<br /> Yn5�3�Ctlflp. Lepder ar its agen� may maice reasonable en�ries upon and inspec�ians of�he Pr�per�y. Len�er shali
<br /> �i�e Barro�ver notice at�he��me of or pr�ar ta an�nsp�c�ion spec�fy�ng reasanab�e cause far�he inspec�ion.
<br /> C�ndemna��on. The proceeds of any a�ard or c�a�m for damages, direc��r consequen�ia�, in�onnectian v�ri�h ariy
<br /> condemnation or ather takin� af any par� of�he Praperty, or for con�eyanc� �n lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid�o Lender.
<br /> �n the even� of a �otal �aking of the Proper�y, the proce�ds shall b� applied�o the sums se�ured by �his Securxty
<br /> Ins�ru�-nent, whet�er or not thep due, wi�h any excess paid to Borrov�er. In �he e�ent af a par�ial ta�Ynb of the
<br /> Praperry in which the fair �r�arket Waiue of�he Properfiy imm.ed�ate�y befor� the �ak�ng �s equa�ta ar grea�er�han
<br /> �he amaunt of�rh�e surns secured by �his Security instrum�nt immediate�y before the �aking, unless Barro�ver and
<br /> Lender ot�erwise a�ree �n v�-itinb,�he sums secur�d by�his Security �nstrumen�shall be reduced by�he amoun�af
<br /> �he proceeds mu�t�p]ied by�he fallovving frac��an: �a}the tota� amaunt of the sums secured immediateiy befare the
<br /> �akin�, divided by �b� �he fa�r �narket �alue flf�he Proper�y im��nediate]y befare the takin�. Any baiance shaI� be
<br /> paid to Borrower. In �he e�ent �f a partial tal�.inb of�he Praper�y in whi�h the fair market �alue of�he Proper�y
<br /> immedia�ely befare the takin� is l�ss �han �he amaun� of the sums secured immed�ate�y before �he takin�, unless
<br /> Borrower and Lender�therwise a�ree �n w��i��n�or unless App�icab�e Law atherwise pra�ides, the praceeds shalI
<br /> b�applied ta the sums se�ur�d by thzs Se�uz-ity Inst�umen�whether or not the su�ns are�hen due.
<br /> If the Praper�y �s abandoned by Bflrr�wer, or if, after no�ice by Le�der�� Borr�wer�ha��he condemnar offers to
<br /> make an award ar se�Ie a claim for dama�es, Bflrrawer fails ta respand ta Lender within �he minimum number�f
<br /> days estab��s�ed by AppI�cable Law after th� da�e�he notice is�iver�, Lender is au�h�r��ed�o coi�ec�and apply the
<br /> praceeds, a� �ts option, either t� r�storat�on or repair of the Pr�per�y ar �o the sums secured by �h�s Security
<br /> �ns�rumen�,whether or no��hep due.
<br /> U��ess Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in writing, any app�ica�i�n of proceeds t� principa� sha�1 nat extend
<br /> or pos�pone�he du�da�e of�he payments due under the�antrac�or change�he amnunt�f such paymen�s.
<br /> Barrawer No� Released; Forbearance Sy L�ender No� a Wai►ver. Extension �f �he ti�ne for payment or
<br /> mnd�fca��on af amortizatian of�he sums �ecured by �his Securi�y Instrumen� grarited by Lender �o Bar�-o�uer or
<br /> any succ�ssor in in�erest af Borrov�er shaIl na� opera�e ta release �he liabilrty �f �he origina� Borrower or
<br /> Borro�ver's successors in interes�. Lender sha�l no�be required to�ommence proceedings against any successor�n
<br /> interest or refuse��extend time for payment flr otherwise modxfy amor��zatian of�he sums secured by th�s Securi
<br /> �Y
<br /> Ins�rumen� by reasan of any demand made by the ori��nal Barrflvver or Borrov�er's sucGessors �ri �n�erest. A�
<br /> Y
<br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any r��ht or remedy shal� nat be a waiver af❑r preclude �he exercise of an
<br /> y
<br /> right ar remed�.
<br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound� Jo�nt and Se��ra� L�ab��ity; Accommodatx�n Signers. The c��enan�s an�i
<br /> a�reemen�s of this Secur�ty Instrument shall bind and benef��the successflrs and assigns of Lender and B�rr�wer,
<br /> subject to �he pro��sions tif section ti�led Transf�r of th� Propert� or a Bene�cial �nterest �n Borrov�v�er,
<br /> Bor�r�vver's covenants and agreemen�s sha�1 be j oint and se�era�. Any persan wha co-s��ns this Securi Instrumen�
<br /> bu� has na persona� �iabiii under �he Contra�� "Ac •� }, , �
<br /> �Y � commflda��on Si�ner �. �a� �s co--szgmxn� �h�s �ecurxty
<br /> �nstrumen� on�y �o �no�rt�a�e, grant and co��v�y �hat Accom�nodatian S�bner's �nteres� �n �he Pro e under �he
<br /> p �Y
<br /> ter�ns af �he Securi�y In��r��men�; �b� �s ��ot personaliy ab�iga�ed t� pay the sums s�cured by this Securit
<br /> Inst�u���en�s a��d �c} a�rec� L:�a� Lender and any��her �3a�-rower ma aaree to �xtend modi �
<br /> Y � , fy, farbear or make any
<br /> accommod�.�i�ns �,v��� �egard tF� the�erms of this Secu�-ity Ins�rument or�he �antract withou��hat Accommodation
<br /> �i�ner's cor�s����.
