<br /> If Len�.er exercises this op��on., Lender sha��g�.�e Barro�rer not�ce�f accelera�on. The nat�ce sha.il provide a
<br /> periad of no��ess than 3 U days frarn�he da�e�he not�ce xs ga.ven i.n accardance���.h Sect�on l�5 within wh�ch Borrower
<br /> mus�pa�all su.rns secured by this Securit�r Ins�u�ment. �f Barrav�er faiis ta pa��h.ese su�ms prior to fihe expiration of
<br /> this p�rio�., Lender may in�ake any remedies perm�.tted by this�ecur�ty Instrument withou�fur�her no�ice or deman�.
<br /> an Borrower.
<br /> 19. Borrawer's Ri�ght to Reinstate�fter Acce�erat�.on. �f Borrov�rer mee�s certai�n.condi.tion�, Borrower shall
<br /> ha.ve the r�gh�xo ha�e enforcement af this Secur�t�In.s�rurn,ent dxscon�inued ar any�ime pr�or to the ear�ies�of: (a}
<br /> f��e d.ays hefore sale of the Property pursuan�to a�a.y power of saie conta�i�.ed in this Securx�y I�si�men�; {b� such
<br /> ather perind as Applicable Law might specxfy far�the termi.na�ion of B�rrower's right�o reinst�.te; or(c} en�of a
<br /> judg�nent enforc�.g th�s Securrty Ins�rument. Those cand�tions are�ha�Borrower: �a}pays Lender ax�su�as wh�.ch
<br /> then would he due un.der this Securi�y Instru.men�and the No�e as if no accelera��on had occurred;�b}cures a�.y default
<br /> of any other co�enan�s or a�reemen�s;�c}pa}�s all expenses i.ncurrec�in enforci.�g�his Secur�ty Instrumen�, includi.rxg,
<br /> bu�not�im�ited to, reasox�.ab�e attorneys' fees, praper�y i�pec�.on and valua�ion fees, a.n.d other fees�.ncurred for the
<br /> purpose of pro�ec�aa.g Lender's interes�it�the Property and r�ghts un.der�us Secur�ty In.s�rument; and�d}ta,kes such
<br /> action as Lender may reasonab�y require to assuxe t.hat Lendert s in�eres��an.the Property and r�gh�s under this Security
<br /> In.stru,men�,and Barrower's ob��gat�on to pa��he surns secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�, shall cvnxinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require�hat Borrav�er pa�r such reinstatement sums an.d expenses in.one or more of�.he fox�ov�.g farms,
<br /> as se�ec�ed by Lender: �a}cash;�b}money order;�c}certified check,bank check,�reasurer's check or casha.er's check,
<br /> provided any such checi��s drawn upon axi rn.st�tu�.on whose depos�ts are i�.sured by a fe�eral agenc�,instru.men�ali.�y
<br /> ar en��ty,�r(d}Elecironic Funds Transf�r. Upon reinstatement by Borro�er,th�s Securxty Ins�ru�ment and ob�iga�ions
<br /> secur�d hereb�r shall remain fu�ly effectxve as if no acce�erat�on had occurred. Ho�v�rever, xh�is r�gh�to reinstate sha11
<br /> n.o�app�y in�he case af accelera��on ux�der Section �$.
<br /> Z�. Sa�e of N'ote; Change af Loan Ser��cer;Not�ce of Grie�ance. The Note or a partia��n�erest in the No�e
<br /> ���geth.er w�th.this Securit�r Insfirument}can be so�d one ar mare ti.mes v�ra.�h.ou�pr�or x�atice to Borro,c�ver. A sale m�ight
<br /> result�n a change in�e ent�ty�knovv�n as�.ie r'Laax�.Ser�ricer"}�ha�collec�s Per�ad�c Payments due under the Note
<br /> and�v.s Secu.r�ty In.strumen�and perfarms o�her rnor�gage Ioaan.ser�icing obliga�ions under�he Note, �h.�s Security
<br /> �nstr�u�nent, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more chan.ges of�he Loan Searv�cer unre�ared�o a sa.Ie
<br /> of fihe Nflte. If�here�s a cha�nge of�he Loa�.Ser�icer,Borrower�r��x be given written na�ice of the change which wil�
<br /> sta.te�h.e name and address of the new Loa�a.Ser�xcer, f,h.e address�o wbich payments shauld be made ax�.d ax►�other
<br /> �nformat�an RESPA requ�res in connec�ion wi.�h a notice of�ransfer of serv�cing. If the Na�e is sold and th.ereafter
<br /> the Loa.n is servi.ced by a Loan Ser�xcer other than�he pu.rchaser of�he Na�e, �he mortgage�aan servrcing obliga�ions
<br /> �a B�rro�rer wi.�I rema.in with the I�oan Ser��cer or be�ransferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and ar�nv�assum�d
<br /> by the Nate purchaser unless o�herwise pra�rxded by�he Note purcha.ser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor Le�der may commence,j ou�., or be j orned to a.n.y jud�cxal action�as e��her an.i.n.d�vi.dua�
<br /> litigan�ar�ie member of a class}�.iat arxses from�.ie oxher pa,rty's ac�ions pursuan�to th�s Securi�y Instrumen�or�ha�
<br /> alleges�hat the a�.ier part�has breached any provision af, or any duty awed by reason af, fi�.i.s Secu.r�ty Ins�rument,
<br /> un���such Barrower or Lender has notifxed the other party(wxth.such notice given in carnpl�aa�.ce w�t.h.the requ�remen�s
<br /> of Sectxon. �5}of such al�eged breach and afforded f�ie a�her par�y here�a a reasan.able period after�he g'�ving of such
<br /> not�ce to take correc�.ve action. �f AppXicab�e Lavv provzdes a time period vvhich must e�apse befare certa.xn action
<br /> can be �en, fiha.� time per�od ���1 be deemed to b� reasonable for purpases of�hi s paragraph. The no��ce of
<br /> accelera�ion and opportunity �o cure gi�en to Bnrrower pursuant�a Sec��ox�22 aa�.d�he not�ce of acce�eration gi�ren
<br /> to Borrower pursua.n��o Sec�.an �.8 shall be deemed to saxisf�r�he nox�ce and opportun.ity �o take correc�ive action.
<br /> pro�isions of#his Sec�ion 2�.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used�n �s Sec�t���.21.: �a} "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances
<br /> defin.ed as�oxic or hazardous substiances,palluf,an.tis, or was�es by En�i.ronmental Law and�he follawing substan.ces;
<br /> gasaline, kerasene, ather f�ammab�e or tnxic pe�ra�eum produc�s, toxic pes�xc�des and herbicides, valatile sa��ents,
<br /> ma�t�rzaxs can�a.�ni.�g asbes�os or farrna�dehyde, and radio�cx�ve ma�er�als; �b} "Envirvnmentai Lav�" rneans federal
<br /> iaws an.d la�s of the�urxsd�c�.on where�he Prop�rty is ioc�ted xhat re�a�e�o health, safet�r or en�riranmenta�protec�xvn;
<br /> �c} "Environrne�.�a� �leanup" �nc�uc�es any response act�on, remedial actiion, or remo�al act�axy as defined in
<br /> NEBRASKA 5ingle Fami�y�Fannie IIIIaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT � MERS �����
<br /> Form 302 8 '�14� Page �1 of 15 ww�w.doerrtagic,m►rr
<br /> I
<br /> r � r
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