<br /> �
<br /> En�iranmenta.I Law; and �d} an "Env�ara�nm.��.tal Canditian" rneans a canditxan Y.�iat caan cau.se, con�ribute to, �r
<br /> ofiher�ise trigger an En�ironmenta.� �leanup.
<br /> B�rrower shaxX no�cause ar permit the presence,use, dxsposa�, storage, or re�ea.se of any Hazardous Sub��ances,
<br /> or xhrea�e�.to reiease any Hazardous Suhstan.ces, on or ian the Property, Barrower sha11 not do, nar allow an.yone e�se
<br /> to do, any�hin.g affec�.ng �he Proper�r �a} thati �s in v�olat�on of any �nviro�mm.ent�al Law, (b} which creates an
<br /> Env�ronn�ataen�a� Condi�ion, ar �G} �rh�ch, due to �he presence, use, or release of a Ha.zardous Substa.nce, crea.tes a
<br /> candi�ion tha� ad�erse�y affects �he value of the Property. Th� precedittg two senten.ees sha11 not apply �a �he
<br /> presence, u.se, or s�orage on the Property of sma��qua�.ti��es af Hazardaus Subs�an.ces that are generall�recognized
<br /> to be approprxate to normal residentia� uses and to ma�ua.�e�anc� af the Property �inc�udin.g, but not lixxuted �o,
<br /> hazardous subs�ances in consumer prvduc�s�.
<br /> Borro�rer shal�prompt�y give Le�.der wri�ten notice of�a}any investigation, claim, demand, �a�vsuit or o�.ier
<br /> ac��o�by any governmental or regulatory agency or private par�y ira�oiv�.g the Property and any Hazardous Subs�ce
<br /> or En�ronmen�a.1 Law af v�rhich Barrower has actuai knowledge, �b}any Environmenta.��ondi�ion, inc�ud�.ng bu�not
<br /> 1irni�ed �o, a.ny sp�Iling, Ieaking, discharge, reZease ar threax of re�ease of any Hazardous Substance, and �c} a�.y
<br /> condi�ion caused by�.ie presence,use or re�ease of a Haza3rdous Substaan.ce which adverse�y affec�s the va�ue of the
<br /> Property. If F3orrower lear�.s, or is notif ed�y an�go�ernmen�a.1 or regulatary au�hority, ar any private party, fihat
<br /> any removai ar other remediat�an af any Hazardous Subs�arice affec�ing the Property�s necessary, Barrov�er sha�x
<br /> prom�t�y take a�I necessary remedia�ac�ions in accordance with Environ.menta.I Law. No�h�.n.g herein shalx crea�e any
<br /> ob�iga�ion on Lender for axi En�ironrnenta.� ��eax�up.
<br /> N[]N-UN�F�3R� CC3VENANTS. Barro�ver and Lender fi,�r�her co�enant a�n.d agree as follows:
<br /> 2Z. Acce�eration; Remedies. Lender shall g��e noti.ce to Borrower prior ta accelerat�on follawing
<br /> BorrawerT s breach of any ca�enant or agreement in this Securi.ty Instrument�but not pr�.or to acce�erat�on und�r
<br /> Section 18 un�ess Applicabxe Law pro�v�ides otherwise}. The nvtice shall spec�ify: (a)fhe default; �b}the act�on
<br /> required to Cure the default; [�)a date, not�ess than 30 days from the date the not�ce�s g��en ta Borrower, by
<br /> vWhich the defau�t must be cured; and�d}that fail.ure to cure the defau�t on or before the date spec�ed ia the
<br /> nvt�ce may resuxt in acc�leration of the sums secured by tbus Secur�t�Instrument and sa�e of the Froperty. The
<br /> not�ce shall further inform Barrower of the r�ght to reYnstate after acceleration and the r�ght to bri�ng a court
<br /> ac�ion to�ssert the non-exi.�tence of a defau�t or any other defense of Borrower to acceierati�on and sa�e. If the
<br /> defau�t�s n�t cured on or before the date specif�ed i�a th�noiice, Ilender at its opt�on may require�mmediate
<br /> payment ia full af al� sums secur�d by thi� Security Instrument wYthout further demand and may ia�oke the
<br /> power of sa�e and any other rem�dYes permitted by Applicab�e Ilaw. Lender shall be entitled ta collect all
<br /> expenses incurred in pursui�ag the remed�es provx.ded xn th�s Section 22,Ync�uding, but not Iimited to,reasonab�e
<br /> attorneys' fe�and costs of titYe e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sale Ys�nvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defauYt Yn each county in whfch any part
<br /> of th�Properfiy Ys located and shaYY maYY copies of such natice in the manner prescribed by ApPlicable Law tv
<br /> Borrower and to the ather persons prescr�i��d by Applicable Law. After the t�me requ�red by Applicabie Law,
<br /> Trustee shall gi�e public notice of sa�e to the persons and in the manner prescrYbed by Applicab�e Law. Trustee,
<br /> w�thout demand on Borrov�ver, shalY seiY the Property at pu�lic auction to the hYghest b�dder at the time and
<br /> piac� and under the terms desYgnated Yn the notice of sale in one or more parceYs and �n any order Trustee
<br /> determ�nes, Trustee may pastpone saie of aYl vr any parceY of the Proper�.y by public announcement at the iime
<br /> and pYace flf any pre�iousl� sChedu�ed sa�e. L�nder ar�ts designee may purchase tbe Property at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the pr�.ce b�d, Trustee shall deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Property. The recitaLs Yn the Trustee�s deed shall be prima facie e�idence of the truth of the statements
<br /> made therein. Trustee shall appYy the proceeds af the sa��in the following order: �a}to aY�c�sts and expenses
<br /> of exerczsing the power of sa�e, and the sa�e, YncYud�ng the payment of the Trust�e�5 fees actually incurred and
<br /> reasonable attorncys' fees�s permitted by ApplicabYe Law; tb)to all sums secured by th�s Secur�.ty Instrument;
<br /> and[c} any excess to the person or persons�egally ent�tled to�t.
<br /> NEBRASKA Sing�e Fami�y�-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F4RM INSTRU11tIENT- IVIERS �����
<br /> Form 3��8 �1D'� Page '12 of 15 www.doerr�agic.com
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