<br /> Loa n Ch a r-��s. �f {:f�� �oap s�.��_.;�;._;.� ���� th is Securi�y Ins�rurnent is subj ect �� a lavv wh�ch se�s maxim�um �oan
<br /> char�es, and tl��t 1 a vv �s f na[�,:� ;�:�;:R:�,��-�t�d so �hat�he �nt�res� or�ther �aan char�es ca�l�cted or�o be co�lect�d in
<br /> c�nnect�on vvith ����y �o�.p ���;;:�.��t =:;�.� ��ermi��ed limits, then: �a� any such laan charbe shall be reduced b the
<br /> amaun� nc=����:-;����-y t{� ������ �}��. y;z�F.-E��1 �o ���e permit�ed l�mits and b an sums a�read c i �
<br /> -- � � y y � �ected firom Barrov�er
<br /> which �xcc;��3�d p��-����ed li���i�� �,���� be r�efunded t� Borro�ver. Lender may choose t� make �his refund
<br /> by
<br /> reducing th� �:�,-���c�p��( ��:���d ������� i���� C�ntract ar by makin� a d�rec� paymen��� Borrower. If a refund reduce
<br /> s
<br /> pr�ncipa[,�he r�d����i��� r,�,i 1� ���trea€�ci ����� �ar�ial prepaymept under the Con�rac�.
<br /> No��ces. A��y ��c3��cc io �flrrovwer pi-�}���.i���� f�r �n this Secur�ty Ins�ru�nent shail be ���en b del'
<br /> b y ��er�ng �� or by
<br /> ma�li�� i�by �i�-st ���;s r-r����� ;.�nless App�ic:L�����c� Lavv requires use of another meth�d. The nat�ce shal�be directed to
<br /> t�e P�-oper�y �.dd�•css o�- ar��� c��he�• ��t�dress Borr�wer designa�es by no�ice to Lender. B�rrower a�rees �o ro��d
<br /> Lender vv�th Bor�rawe=.-'s mos� cur�-�=,�t tr���Iing address, a� it ma chan�e from t�me-� - ' � � �
<br /> Y � o tYme. Any not�ce to Le�der
<br /> shal�b��i�ep by firs�ciass mail to I.�.���:i��-'s address stat�d here�n or any o�her address Lender desi�na�es b na�i
<br /> � y ce
<br /> �o Borrovver. Any no�lce pro�ided �#�r- ��� t��i� 5ecurifiy �ns�ru�nen�sha�l be deemed �o ha�e been�Yven to Borrower
<br /> �r ender whe�� ��ven a� pravzded ��� t���s p������rap��.
<br /> �
<br /> Go�erning L�aw; Severab�iz�y.T���� Securi�yf 1��5t�-��ment shalI�be�o�err�ed by federal �avv and the�aws of�he state
<br /> of Nebraska. In the even� �ha� anr� �-�c�c�wision o�- c���use of this Security Ins�rumen� or �he �on�ra�t conf�icts vvi�h
<br /> Applicable Law, such confll�� sh���� �7c�t affec� o����:�• pro�is�ons of this Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen� or th� �fln�ract vvhich
<br /> can be given effect v�i�hau�the ca���=�ic:t�r��pro��sion. T��his end�he prflvis�ons of�his Securi �ns��umen�and�he
<br /> Con�ract are dec�ared�o be se�e�-E�����.
<br /> �Y
<br /> B�rrower's�opy. Bor�•ower sl�z��� ���.��i��n�ne copy of�his Security �nstrumen�.
<br /> Transfer vf th� �'r�perty or a ������c�f'i���a� In�eres� in gorrower. If aI� or any par�af�he Pro e or an interes�
<br /> � �Y Y
<br /> �n i� �s sold ar �r•�.n�#'��t°4� ��� if a �e��ficial interes� in Borrovver is sold ar transferred and Borrflvver is no� a
<br /> na�ural person� vv�th�u� �,��der's priQr writ�en consen�, Lender �nay, at i�s ap��on, require �mmedia�e a men� �n
<br /> PY
<br /> C 240�-24 i 3 Compiiance 5ystef�s,f r�e,9F�G-440�-20]3 L?.0.7�t
<br /> C�nsumer Re�l Estate-Security Instri�mer�t❑L2D;6 p���;�.�5
<br /> www,�ompl i ancesystem s.corrz
<br />