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<br /> Home Federa�Sav�ng5&Loan Assoc�atia�t�f Home Fed�ral Savings&Loan AsS���ation�f
<br /> �rand Is�and �rand Is�and
<br /> �21 South Lo�ust Stree� �21 S�uth Locust S�reet
<br /> �Space A�o�e This Line Far Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN�R���NATC]R NAME: Lisa iVlayer :
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY II]ENT�F�ER: 445443
<br /> NMLS�R�G.INAT�R IDENT�FIER: 494��9
<br /> � �E�D .:._. ..�
<br /> ��" TRUST
<br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�"Securz�y Instrument"} �s mad� on.�une 4,ZU14. The grantor is�VAD�E WILLIBY,
<br /> A SINGLE PERSC]N, whase address �s 8�5 SV�EETW��D DR, �RAND ISLAND, Nebraska 6�SD3-�31Z4
<br /> �"Borr��ver"�. B�rr��ver is nflt necessar��y�he sam� as�he Person flr Persons vvha szgn the Hame Equity Line of
<br /> �redit Agreement,da�ed June 4,�414�"�antrac�"�.The ob�igati.ons af Borrovvers who did nat s�gn�h���ntract
<br /> are e�pla�ned fur�her �n �he sectran titled SucceSsor� and Assigns B�und; ,Ivint and Se�era� ��ab�x�t�;
<br /> Accommvdat�an S�gners. The �rust�e �s Arend R. Baack, Attflrney vvhose address is P.U. Ba� 79U, Grand
<br /> Is�and, Nebraska 5$S�� �"Trus�ee"�. The benefc�ary �s Home Federai Sa��ngs & Laan Assvciation �f Grand
<br /> Island, �vh�ch is�rgan�ze�a�ad exis�x�g under the �aws af the Un�ted Sta�es of Amer�ca a�d�vhose address �s 221
<br /> Sou�h Locust S�re�t, Grand Isiand, Nebras�a C88�1 ("Lender'��. WADE E WILIIIBY has entered inta a
<br /> ��ntrae� with L�nder as of June 4, Z414, under the �erms flf v�h�ch Borrawer �nay, frflm t�me t� �ime, nbta�n
<br /> advan�es not �o exceed, at any �ime, a ��''��VIA�IMU�VI PRINCI:PAL AM�UNT �E��Li�DING
<br /> PR�TE�TIVE ADVAN�ES)��x af Fi�ve Thausand and �U114� Do��ars �U.S. ;$5,�UD.U�� �"Credi� Limi�"�.
<br /> Any parCy xnteres�ed �.n. the de�a��s reia�ed to Lender's cantinuing ob��gation �� m.ake ad�ance� to Borro�uer �s
<br /> adv�sed�o��nsu��dire��Zy�nrith Lender. If not paid ear�ier,the sums v��ng under Borrovver's Can�ra��wxth Lender
<br /> vv�i�be due on June 15,��19. This Securzty�nstrument secures�o Lender: �a}the repayment of the debt under�he
<br /> �ontrac�, wi�h interes�, inc�u�.�.ng fu�ure ad�ances, and a�X renewals, ex�ens�ons and n�od�f�a�ions af�he �on�rac�;
<br /> �b}�he payment of a�i o�her sunzs, wi�� xnterest, adv�anc�d�o pro�ecti�he s�cur��y�f th�s Security�ns�runZen�under
<br /> the prov�sxons af�he sec��on t���ed Pratection flf Lender�s Rights �n the Pro�erty.; and �c� the perfflrmance af
<br /> Barrovver's co�enants and agreeme�a�s under th�s Security�ns�rumen�t and the Contract.Far th�s purpose,Barrov�er,
<br /> in consideration af the deb� and�he �rus�herexn crea�ed, �rre�acably gran�s and con�eys�o Trustee, in�rust, v��th
<br /> pa�er�f sale,tihe fflllav��ng descr�bed pr�per�y�oca�ed�n the�aUNTY vf HALI.�, S�ate�f Nebraska:
<br /> Ad�ress: 8�5 S�VEET���D DR,�RAND ISLAND,Nebraska 688�3-3I�4
<br /> Lega� Descript�on: L�T '��-IIRTY-T�-IREE �33}, WEST�V[l�D PARK SUBDIVISI(3N, IN' THE
<br /> T��ETHER W�TH al� �h� �.mproven�en�s novv ar h�reafter ere��ed an �he prvper�y, and a�� �asemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fixtures now ar hereafter a part nf�he praperty. AIl replacemen�s and addi��ons sha�l a�so be
<br /> �overed by this Secur�ty ��as�rument. A1� af the foregoi.ng �s referred to in this Securi�y Instru.ment as �he
<br /> '►Propert�."
<br /> B�RRaV�ER C�VENANTS that Borrower is �av�fu�ly seised of�he es�ate hereby con�eyed and has�he righ��o
<br /> gran� and con�ey th� Proper�y and tha� �he Proper�y �s unencumbered, excep� for en�umbrances of re�ord.
<br /> Borra�ver v�arran�s and �vx�� d�fend generally �he t���e �o �he Property against aI� claims and demands, subject ta
<br /> an��ncum�rances�f record.
<br /> BQrrovver and Lender c��enant and agree as fo��ov�s:
<br /> Payment af Princ�pa�and In�erest; �ther�harges.Bvrr�wer shal�pr�mp�Iy pay v�hen due the princ�pa�of and
<br /> in�eres�an the deb�aw�d under the��ntract and la�e�harges or any o�her fees and charges due under th��flntrac�.
<br /> C�J 2404-2d l 3 Compiiance Systems,Inc.9F9G-4516-24�3L2.0.721 :
<br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Security�nstrument DL2�35 Page 1 of 5 vv�ww.campIiancesystems.�vm
<br />