<br /> �n�he Proper�y and r�gh�s under th�s Securi�� Instrument; and �d}�akes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y requir��o assur�that Len�.er'� interest in�he Proper�y and rights under�his Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obliga�ion ta pay the sums s�cured by�his Security �nstrument, shall cont�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borr��rer pa� su�h reins�atement su�ms and expenses �n one or mare of the foi�awing
<br /> forms, as sei�c�ed b� Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c} cer�i�ed check, bank check, treasurer's ch�ck�r
<br /> cashier's check, pr��ided any su�h�heck is drawn upon an institu�ion whose depos��s are insured by a
<br /> federa� a�ency, instrumen�a�i�y or entity; or�d} Electron�c Funds Transfer. �.]p�n reinstatemen�by Borrow�r,
<br /> this Se�urity �ns�rurn�ent and obl�gations secured hereb�sha11 remain fully effec�i��as if no accelera�ion had
<br /> occurred. Hawe��r, �his r�gh�to re�ns�ate shal�not appl�in th�case of acce�era��on under Section �S.
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Not�: Change vf Loan Ser�ic�r; Natice of G�ie�ance. The N��e ar a par��a1 in�erest �n�he
<br /> No�e�tngether with this Securzty �nstrumen��can be so�d one or more ti�mes�ithou�priar natice to
<br /> Borrower. A sai�might�resul��n a change in�he ent�ty �kno�n as�he "Laan S�ruicer"} that co��ects Period�c
<br /> Paymen�s due under th� Note ar�d this Securit�r �nstruxnent and p�rforms o�her mor�gage loan se�-�ric�ng
<br /> �hligations under the No�e, this Security ins�rumen�, and App��ca��e Law. There also m�gh�be one or more
<br /> changes of the L�an Ser�icer unre�ated�o a sale of�he No�e. If�here�s a change�f the Loan Ser�ic�r,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be gi�en�vritten not�ce of�he change vwhxc�w�ll s�ate the name and address of�he new Laan
<br /> Serv�cer, �he address to wh�ch payments shou�d b�made and any other�nform�tion RESPA requ�res in
<br /> connec�ion w�th a�o���e�f transfer of serv�cing, If the Note is so�d and�hereafter the L.oan is ser�iced b�a
<br /> Laan Servicer other�han�he purchaser of�he No�e, the mortgage I�an ser�ricing o��i�at�ons�o B�rr�wer will
<br /> renr�a�n w�th the Lflan Ser��cer or be transferr�d�o a successor L.fla.n Servicer and are n�t assunr�ed by the
<br /> Na�e purchaser unless fltherv��se pro�ided by �he Note purchas�r.
<br /> Neither Borrov�er nor Lender xnay commence,j�in, or be j��ned ta any judicial action�as e�ther an
<br /> �nd��v�dua� �it�gant ar�he memh�r of a��ass}�hat ar�ses from the o�her par�y's actions pursuant t��h�s
<br /> Securi��r�ns�rum�n�or that alleges tha�the o�her party has�rea�hed an�prov�sion of, or any du��owed by
<br /> reason of, th�s Security �nstrumen�, un��l such Borro��r or Lender has notified the other party �v�ith such
<br /> notice given�n comp�iance w��h�he requir�ments af S�c�ian 15} of such a���ged br�ach and afforded the
<br /> o�her par�y hereta a reasonable period after�he giv�ng of such notice t��ake c�rrect��e ac��on. �f App�icahle
<br /> Law pr�vides a�ime per�od v�h�ch mus�elapse before certa�n act�on can b��aken, �ha��ime period v��ll be
<br /> deeme�.�a be reasona�ie for purp�s�s of�his para�raph. Th�not�ce of accelera�ion and�ppor�unity to cure
<br /> given to Borrower pursuant�a Sec�ion 22 and�he no��ce of accelera�ion given�o Borr�wer pursuant ta
<br /> Section �8 shail be d�emed ta sa�isfy th�n��ice and oppor�un�t�r to tak�c�rrec�i�e action pr��isions of th�s
<br /> Section 2D.
<br /> ��. Ha�ardous Substances. As used in this Sect�an 2�: �a} "�a�ardous Sr�bstances"are thase substanc�s
<br /> de�'�ned as toxic or hazardaus subs�ances, po�lutan�s, ar wastes by EnWironmen�ai Law and�he foliowing
<br /> substances: gasa�ine, ker�sene, �ther flammab�e or toxic petr��eum products, �ox�c pest�c�des an�herbicides,
<br /> �olati��solven�s, mater�als c�ntaining asb�stas or f�rma�dehyde, and rad�oacti�e ma�erials; �b}
<br /> ".L��virnr���zenta�La�v"means federa� laws and laws of�he jurisd�ct�on►�here�he Proper�y xs�oca�ed �hat
<br /> rela�e��heal�h, saf�ty or en�rironmen�al pro�ec�ian; �c} "Er�viron�nen�a� �teanr�p"includes any respanse
<br /> act��n, re�m.edia� action, or remova� ac�zon, as defined �n Environmental Law; and �d} an "Ertviro�ar��e��ta�
<br /> �'andition"rn.eans a cond���on that can�ause, con�ri�ute�n, or othervwise�rigger an�n�ironmen�al C�eanup.
<br /> Borrawer shai� n��cau��or permi�the presenc�, use, disposal, storag�, or release of any �3azardaus
<br /> Subs�ances, flr�hrea�en to release any Hazardous Substan��s, �n�r�n�he Proper�y. BQrrawer sha�� no�da,
<br /> nor allov� an�one�lse to da, anything aff�cting�he Praperty �a}thax is in�riola�ifln of any En�ironm�n�al
<br /> Law, �b} which creates an En�ironrnen�a��ond���on, or�c� v�hich, due to th�presence, us�, or releas�of a
<br /> Ha.�ardous Substance, creates a condition that adv�rse�� affec�s the va�ue af the Proper�y. The pr�ceding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-5+ngle�amity-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNl��RM INSTRt1MENT F�rm 3428�1�1
<br /> VMP�] VMPfi�NE���3D2f
<br /> Watters Klc�wer�inanciat Ser�ices Page i 3 af 17
<br />