<br /> In�he e�rent of a to�al takin.g, destruct�ax�, or xoss in value of�he Prop�rt�, the M�s�e�la.xa..eous Proceeds shai�be
<br /> appiYed to the sums secured by thi.s Secur�i�r Tnstru.men�, whether or no��h�n.due, �r�th the excess, if a�.y, pa�d to
<br /> Bvrrower.
<br /> In the e�ent of a par�ial�aking, des�ruc�ian, ar ioss �n vaiue of�he Proper�y ua.�rhich�he fair marke�value af
<br /> �the Property imxaa.edia�ely before�he partia�taking, destru.c��an, or�oss in value is equal to vr grea�er�han the amoun�
<br /> of the sums secured by�us Security Insi:rurn.ex���m�rn.edia�ely befor�the partiai t�in.g, destruc��on, or Ioss in va�ue,
<br /> unless Borrov�rer and Lender o�hervvise agree xn writing,�ie sums secured l�y fihi.s Secur��In.strument sha1�be reduced
<br /> by xh,e amount af f.�ie Miscellanevus Proceeds mult�plied by fihe fol�vwing frac�ion: (a}fihe t��a.�amoun�of the sums
<br /> secured immed�atexy before�he par�ral ta.�ing, des�ru��ion, ar Xoss in va�ue di��ded by�b}f.he fair market�alue of�he
<br /> Property�mmecli.ate�y b�fore t�he partial taking, dest�uc�ion, or Ioss in�a�ue. Any balance�hall be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In�he even�of a par��al�aking, destructio�., or �oss ia�.�alue af the Property in wbich the fa�r maxketi�alue of
<br /> �he Proper�ty�mxnediately b�fore the par�ai takin.g, destruc��on, or loss in va�ue is�ess�han.�he amaunt of�he sums
<br /> secured xmmed�ate�y before�.he partial tak�n�, destructia�., or�oss in�ralue, unless Borrower and Lender o�herwise
<br /> agree in v�rit-�.�ag, the M�sce�xax�.eous Proceea�.s.s sha1�be applied�o fih.e sum.s secured by�his Securi�y L�strument whe�.her
<br /> or nat�he sums are then due.
<br /> If the Proper�y�s abandoned by Borr�wer,ar if, after no��ce by Lender to Borrower�ha�the Dpposing Party(as
<br /> def ned in �he next se�.�ence} affers �o ma.ke an award to settle a c�ai.m for damages, Borrower fa��s �a respond�o
<br /> Lender uri�un.3U days after�he da.�e�he not�ce�s gi�en., I�ender Ys authar�zec�..to collecr and app�y�he Miscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds ex�her to resxora�ion ar repair of�.he Praper�y ar�o the sums secured by this Security Inslruument, whether
<br /> ar n�t�thhen due. "appasin.g Par�tyt' mean��he tihird par�y that av�res Borrower Misceilaneous Proceeds or the party
<br /> agai�.s�whom Borrower has a right af action in regard�o M�scel�a.neous Proceed.s.
<br /> Borrower shall be in defaul�if any ac��or�or�rnceeding, vcrhe�.h�r civi� ar cri.minal, �s begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, cauld result in.forfeiture of the Prop�rty ar other materza��mpa�.rmen�of Lender's in.�erest in the Pro�erty
<br /> �r r�g�i�s under th�s Secur��Ins�ruxn.ent. Barro�ver can cure such a default aa�.d, xf acce�eration has accurred,reuista�e
<br /> as pro�ided in Sec�ion �9, by causing the ac��on or proceeding to be dismissed wx�h a ruling fih.a�, in LenderT s
<br /> judgment, prec�udes forfeiture of the Property or oth�r material impairment of Lenderr s�nteres�in the Propert�r or
<br /> rights under�hi.s Securxi�Ins�en�. The proceeds of any awaxd or c�aim for dam.ages�hat are at[ributab�e�o�he
<br /> impairment of LenderT s in.�erest ian.the Property are hereby assigned and shall�e paid to Lender.
<br /> A1I Miscellaneous Proceed.s that are not applied.�o restarai��on ar repair af�he Praper�y shall be applied ir��he
<br /> order pro�ided for�Section 2.
<br /> 1 Z. Borrow�r Not ReleaSed; F�rbearance By Lender Not a�a�ver. Ext�n.sxan of the ti.me for�a�ment or
<br /> modi.�catxon of amor�iz�tian of�h.e sums secured by�hi.s Security Ins�nen�gran�ed by Lender to Borrov�er or any
<br /> Successor in Interest af Borrov�er shall n.at opera�e�o re�ease�he Iia�i��ty af Borrower or any Successors in.I�.teres�
<br /> of Borra�ver. Lender shall na�be required�o commence proceedi�n.gs again.s�a,ny Successor in In�erest of Borro�er
<br /> or to refuse �o extend x�me for paymen� or o�her�vise mod�fy amor�i.za�i�n of�he sums secured by �his Securit�
<br /> Ins�rument by reason af any dem.aa�d ma.d.e by�he ariginal Borrower or any Successars in I�terest of Borrower. Any
<br /> forbeaxance b� Lender i�x�.. exerc�sing a.ny right or remedy includ�aag, vv��.hau� Iimitation, Le�.der's accep�rice of
<br /> payrnents frorn third persons, ent���es or Successors in Interest�f�orrov�er or it�amounts less than the amoun��.hen
<br /> due, shall no�be a waiver af or preclude the exer�xse�f a�a.y right or remedy.
<br /> 13. Jo�nt aad Se�eral L�iability; Co-signers;Successors and Assi�gns Bound. Borro�vFrer ca�enants a.nd agrees
<br /> �hat Barrower's ob�iga�ion.s and�xab��xty sha.11 b�j oi�xa.t a�.d se�reral. However,an.y Borrower wha ca�s�gns�this Secu.rity
<br /> ��rument but does no�execute the Na�e�a t'ca-s�gnert'}: (a}is co�sig�un.g thi.s Security Ins�rume��o�a.�.�to mor�gage,
<br /> grant and convey �he cowsxgner's in�erest in. �he Propert�r under �he �erms of xhis Security Ins�rument; �b) is nor
<br /> personaily obl�ga�ed �o pay the sums secured by�us Security Ins�rument; and�c}agrees xhat Lender and any ather
<br /> Borrower Can agree ro extend,modify, farbear or make a.�.�accommodations�ith.regard tn�ie terms of f,hi.s Securi�y
<br /> Ins�rumen�or the Note wifihau� the co-szgnert s cor�sen�.
<br /> Subj ect to �he pro�is�o�.s of Se�tion 1 S, an�r Successor in Interest af Bflrrower who assumes Bnrrower`s
<br /> abliga�ians u.nder th�s Security Lnstrurn.en.�aaa�wr�ting, and is appraved by Le�.der, shall obtai.n all of Borrov�rer's righ�s
<br /> and benefi�s under�his Security Instrument. Borrawer sha��noti be re�eas�d�rorn Borrow�r's abligai��on.s an.d liability
<br /> NEBRA5K�4 S�ngle Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac �NIF�RM INSTRUMENT� MERS �����
<br /> Form 3�28 1101 Page 9 0# '�5 �vww.doc�a���.c.om
<br /> �
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