<br /> fu�� of ail sums secur�d �y th�s Se�uri�r Ins�rument. However, th�s op�i�n shall no� be e�erc�sed b� Lender if
<br /> ��er�ise is pr�hibited by federa��aw as of the date of#his S�cur�t�Iristrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises th�s op��on, Lender shall gi�e B�rro�rer n�tice af accelerati�n. The n��ice shal� pravide a
<br /> perxod of n�t less than �he minimum number af days �s�ablished by App�i�a��e Law from the date �he rio�ice �s
<br /> delivered flr ma�led vvithin which Borrower must pay a�l sums secured by �his Securi� �nstrument. If Borr��ver
<br /> fai�s�v pay ��ese sums prior.�o �he exp�ra�ion of this periad, L�nder may in�ol�e any r�medies pern�.�tted b}�this
<br /> Security�nstrument w��h�u�further na�i�e or demand fln Borr�wer.
<br /> B�rrawer's Right ta Rexnsta�e. �f Borro�ver meets certaxn cond��ions, Borra�er shal� have �he right �o have
<br /> enf�rcernen�of th�s Secur�ty �.nstrumen�disc�ntinued at any time priflr��the ear�ier�f: (a} 5 days �or such ather
<br /> periad as Applicable Law ma�specify far reins�atement�before sa�e of the Pr�perty pursuan�t�any power of sa�e
<br /> �on�ained �n this Secur��y �nstrumen�; �r ��b} entr�y of a ju�gment enf�r�ing th�s Se�urity Instrument. Those
<br /> condi�ions are thati Bvrrar�er: �a} pays Lender al� su�ns �hich �hen v�auld be du� u.nder�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and�he Contrac�as if�o acce�era�ion had accurred;(b}cures any default of any�ther covenan�s flr agreements;�c�
<br /> pays a1�expenses�ncurred in enfnrcing th�s Securit��nstru�ment,inc�uding,but no��im��ed to,reasonable attnrneys'
<br /> fees�o�he ex�ent perr�itted�y�aw; and(d�takes su�h actian as Lender rnay reasonabiy requlre to assure�hat the
<br /> lien of this Security Instrument, Lenc�er's righ�� �n the Properi.y and Borrflwer's obl�ga�ifln t�pa��he sums se�ured
<br /> by �his Secur�ty Instrument shall c�nt�nue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrov�er, �his Secur��y �ns�rumen�
<br /> and the �b�igations secured hereby shall remain fully effec�i�e as �f no acceleration.had o�curred. Ho�vever, thls
<br /> r�gh���reinstate shal�n��apply in�he case of acce�eratian under the section�i��ed Transfer�f the Property or a
<br /> B�neficial Interest in Borrvwer.
<br /> I-�azardous Substances.Borr�wer shal�not cause�r perm���he presence,use, disposal, storage, �r release of any
<br /> Ha�ardous Subs�an�es on or in the Proper�y.Barravver shall n��do,nar a�lovv any�ne�1se�a do,anything affect�ng
<br /> the Proper�y that �s in �rit�lation of an}� Env�ronmen�al La�. The preceding tv�ro sentences sha11 no� apply �o the
<br /> presence,use,ar storage on�he Property of small quantities of Ha�ard�us Subs�ances�aa�are genera�ly recogni2ed
<br /> t�be appropriate ta n�rma�residentzal uses and�o nlain�enance�f the Propert�.
<br /> B�rr�wer shal�promp��y gi�e L�nder writ�en n�tice of an�inves�tigati�n,C�a.1I71�demand,�a�suit�r o�her a�tion by
<br /> any go�ernrnenta� or regula�ory agency or priva�e parCy involving the Proper�y anc� any Hazardous Subs�ance nr
<br /> Env�r�nmental Lav� vf vsrhich B�rrower has actual kn�w�edge. If Borrower Xe�.rns, or is no��f�ed by any
<br /> govern�nen�al or regu�atQry au�hority,tha�any remo�al or other remed�ation�f any Ha�ardous Substance affecting
<br /> �he Property �s n��essary, Borrawer sha�1 promptly �ake aI� necessary remedia� actions in accQrdan�e ��th
<br /> En��ranmental Lav�.
