
<br /> �o�he�nsuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf of�oss if nat made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Len�er and Borr�wer othert�v�se agr�e in wri�ing, insurance proceeds shall �e app�ied tv restarat��n or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's so�e discre�ion, the res�orat��n or repair is ecanom�cal�y feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's securi�y is nat lesse�aed. If, �n Lender's sa�e dis�re#i�n, the restorati�n�r repair is not eGan��n�cally
<br /> feasible ar Lender's s�cur�t�would be�essened,�he i�rsurance proceeds sha�l be app�ied to�he sums secured by�his
<br /> Secur�ty Iristrument, whether �r no� �hen due, w��h any excess pa�d �o Borrower. �f B�rrovcrer abandons the
<br /> Proper�y,t�r does no��ns�ver vvithin the number of days prescribed by App�icable Lav�r as set farth�n a n��ice frflm
<br /> Lender�o Borrawer�hat the insuran�e carr�er has offer�d to sett�e a claim, �hen Lender rnay colZe���he insuran�e
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use th�proceeds to repa�r or res�are the Proper�y or�fl pay sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> �nstrument,vvhe�her or n�t then due. The per��d�f time for Borrower to answer as se�forth�n the n��ice wi��beg�n
<br /> v�hen�he nfltic��s g�v�n.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�hervvise agree iri wri�ing, any applica�xon�f proceeds ta principa� sha1�n�t ex�end
<br /> or postpone th� due da�� �f�he payxnen�s due under the Cantract or change�he amount of�h�payments. If under
<br /> #he section����ed Ac���erat�an; Remed�es, �he Prnp�rt� is acquired�b}�Lender, Borrovver's right to any�nsurance
<br /> policies and pro�eeds resulting fram damage �o the Pr�perfiy pr�ar to the a�quis��ion shal� pass ta Lender �o t�e
<br /> extent of the sums se�ured by this Se�urity�nstrumen��n�media�ely pr��r�a the acquisit�on.
<br /> Preservat�on, Main�enanCe and Prate�t�on �f the Property; Borrower�s Loan Appl�catian; L�as�hoids.
<br /> Borr�v�er shal�na�destray, damage or impair the Prop�rty, a11ow�he Pro�erty ta det�ri�ra�e, or cvmm�t vvaste �n
<br /> �he Pr�perty.Borrower sha�1 be in defau��if any fflrfe�ture action or pr�ceeding,wh�ther c�v�l or�rimina�,is begun
<br /> �ha� in L�nder's good faith j�dgment could resu�t in f�rfei�ure af�he Property ar otherw�se ma�erial�y impair the
<br /> �ien crea�ed by �h�s �ecurity Ins�rument ar Lender's secur�t� interest. Borro,wer may cure such a d�fau�� and
<br /> rei.n.state, as pr�v�ded in sect'ivn�i��ed Barrvw�r's Right to Reinsta��, by cau�ing�he ac�ion ar proceed�ng to be
<br /> d�sm�ssed with a rul�ng tha�, in Lender's good faith determina�ion,prec�udes farfeiture.of the Barro�er's interest in
<br /> �he Pr�per�y or flther �na�er�a� �mpairmen� �f�he lien created by this Security Instrument or Le�der's se�urity
<br /> interes�.B�rrower sh�.��also be�n defaul�if Borrower,during�he l�an app�i�ation pr�cess,ga�e�naterially fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate informatian or statemen�s to Lender �or fa��e� ta pro�ide Lender with a.ny rnaterial �nformation� in
<br /> c�nnect�on wi�h the loan e�idenced�y�he ��ntrac�. If this Se�ur��y �nstrument�s on a leasehold, B�rr�v`rer shal�
<br /> comply w��h all the pr�visi�ns�f the lease.If B�rrovver acquires fee ti��e ta the Prope�,�he leaseh�ld and�he fee
<br /> �it�e sha1�riot merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger in wr�t�ng.
<br /> Protecti�n vf Lend�r's Rights in the Prnperty. �f Barrawer fails to perform the co�enants and agreements
<br /> con�ained�n��s Sec�rity Inst�-ument, or�here�s a�egal�r�ceedir�g that may signifcantly affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> the Pr�perty �such as a pro�eeding in bankrupt�y, pr�ba�e, for conde�nnati�n or farfe��tur� �r to enforce laws or
<br /> regulatiflns}, th�n Lex�der may da and pay for v�ha�ever �s necessary ta protect the value af the Property and
<br /> Lende�-'s rights in the Prape�.y. Lender's act�ans�nay�nclude paying an�sums secured by a lien v�hich has priar��y
<br /> over�his SeCurity�nst-runzent, appearing in c�ur�,paying reas�nab�e a�tarneys'fees and enter�ng on�he Property to
<br /> make repairs.A1�hough Lender may take ac�ion under t�is sec��on,Len�er does nat have�o d�sa.
<br /> Any am�un�s dishursed by Lender under�his section sha11 become addi�ianal deb� of Borr�wer secured by �h�s
<br /> Securi�y �nstrument. Un�ess Borrovver and Lender agree �o ��her �erms of paymen�, th�se amounts sha�l bear
<br /> in�eres� fro�n the dat� of disbursement at �he same rate assessed on advances under the ��ntrac� and sha�i �e
<br /> payable,with�n�eres�,upon no�ice fram Lender ta Borrower reques�i.ng pay�ment.
<br /> �2004-2413 Cvmptiance Systems,Inc.9F96-4516-2D13L2.0.721
<br /> Cansurr�er Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.cvmptiancesystems.com
<br />