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��14�3�75 <br /> App�icab�e Law. As used �n this Security �ns�rumen�, the term "Appl�cab�e Law" sha�l mean aIi con�rol�in� <br /> applicable federal, s�a.te and local statu�es, re�u�ati�ns, ord�.nances and admin�strative ruIes and order� �tha� ha�e <br /> the effect of law�as��elI as a�l appZ�cable fina�,nan-appealable judXcial opinions. <br /> Charges; L�ens. Borrawer shal� pay a�l taxes, ass�ssments, char�es, fnes and �nr�p�s���ons at�ributab�e to the <br /> Property wh�ch may attain pr��rity over�his Se�urity I nstrun�ent, and Ieaseho�d paymen�s or�round rents, if any. <br /> At the re�uest of Lender, Borrower shall promp�ly furnish�o Lender rece���s evidencin�the paymen�s. <br /> Bo�-rower shall pra�mptly dischar�e any I�en which has pr��rity �ver th�s Securi�y Znstrument unless Borrovver: �a} <br /> a�rees in wri��n� �o the payment flf the obl��atian secured �y the lien in a manner acceptab�e t� Lender; �b� <br /> cor��ests i�n good fa��� �he lren by, ar defends a�ai�st enfo�cenlent of�he Iien i.n, le�a� proceedin�s v�h�ch in the <br /> Lender's ap�zon �perate ta pre�en� the enforcement of�h� lien; o�r �c} se�ures from the holder of the I�en an <br /> a�reement sa�isfactory �� Lender subordina�in��he l�en �a this Security �ns�rum�n�. �f Lender d��ermines that any <br /> par� of th� Pr�pez�y �s subjec�to a lzen wh�ch may at�a�n priarity avex-this Security �nst�umen�, Lender Ynay give <br /> Borrower a notice iden�ify�n�the lien. Borrnwer shall sa�isfy the �ien o��ake one or mflx�e of the actions set forth <br /> abo�e vvithzn I4 days of�he givin�af no�ice. <br /> H�zard or Prapert�� �nsuranc�. Barrovv�r shall keep�he ��.provements naw exxstin�or hereafter erec��d on the <br /> Pr�per�y �nsured a�a�nst ltiss by fire,hazards inc��ded vwi�hin the term "ex�ende�co�era�e" and any oth�r h�.zards, <br /> znc�udirz� fl�ads or floadin�, far vvhich Lender requires �nsuran�e. Th�s insurance shal� be xnaintained in the <br /> amounts ar�d for�he periads�hat Lender requires. Th� insurance carr�er providin��he �nsuranc�shall be chosen by <br /> Bor�-ower subject to Lender's approva� which shall not be unreasanably v�xthheld. If Barrower fai�s �� rr�a�ntain <br /> co�era�e described ab�We, Lender ma�, at Lender's �p��an, obtain co�era�e ta pro�e�t Lender's ri�h�s in the <br /> Property in ac�ordance w�th sect�on�i�ied Pro�ect�on af Lend�r's Rights�n�he Property. <br /> All insurance p��icies and renewals shail b� acceptabie to Lender and shall in��ud� a standard mor��a�e clause. <br /> Lender shal�have th�r��h�ta hold�he pal�cies and renewals. Zf Lender requires, Bor�ower sha�l prflmp��y ��ve�o <br /> Lender a��receipts o�pa7d and renewal not�ces. In�he event of l�ss, Barrower shall gi�e prompt no�ice <br /> �o�he insurar�ce carrier and Lender. Lender�nay ma�e proof of�oss if na�made prnmptly by Borrower. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise a�r�e �� writ�n�, insuran�e pro�eeds shal� be applied �o resto�atian ar <br /> repair of the Propert� damaged, if, in Lender's sole discre�ion, the restaration or repair is ec�nomicaily feasible <br /> and Lender's secur�ty is no� Xessen�d. �f, in Lend�r's sale d�scretion, the res�oratifln or repair is not ec�nam�caliy <br /> feas�ble or Lender's s�curi�y wauld�e lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be appl�ed�a the sums secured by this <br /> Se�urity �ns�rumen�, wh��her nr no� then due, w��h any excess paid ta Bor�-�wer. If Borrower abandons the <br /> Proper�y, or does not answer within�he r�u�nber af days prescribed �y Appl�cab�e Lavv as se�forkh in a not�ce from <br /> Ler�der to B�rr�wer�hat the �nsurance carrier has offered �o se�Ie a c�arm, �hen Lender Ynay caliect the insurance <br /> pra�eeds. Lender ma� use the proceeds