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��14�3444 <br /> d�signated a subs�itute no�ic�address by na�ice to L�nder. Barrower sha�� promptly no��fy Lender Qf <br /> Borraw�r's change of address. �f L�nder sp�ci��s a procedure for repor��ng Borrow�r's change of addr�ss, <br /> then Barrower shati an�y rep�rt a chang�of ad�ress through tha� spec�fi�d procedure. <br /> There may be only one de�ignated no�ice address under this Security �nstrument a�an� ane time. An�natice <br /> to Lender shall be given�y d�li�er�ng �t�r by mailing i�b� firs�class mai� ta Lender's address stated herein <br /> un�ess Lender has des�gna�ed ano�her address by nQtice to Barr�w�r. Any notice in cannection wi�h th�s <br /> Secur��y �nstrurn�nt sha�� no�be deemed�o have been g�ven to Len�er unti� actual�y recei�ed by Lender. �f <br /> any notice r�quir�d�� th�s Secur��y Instrument is a�so requ�red under App��ca��e Law, the App�icable Law <br /> r�quirement wil� sa�isfy the corr�spanding r�qu�rem�nt under�h�s �ecuri�y Instrument. <br /> 7�, Go�erning Law; Se�erability; Ru[es of �onstruct��n. This Securi�y Instrumen�shal�be governed by <br /> federa� lav�r and the lav�r of�he�ur�sd�ctioz�in wh�ch the Proper�� �s located. Alx r�gh�s and ob���at��ns <br /> con�ain���n this Security �nstrum�nt ar�sub�e�t t� an�r requirernents and �im�ta�ions af Appiicable Law. <br /> App��cab�e Law m�.gh�exp�icitly flr imp��c�t�y a��o�v the par�ies�o agr��by carztract ar i�might be s�len�, but <br /> such s�lence shall n��b�cons�rued as a prohibi�ian aga�nst agreern�nt by con�ract. �n�he even�that an�r <br /> pravision or c�ause of this S�curit� �nstrument or the No���onf�icts w��h Apglicab�e Law, su�h�anflic�shali <br /> nat aff�c�other provisions of this Security Instrument ar�he Nate which can be giWen effect withou�the <br /> conflict�ng pro��s�on. <br /> A�used in this Securi��r�nstrurnent: �a}v�ard,�af the mascu��ne gend�r shal�mean and �nc�ude correspand�ng <br /> neu�er words or word�of�he feminine gender; (b}�vord� in the s�ngu�ar shall rn�ean and in��ude�he plural <br /> and�ice�ersa; and �c} �he word "may" gives sal�discr��ian wi�hout any abligation to take any action. <br /> �7. Barr�wer's �opy. Borro�ver sha�l be gz�en one c�py of�he N�t�and�f�h�s Securx�y �nstrument. <br /> '[8. Transfer ❑f th� Property or a Benefi�ia� �ntere�t in Borrawer. As used zn this Sec��on �S, "�nt�r�st �n <br /> the Praper��" means an� �egal or be�����al interest in the Praper�y, �n�lud�ng, but no�Iim.ited to, th�se <br /> benef��za� �n�erests transferred in a b�nd for deed, ��n�rac� for deed, instaliment sa�es cantrac��r escrow <br /> agr�ement, the intent af vvh�ch zs�h�transfer of��t�e b�r Borro�ver at a future da�e ta a purchaser, <br /> If all or any part of the Proper�y or any Inter�st in the Praper�y is s��d or transferred �or�f Borrower is not a <br /> natural person and a beneficial �nterest in B�rraw�r is ��Id or�ransf�rred}without Lender's pri�r writt�n <br /> consent, Lender may require�mmediate paymen� �n fu�� of al� sums s��ur�d by �h�s �ecurit� Ins�rument. <br /> Howe�er, th�s�p�ion sha��nat be exerc�sed by Lend�r�f such exerci�� is prah����ed�y App��cab�e Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this option, L�nd�r shall gi�e 8�rrower na��Ce�f acce�eratzon. The not�ce sha�� provide a <br /> period af nat le�s �han 3�days fram the dat��h�n�tice is given�n accordance wi�h Sec��an �5 withzn�h��h <br /> Borr�wer must pay alI sums se�ured by th�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen�. If B�rrower fails to pay th�se sums prior�� <br /> th�e�.piration af th��p�r�od, Lender may in��ke any remed��s permitt�d by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument wzthau� <br /> fur�her natic�or dernand on Borrower. <br /> 'i 9, Bvrrower's Rignt to Reinstate After Acce[eratian. If Barrawer meets certain condi�i�n�, Borrov��r <br /> sha��have�he right to ha�e enf�re�m�nt of th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�nt discontinued at an� tim�pri�r ta�he <br /> earli�st of: �a} five da�rs before sa�e of the PrQper�y pursuan��o any power of�ale cantazned in�h�s S�cur�ty <br /> �nstrument; �b} such other p�riod as Applicable Law m�gh�spec�fy fnr the termination�f Barr�vver's right ta <br /> reinstat�; or�c}�ntry of a judgment enforcing this Security �ns�rument. Thase condit�ons are that Barrower: <br /> �a�pa�s Lender all sums which then would b�due under this Security Ins�rument and the Note as if na <br /> acce�era��on had occurred; �h} cures an�defau�t of any other��venan�s or agreements; �C}pays ax� expenses <br /> incurr�d in enforczng �h�s Securz�� �nstrun�ent, �nc�ud�n.g, but not�imited�o, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property insp�c�ion and va�uat�on fees, and oth�r fe�s �ncurred for the purpose of pro�e�ting Lend�r's inter�st <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famity-�annie Masl�reddie Mac tJNIFQRM fhfSTR�M�NT �orm 3428�f0� <br /> VMP[� VMPfitNE1 413�Zf <br /> Wniters Kiuwer Financiat S�r�ices Pag�12 af'i 7 <br />