<br /> sa���fa�tian, pr�v�ded�hat such in�pec�ion sha��b�under�aken prampt�y. L�nder may pay for th�repairs
<br /> and rest�rat�an�n a sing�e d�sbursemen�or�n a s�r�es of pragr�ss paymen�s a�the wark is comp�e�ed.
<br /> Un�ess an agreement �s made�n wr�t�ng or App��cab�e Law requ�res �nterest t�be pa�d an such
<br /> M��ce�lan�ou� Proceeds, L�nder sha��no��e re�u�r�d to pay B�rrawer any �nter�st ar earn�ngs on suGh
<br /> M��cellane�us Proceeds. �f t�ae res��ration or repair is no�econQmically feasib�e ar Lender`s security wouid
<br /> �J���55�I7�C�, the Miscellaneou� Praceed�shall be applied�o the sums secured b� this Security Instrumen�,
<br /> whether or nat then due, wi�h�he excess, if any, paid�o Bnrrow�r. Su�h Miscellan�ou� Praceeds shall be
<br /> appli�d �n�he order pravid�d far in Sectian�.
<br /> �n the event of a�o�al taking, destruct�on, or loss in va�ue of the Propert�r, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shail
<br /> b�applied ta the sums secured b�this Security Instrument, whe�her or not then du�, with the ex�ess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrow�r.
<br /> �n the event of a par��a�tak�ng, de�truc�xon, ar�oss �n valu�af th� Pr�per�y in�vhich�he fair rnarl�et vaiue af
<br /> the Praper�� immediately before the partia� tak�ng, des�ructian, or lass in Wa�ue is equai to or great�r than th�
<br /> am�unt of�he sums secured by �his Securi�� Instrument immediate�y befor�the partial taking, destruct�on, or
<br /> loss �n�a�ue, unl�ss Borrower and�ender otherwise agree�n wri�ing, the sums secured�y�h�s Securzt�r
<br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced�� �he amount of the M�sce��aneaus Proceeds mu�tip��ed by the fo�Io�ving
<br /> fraction: (a} �he t�tal amoun��f the sum�s�cured immedia�ely befare the partial taking, d�s�ructian, �r loss
<br /> in�alue�.i�ided by �b}the fair market�alue af the Praper�y immediately befor�the part�a� tak�ng,
<br /> des�ru�t��n, or�oss �n va�u�. Any balan�e sha��be paz�.�o Bnrra�er.
<br /> �n the ev�nt of a par��a�ta.k�ng, destruc�ian, or�oss zn.va�ue of the Praper�y�n v�h�ch th�fair mar�et value of
<br /> the Pr�per�y immediately bef�r�the par�ia� taking, d�struc�ion, ar Ioss in value is l�s� than�h�am�unt of the
<br /> sums secured immediately bef�re the partia� �aking, destru�ti�n, or loss in va�ue, untess B�rrav�er and
<br /> Lender otherwzse agree�n wr�t�ng, th�Misce��aneou� Praceeds sha��be appl�ed�o the sums secured by this
<br /> Se�urity �ns�rument whether�r no�the sums ar�then due.
<br /> If�h�Property is aband�n�d�y Barrov��r, or�f, aft�r noti��by L�nder t� Barraw�r that th��ppasir�g Party
<br /> �as d�f�ned in th�nex� �entence} affers to make an award�� settl�a claim f�r damages, Barrnw�r fa��s to
<br /> respond ta Lender with�n 34 days aft�r the da�e�h�n�t����s gi�en, Lend�r�s au�hori�ed t�co���ct and apply
<br /> th�N��sce��aneaus Proceeds either�o res�arat�on or repa�r af�he Property ar t�the�urns secured b�th�s
<br /> Secur�t� �nstrument, whether ar not then du�. "C3pposing Par�y" �neans the third par�y that owes Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds ar the par�y against v�hom B�rrower has a righ�of action in regard to M�scel�aneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borr�wer s�a��be �n default zf any actinn�r prac�eding, wh��her c�v�� or�r�m�na�, �s begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, c�u�d result zn fQrfe��ure af the Proper�y or other materia� impairm�n�of Lender's interest in the
<br /> Praperty ar rights under this Securi�y �ns�rument. Borrower can cure such a defau�t and, if acceleration has
<br /> accurred, reinsta�e as pr���d�d in Sectian �9, by causing the ac�ion ar proce�ding ta b�dismissed with a
<br /> ru��ng that, �n Lender's judgmen�, precludes forfeiture of the Prnp�r�y or other mater�al impa�rmen�of
<br /> Lender's �n�erest zn the Proper�y or rights under this S�cur��� �ns�rument. The praceeds of any award ar
<br /> c�aim for dan�ages t�a�are attr�butab���o the �m�pairment�f Lender's in�eres� in the Proper�y ar�her�by
<br /> ass�gned an�sha�l �e paid to Lend�r.
<br /> A�� M�sce��aneous Pr�ceeds that ar�no� applied to res�orat�on or repa�r of�h�Prflper�y sha�l be applied in the
<br /> ard�r pro��ded for zn Section 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�ni�MaelFredc�ie Mac tJNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3��8 1lQ�
<br /> VMP� VMP�4N�][1302}
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Finan�ial Se��i�es Page�D vf 17
<br />