to repair or res�ore the Pr�per�y flr ta pay sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> Ins�ru�nen�,whether�r not�hen due. The periad�f time f�r Borrov��r�fl ar�swer as set forth in the no�ice wil�be�in <br /> when the r�ot�ce is�iven. <br /> L�niess L�nder and B�rrower ntherwise a�ree in vWri�ing, any appl�ca�ian �f pro�eeds to p�-incipal shal� not extend <br /> �r pos�p�ne the due date of th� paymen�s due under the �ontrac�or�han�e the amount af the paymen�s. If under <br /> the sec�zan t��.led Ae�e�era��on; R�med�es, th� Proper�y is acquired by Lender, Barrower's right to any insurance <br /> poi��ies and proceeds resul��n� from dama�e t� the Praper�y pri�r ta �he acquisitron shail pass to Lender to the <br /> ex�ent of the surns secured by this Secur�ty Instrument z�nmedia�e�y prior�o�he acquisit�on. <br /> Preserva�ior�, �Vlainter�ance and Protec��on of �he Property; Barravder's Loan App�ication; Leaseholds. <br /> Borrower sh�Il not destray, damag� �r�mpair the Pr�pe�-ty, a�low the Prope�-�y t� deterinrate, flr commx�v�aste on <br /> the Properry. Barrow�r shai�b�in defau]t�f any farfe��ure acti�n or pr��eed�n�,whether cz�i�or cr�m�nal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's go�d faith j udgment couid resul� in forfe�ture of�he Property or o�herwise material�y �m.pair the <br /> lien created by this Secur�ty Ins�rumen� or Lender's securxty in�eres�. Borrower may cure such a default and <br /> r�insta�e, as pr��ided �n sec��on txtled Borro�er'� R�ght �� Re�ns�ate, by �ausing�he action or pr�ceedin�to be <br /> dismxssed with a rulin�tha�, �Lender's�ood faith determ�natian, pr�c�udes f�rfeiture�f�he B�r�r��ver's in�eres� in <br /> the Prop�rty ar other ma�erial zmpair�ent of the �ien crea�ed by �his Security Ix�strumen� ar Lender's se�ur�ty <br /> in�eres�.F3�rr�wer shaii also be in defau���f B�rrower, dur�ng the �oan applxcation process,�a�e materiaily faise or <br /> inaccura�e �nf�rmat�on ar statemen�s �a Lender �flr faiXed to pr�vide Lender w�th any ma�er�a� infor�na��on� in <br /> cannection with�he Iflan e�idenced by �he Contrac�. �f this Security Ins�rumen� �s on a leasehold, Borrawer shal� <br /> comp�y with aI�the p�o�isions of�he Iease. If Bflrrovver acquires fee ti��e t��he Prope�-ty,the leasehald and the fee <br /> title shal�no�mer��un less Lend�r a�rees�o�he m��rger in writin�. <br /> Profie�t�on of Lend�r's R�ghts in �he Property. If Borrower faiIs to perfor�n the ctivenants and agreements <br /> con�axn�d in th�s S�cur��y �nstrumen�, or there is a le�al �roce�dzn�tha�may �i�nif�cantly affect Lender's ri�h�s in <br /> �he Property (such as a praceed�rn� in bankruptcy, pro�ate, far condem.natzon or forfe��ur� �r �o enforce �aws or <br /> r��ulatinns}, �hen Lend�r ma� da and pay for vvhate�er is necessary to prote�� �he va�ue of the Property and <br /> Lender's r��hts �n the Prop�rty. Lender's actions may inc�ude payin�any su�ns secured by a I�en which has priority <br /> o�e��his Security Instrument, appearin�in�ourr, payin�reasanable atto�rneys'fees and en�erin�an the Proper�y to <br /> ma1�e repairs.Al�hou�h Lender may take action under�h�s section, Lender do�s not have�o dti so. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lender under this section sha�l �ecarne additional debt of B�rrower secured by �his <br /> Sec�r��y �nstrument. Unless B�rrower and Lender a�r�e to a�her �er�ns af paymen�, these amoun�s sha�l bear <br /> interest from the date of dxsbursement at �he same rate assessed on ad�ances under �he Can�ract and shali be <br /> payab�e,wi�h in�er�st�up�n n�tic�from Lender to Barrovver re�ues�in�payment. <br /> fl 2a��-2013 CQ�i']�}�13t1C�SySiEXt75,�nc.9F96-102D-?�I3L?,0,721 <br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Security Ins:rument DL243G F'a�e 2 0�y <br />