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��14�3357 <br /> un.der#his Secu.rity Ins�rumen�un�ess Lender agrees to such re�ease i.m The ca�enants and agreemen�s of th�is <br /> Secuarity Ins�rumen.�sha��hind{excep�as provided in Sec�xon 2U} and bene�r�he successors and assigns flf Lender. <br /> 14. Laaa Cha.rges. Lender ma�charge Barrav�er fees for serv�ices performed in connection vsrx�hh.�rrawer's <br /> defau�t, for �he purpose of proxectin.g L�nder's interesti in �he Property and righ�s und�r fhi.s Secur�ty Ins�ru.ment, <br /> inciuding, bu�not Iimi�ed ro, at�orne�rs' fees,property inspec�.on and�ra�ua.tion fees. In regard to any o�her fees,�he <br /> absence of express autharity in thxs Secu.rity Instrumen�to charge a specx�c fee to Borrawer shall�.o�be construed <br /> as a prohibitian on tihe charging of such fee. Le�.der rn.ay nox charge fees that are express�y proh.ibited by th�s Security <br /> Ins�ru�ment ar by Applicable Law. <br /> If�.i�Loa,�is subjec���a Iaw which se�s max.imurn laan.chaxges, a.n.d tihat�a�v is fi�n�.11y interpreted so thar�ie <br /> i�a�.�erest or other �oa�charges ca�iected�r ro be co�lec�ed in connec�ion wif.h f.he Loan exceed the permitted�imits, <br /> �hen: �a}a.ny such xoan cha.rge shall be reduced by the amoun�necessar�r�o reduce t.�ie charge to the permitted Iimit; <br /> �nnd�b} any sums a�ready col�ec�ed from Barro�v�rer which exceeded perrnitted Iimits� he refunded ro �rro�rer. <br /> Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing�h.e principal o�v4red under�he Note or by making a direc�t payment <br /> ta Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, �he reduct�o�. �rix� be �reat�d as a par�ial prepayrnent wi�thhauti an�r <br /> prepayment charge�whether or nox a pr�paymenx charge xs pro��ded for under the Note}. Borrovirert s accep�ance of <br /> an.y sueh refund rnade by direc�paymenx to Barra�ver wi�1.cans��xu.te a wa�ver of a.n.y righ�af ac�ion Borrower migh� <br /> ha�e ar�saun.g aut of such overcharge. <br /> 15. Notices. A1I notices gi�en by Borrawer ar Lender in connect�on�v�th this Secur�ty Instrumen�mus�be in <br /> wri�a�n.g. A�.�not�ce ta Barro�ver in.�ox�a.ect�o�.��th thi.s Securx�y Ins�ru�ment shall be deemed to ha�e been gi�en to <br /> �rrovv�er when rna.��ed b�first class ma��or�vhen actually delx�vered ta Bnrrawer's notice address�f sent by o�her <br /> means. Notice to any ane Borrov�rer shall cons�itute notice�o aI1 Borrowers un].ess Applicab�e I�aw express�y requires <br /> n�hea�ise. The nat�ce address shall be the Property A+ddress unl.ess Borrower has des�gna�ed a subs�itute norice <br /> a.ddress by�.a�ice�o Lender. Barrower sh.all promp���nntxfy Lender of Barrov�rer's change of a.ddress. If I�ender <br /> spec��.es a proceduze for reporting Borrav�reri s�hange of address,�hen Barrower shall onl�repar�a change of a.d.dress <br /> �hrough tha.t spec��ed procedure. There may be only one des�gna�ed�.o��ce address under �his Security Insi�u.ment <br /> at a.ny one ti�me. An.y no�.ce�a Lender shall be gi.�en by deliverin.g��or by mailing i�by firs�class ma�l to I.ender's <br /> address sta.�ed herei�.uxil.ess Lender has des�gnated ano�her address by no�ice�o Borro�rer. An�no�ice in connec#ion <br /> with this Securi�r Ins�rumen� sha�l not be deemed to ha�re been gx.ven to Lender un�i1 actuall�received by I�e�.der. <br /> xf an� not�ce requ�.red by th�s Secur�ty Instruna�.e�.� �s axso requared under App�icab�e Law, the �pplicable Lav�r <br /> requiremen��i�i sat�sfy�he correspond�ng requiremen�under this Secur�ty Insl��. <br /> 16. �o�ernYng Lav+v; Severab�ii�ity; Rules of�vnstruction. This Securit�Ins�rumen� sha��be gv�erned by <br /> federallaw and�.he lav�af�.he jurisdictiian in�vhich the Property is�oeated. A1�righ�s and obligat�ons�ed i.�. <br /> thi.s Securxty Ins�tumen�are subject to an�requirements and limitat�ons of Applicab�e Lavv. Applicable Lav�r might <br /> explici�iy or �mplicit�y a11ow fihe part�es �o agree by con.trac� or �� might be silent, but such si�ence shail not be <br /> construed as a prahibi�ion against agreement by contracx. In rhe e�enr thar any pro�rision or clause of tha.s Securx�y <br /> Instru.ment or�he Note conf�i.c�s wi�h App�icab�e La�v, such canfl�c�shal�not aff�c�t o�her pro�isions�f thi.s Securzty <br /> Instruxn.en�ar the Note which can be g�i�ren.effect vv�th�u�the eonflicting pro��sxan. <br /> As used in.this Security Insi:ru.ment: �a}word.�af the masculine gender shall mean an.d in.c�ude <br /> neu�er wards ar v�ords of the gender; �b}words in�h.e sing� sha���..d i.n.c�ude the plura�and�ice <br /> versa.; and�c�the�v�rord"may" gi.�es so�e discret�o�.�v�thout aan.y obl�gation to�ake a.r�y action. <br /> 1?'. Borrower�s�opy. Borrower shal�be g�.ve�one copy of�the No�e and of�his Security Ins�-ume�.t. <br /> 1 S. Transfer of the 1'raperty or a Beneficxa�Interest in Borrawer. As used in this Sec��on 1 S, "Interesx i�.�a. <br /> the Froperty" m�ans any Iegai ar benef�cial intere��in the Property, Yncluding, but nat limi.ted�o, �a.ose�eneficial <br /> in�eres�s�ransferred i.n a bvnd far deed, contract for deed, ins�al.Imen�sa�es can�rac�or escro�v agreemen�, the in�ent <br /> af�crhich is�he transfer of ti�1e�y Barrower a�a future da�e to a purchaser. <br /> If all or ax�y part of the Praperty ar any Interest in�.ie Praperty is so�d or tra.nsf�rred�or�f Borra�er�s nut a <br /> natural p�rsvn and a benef ciai in�eres�ian.Borrower xs s�Id or ixansferred}v�r�.thou� Lendert s prior wri�ten consent, <br /> Lender may require xnamedi.a�e payment in fu11 of a1�sums secured by this Security Inslrurnent. Ho�re�er, th�.s op��on <br /> sha��no�be exercised by Lender if such exerc�se is pr�hibx�ed by Appl�cable Lavv. <br /> NEBRASKA Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F4RM INSTRUMENT- MERS ,����� <br /> Form 3D28 11D 1 Page '!0 of '�5 www►�rr <br /> [ � � <br /> � <br /> � � <br />
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