<br /> As used�n�h�s paragxaph, "Hazardous Substance�" are those substances�lefned as to��c �r ha�ard�us subs�ances
<br /> by En��ronm.�nta� Law and the f411�v��ng substances: gasol�ne, ker�sene, o�her flammable or to�ic petroleum
<br /> products, t�xzc pes��c�des and herbicides, volatiie so�vents, ma�erials containing asbes�os or for�naldehyde, and
<br /> radi�act�ve ma�er�a�s.As used�n th�s paragraph, "Env�r�nmen�al La�v"means federa��av�s and�aws flf�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate to hea��h,safety or envira�men�al�ro�ection.
<br /> ACceleratian; Remedies. Lender shal� gi�e n��ice t� Borr�wer prior t� acce�erati�n follovvxng Borrawer's
<br /> hreach af any c�ven�nt or agr�ement in�his Security InStrumen�or the Cantract under vvhich ac�el�rat�on
<br /> is perm�tted�but nnt prior tn acceleratian under the 5ectfon tit)ed Transfer�f th�Prop�rty vr a Ben�fcial
<br /> Intere�t in Bvrrowe�, unless Applicable Law prv�id�s otherwise�. The n�tice�hall specify: �a� the d�fault;
<br /> �b� the action required to cure the defau�t; (c} a date, not less than th� minimum number �f days
<br /> estab�ished by Appl�cable L►aw from the date the notice is gi�en tfl Borrawer, by whic�i the default must�ae
<br /> cured; and �d} that fai�ure�fio cure the defau�t on or befor� the date specifi�d in the n�tice may result in
<br /> accelera�ion of �he sums secured by t�iis Security Ins�rumen� and sa�e vf th� Property. T� the �xtent
<br /> permitt�d by �aw, t�e not�ce shall furth�r infvrm Borruwer❑f the right to re�nstate after acceleration and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a court act��n t❑as�ert the non-ex�st�nce�f a defau�t vr an�❑ther defen�e of Borrower to
<br /> accel�ration and sal�. If�he default is not cured �n or befor�the date specif�ed in the natice, Lender at its
<br /> optxon may requir� i�nmediate payment in full of a�l sums secured by this S�curity Instrument without
<br /> further demand and[ may �n�oke the pov�er af 5ale and any ather remedies permitted by App�icable Law.
<br /> Ta the exten� p�rmntted by law, Lender sha�l be entit�ed to col�ect a�l expenses incurred in pursuir�g the
<br /> remedies pro��ded im this Section,inc�uding,but not�imited to, reasonable a���rney�' fees and costs�f title
<br /> e�idence. .
<br /> If the power of�ale is invoked,Trustee�hall r�c�rd a n�tice �f default in each county in which any part of
<br /> the Property is lacated and shal�mai�cop�es of such notice�n the manner prescr�bed by App�icable Law t�
<br /> Borr�wer and to th� other�pers�ns prescrib�d hy Appl��able Law. After the t�me requ�r�d by Appi�cable
<br /> Law, TruS�ee shal� �i�e pu���c notice af sal� to the persons and �n the manner pr�scribed by App�icable
<br /> Law. Trustee,without demand nn Borrawer,shal�se�l the Property at public auctian to the h�ghest bidd�r
<br /> at the t�me and piac�aad und�r the�erms designa�ed �n the nvt�ce of 5ale in ane vr more parcel�and�n any
<br /> �rder Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may �vstpvne sa�e of al� or any parce� of the Property by public
<br /> announcement at th�e time and place of any pr��iously scheduled saie.Lender�r its designee may purchase
<br /> the Pr�perty at any sale.
<br /> Up�n recQ�pt of paymQnt vf the price hid, Trust�� shall deliver to the purcha5er Trus�ee's deed con�eying
<br /> the Property. The r�citals in the Trustee's de�d sha�l �e pr�ma facie e�idence of�he truth af the statements
<br /> made therexn. Trus�ee shail apply the proceeds of the sa�e in the fol�o�uving �rd�r: (a} tn all costs and
<br /> expensQs of exercising the p�wer of sal�, and the sa�e, i�cluding the paym�nt�f the Trust�e's fees actual�y
<br /> �2444-2013 Carripliance Systems,Inc.9F96-45�6-2013L2.4.721
<br /> C�nsur�er Real Estate-Security Instrument)3L2�3d Page 4 af 5 w4v4�.complian�esystems.cain
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