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��14�3444 <br /> 1�. Barrower Not Released; Farbearance By Lender �V�t a Wairrer. �xtension of the time for paym�nt or <br /> modif�cation of amor�iza�ion af�h�sums secured b�th�s Securi�y �nstrunnen�granted�� Lender�o Borrov�rer <br /> or an�Successor in�nterest of Borrnvver sha11 no�aperate to release�he�iab��ity of Barr�wer or any <br /> Suc��ssors in �nterest�f Borrower. Lender shall nnt be required�o commence proceed�ngs aga�ns�any <br /> Successar�n�n�erest of Borr�wer or to ref use to ex�end t�me for paymen�or o�herw�se�mod�fy amortiza�ion <br /> af the sums secured b�r�h�s Security �ns�rument by reas�n nf any demand made by the original Borrow�r or <br /> any Successars in Interest of Borrov�er. Any farbearance b� Lender in exercising any righ��r remedy <br /> inc�uding, v�ithout Iimi�ati�n, I.�nder's acceptance of payxnents frarn.fhird person�, en�i�ie5�r SuCG�55�rS iri <br /> �nteres�o�Borro�rer or in amount�less than the amoun�then due, shall nat be a v�a��er�f or pre��ude�he <br /> exercise of any righ�or remedy. <br /> �3. Joint and Se�eral Liab�l�ty; Cv-signers; �uccessars and Assigns Baund. Borro��r co�enants and <br /> agrees that Borrower's ob��ga�ians and liab���t� sha11 be jo�nt and se�eral. Howe�ver, any Borrawer who <br /> c�wsigns �his Security �nstru�nen�but daes not execute the Note�a "co-signer"}: �a} is co--signing this <br /> Se�ur�ty �ns�rument�niy�o mor�gage, gran�and �on�ey�he co-signer's xn�eres�in�he Proper�y under the <br /> �erms of��is Securi�y�nstrument; �b� �s not personall�obligated�a pay the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�; and �c}agrees that L�nder and any other B�rrower can agree�o ex�end, modify, forbear or make <br /> any accommodations wi�h regard�o the�erms of�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�or the No�e w�thou�the co-s�gner's <br /> �onsen�. <br /> Subject�o�he pro�is��ns of Sect��n �S, any Successar in Interes�of Barrower who assume�Barro�er's <br /> ob�iga�ions under this Security �ns�rument in wri�ing, and�s appro�ed by Lender, shall obtain a11 of <br /> Borrower's rights and benefits under this Secur��� Ins�rument. Barrower shall no�be releas�d from <br /> Borr�wer's ob�igations and��ab���t�under�h�s Se�ur��� Instrumen�unless L.�nder agrees Yo such re�ease�n <br /> writing. The co�enan�s and agreem�n�s of th�s Se�ur�t� �nstru�nent shall bind�ex�ept as pro�ided in S�c��on <br /> Z�} and bene�t the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '[4. Loan Charg�s. Lender may charge Borrov�rer fe�s for s�r�ices performed �n connect�on with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of protectin� Lender's �n�eres��n th�Pr�per�� and rights u�der this Security <br /> �ns�rument, �nclud�ng, bu�n�� limi�ed�a, attorneys' fees, proper�y �nspect�an and valuation fees. In regard to <br /> any o�her fees, the absence of e�press author�ty in th�s Secur�t��nstrument ta charge a speci��c fee ta <br /> Barrou�e�shall n��be cnns�rued as a prohib�t�nn on the charg�ng of such f�e. Lender rr�ay not charge fees <br /> that are expressl�prohibi�ed by�h�s Securi�y �ns�rument or by Applicable Law. <br /> ��the Lflan is subject to a�aw wh�ch se�s maximum loan charges, and�hat�aw is �nal�� interpre�ed so�ha� <br /> the inter�s�or�ther�aan charges cfl��ec��d or ta be collec�ed �n connecti�n w��h the�,,�an exceed�he <br /> permitted�imits, �hen: �a} any such �oan c�iarge sha��be r�duced�y th�amoun�necessary�o reduce the <br /> charge to the perm�tted l�mit; and ��} any sums already coilected fr�m Borr�wer which e�c�eded permitted <br /> limi�s wi��be refunded to Borr�vv�er. I�nder may choose to make�his refund b� reducing�he princ�pal owed <br /> under the N�te or b�makin�a d�rec�payment to gorr�wer. �f a refund reduces principal, the reduction v���l <br /> be trea�ed as a par�ia�prepa�ment without any prepayrnent charge�vvhe�her or not a pr�payment�harge is <br /> pr��ided for u�ader�he No�e}. Borraw�r's accep�ance of any such refund made�y d�rect paym.en��a <br /> Borrower will cons�itut�a�aiver of any r�ght of a�t�an Borrow�r might have arising out af such o�ercharge. <br /> �5. Notices. A�I notic�s gz�en by Borrower or Lender in connectian v�i�h�h�s Securi�y �nstrument must be�n <br /> writing. An�notice�a Borrower�n�onnec��an with this Security In�trumen�shall be deemed to ha�e been <br /> gi�en to B�rrovver when mai�ed by �rs�class�maii ar vvhen ac�ua��y de���vered to Borr�wer's no�ice address �f <br /> s�n�b�r o�her nleans. Notice�o an�one Borrov�er shali const��u�e nn�i�e to a�� Barrowers uniess Appl�cab�� <br /> Law e�press�y requir�s ath�rw�se. The na�ice address shail be�he Propert� Address unl�ss Borrov�er�as <br /> NESRASlCA-Sinc�I�Family-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac LJNI�ORM INSTRUM�NT �arrn 3028 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPC�N��[13a2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!5�r�ic�s Page 1 1 of 17 <br />