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��14�3444 <br /> s�ntences shall n�t apply tn the presen�e, use, ar s�arage on th�Prap�rty af s�na�� quant�t��s af Hazardous <br /> Substances that are genera�l�r recQgn�2�d t���appropr�at�to normal res�d�n��a�uses and to ma�ntenance of <br /> �he Frop�rty ��n�Iuding, but n���imi��d�a, hazardaus substances �n consumer products}. <br /> Borrower sha�l promptly�zve Lender wr�tten nat�ce of�a} any �nvestiga�zon, claim, de�nand, lawsuit ar other <br /> ac��on by any g�vernmenta� or regu�at�ry agency or priva�e par�y �n�o�v�ng th� Propert� a�d any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ance or Enviran�n�ntal Law of which Borrower has actual know�edge, �b� any En�ir�nmenta� <br /> �onditian, inciuding but not Iimited to, any spi�Iing, �eaking, discharge, rel�as��r thr�at�f r��eas�of any <br /> �azard�us Substance, and�c} any cand���on caused by th�presen�e, us�or re�eas�of a�azardous Su�s�anc� <br /> �uh�ch ad�erse�y affects the va�u�af�he Pr�per�y. �f Borr�wer�earns, or is n�tified by any go�ernmenta� or <br /> r�gula�or�au�hority, or any priva�e par�y, that any remo�a� or ather remediatian af any Hazardaus 5ubstance <br /> a��ecting the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower shall pr�mpt��take al�nec�ssary remed�al act�ons �n <br /> accordance wi�h Environmen�a� Law. Nothing herein sha�l crea�e an� obl�gat�fln on Lender for an <br /> Env�rnnmenta� ��eanup. <br /> Non�Uniform Cv�enants. Borro�er and L�nder c��enan�and agree as follows: <br /> 2Z. Ac���erativn; Remedi�s. Lender sha��g�ve not�ce to Barrow�r pr�or�o accelerativn fa��owing <br /> Borrower's breach af any co�enant or agr�ement in thi�Secur�ty Instrument �but not prior ta <br /> acceleration under Section 18 un�e5�Applicable Law pravides o�herwise}. The notice sha�l specify: €a} <br /> �he default; 4b� the actian required to cure�he defaul�; �c} a da�e, no�less�han 3�days fr��m the date <br /> the n�ti�e is gi�en to Borrower, by�vh�ch�he default rnust be cured; and 4d} �ha� fa��ure�o cure the <br /> defau�t on or before the da�e spec��ed�n�he not�ce may resu���n acce�erat�on of�he sums s�cured�y <br /> ��is Secur�ty Ins�rum�en�and sale of the Proper�y. The no�ice sha�i fur�her inf�rm Borro�ver af�he <br /> righ��Q reinsta�e af�er ac�el�ration and�he right tv bring a caur�action to assert th�nan-�x�st�nee af a <br /> defau�t ar any a�her defense of Barr�w�r ta ac���erat�nn and sa�e. If the�efault�s no�cur�d on or <br /> befor�the date spec�f�ed�n the not�ce, Lender at i�s ap�ion may r�qu�re imnr�edia�e paymen�in fu�I af <br /> a�l sunr��securec�by this Security Ins�rumen� �vit�out fur�her demand and may invoke the�o�ver vf sale <br /> and any o�her remed�es permi��ed by App�icab�e Law, Lender�ha��be entitled ta co�iec�ail expQnses <br /> ineurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 22, �nc�uding, bu�not�im��ed to, reasonable <br /> a��orneys� fees and cnsts of�i��e ev�denc�. <br /> If�he pvrvQr of 5ale is invakQd, Trustee sha�l record a natic�of default in each c�u�ty in which any <br /> par�af�he Praper�y is Iacated and shai�mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Appl�cable Law�o B�rrower and�o the�ther persons pres�ribed�y Appl�ca��e Law. After�he�inn.e <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trus�ee shal�g�ve publ�c not�Ce�f saie�a the persons and in the manner <br /> prescr�bed by App��cab�e I.�aw. Trust�e, w�thou� de�nand on Borrower, shal�sel��he Froperty at public <br /> auct�on�v�he h�ghes�bidder at�he�ime and piace and under the terms designated�n�he na���e of sale <br /> �n one or mare parc�ls and in any order Trus��e de�ermines. Trus�ee may postpan�sa��af a��or any <br /> parcei of the Fraperty by pubi�c announcement at�h���me and place of any previous�y schedu�ed�ale. <br /> Lender ar�ts des�gnee may purchase the Prope�ty at any saie. <br /> IJp�n rec��pt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deli�er���h�pur�haser Trus�e�'s deed <br /> c�n�ey�ng the Proper�y. The rec��a�s�n the Trus�ee's deed shall be pr�nla fac�e�viden�e of the truth af <br /> the��atem�n�s mad��here�n. Truste�sha��app�y the proceeds of tihe sale in the fo��arvin�order: �a} to <br /> ali costs and expenses of e�ercising the pajver of sale, and�he sa�e, inc�uding�he payment of�he <br /> Trus�ee's f�e5 actuaily incurred and reasonable a��orneys' fees as permi��ed by Appl�cab�e Law; (b� �o <br /> all sums se�ured by this Securi�y Ins�rumen�; and �c� any excess ta the person or persans�ega��y <br /> ent��led to��. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single FamiIy-�anni�MaelFreddie MaG UNt�C]RM�NSTR�MENT Farm 3028 11a� <br /> VMP� VMPfi4N���7 3�2� <br /> Walters Kluwer�inar►ciai Ser�ices Page'�4 af 17 <br />