<br /> fu�l of ali sums s�cured b� th�s Secur�ty �nst�umen�. H�we�er, this op�ian sha�l not be exer�ised �y Lender if
<br /> exercrse �s proh�bited by federal�aw as of the date of this Securzty �ns�ru�ne�t.
<br /> If Lender exercises �his op�xon, Lender shall �iae Bor�-ower nati�� of accelerati�n. The ���ice sha�1 prflvide a
<br /> period of no� ��ss �han�he m�nimum riumber af days established by Applicable Law from the da�e the no�ice is
<br /> delr�ered or mailed �ithXn which Barrower mus� pay al� sums secured b�� this Security Instrument. If Sorrower
<br /> fails �o pay these su�ms priar �o the expirat�an af this period, L�nder may �nv�ke any remedxes permit�ed by this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�w�th�u�fur�her notice ar demand nn Borrower.
<br /> Bo�-rov�er's Rxgh� to Reins�a�e. �f Borrower rneets certa�n conditions, Borrower shall have the r��h� to ha�e
<br /> enf�rcement of�his Security �ns�rumen� discontinued at any time priflr�o the ea�rl�er of: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Appiicab�e Law may specify for reins�at�nnen�}before sale�f the Property pursuan�to any power of sale
<br /> conta�ned �n �hYs S�cur�ty Ir�strumen�; or �b� en�ry of a jud�ment enforein� this Securz�y Instrument. Thflse
<br /> conditxons are that �nrrow�r: ta� pays Lender a�� sums vvhich �hen v�ould be due und�r�his Secur�ty �ns�rument
<br /> and�he Con�ract as i�no accelerat�on had accurred;�b�cures ar�y defaul�of any��h�r c�venants or abreements; �c�
<br /> pa�s al��xpenses incurred i.n enforcin��his Security �nstrument, in��udin�,but no�1Xmited to,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees�o �he e�c�ent permitted by �aw; and �d}�ak�s suCh action as Lender r�nay reasonab�y requ�re t� assure tha��he
<br /> �ien flf this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, Lender's ri�h�s �n�he Property and Barrav�e�r`s obi i�at�on t� pay the sums secured
<br /> by this S�cur�ty Instrument s�al� continue unchan�ed. Upon reinstatement by Barrower, this Security Instrumen�
<br /> and t�.e �b�i�a�ians secured hereby shall rernain ful�y effective as if no acce�eration had accurred. Howe�er, �his
<br /> ribht�o reinstate shal�no�app�y in�he�ase of acce�erat�on under tlae sec��on titled Transfer af the Property or a
<br /> Senef�c�al Ynter�5�xn Borrov�er.
<br /> H�zard�u5 Subs�ances. Bflrrawer sha�l nat cau�e or permit the presence, use, disposal, stora�e, or r�lease �f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances an or in�he Proper�y. Borrawer shal�not do,nor a�l�w anyone else to d�,any�hin�affe�tin�
<br /> �he Proper�y �hat �s �n vio�atxon of any Er�vironmen�al Law. The pre�edin� �wo sentences shall not apply to �he
<br /> presence, use,or s��rage on�he Property of small quantities af Hazardflus Substances tha�are�enerally reca�ni2ed
<br /> ��be appropria�e��norma� residentia�uses and to main��nance of�he P�-op�rty.
<br /> B�rrflwer shal�prom�pt�y�i�e Lender wr�tt�n n�tice af any in�es�i�a�ion,claim, demand, lawsui�flr o�her acti�n by
<br /> any �o�ernmen�al o� r��u�atory a�ency or pr�vate party �nvol�xng the Proper�y and any Hazardous Suhs�ance �r
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law of vvhich Borrower has �.c�ua� kno�vied�e. �f B�rrower �earns, �r is no�if��d by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al�r re�ulatory author�ty,tha�any removal or o�her rerned�ation�f any Hazardnus Substance affecting
<br /> �he Prflperty �s necessary, Borrower sha�l promptly take al� necessary remed�ai a���ons in a�cardance w��h
<br /> En�iron�mental Law.
<br /> A� used in th�s para�raph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are thnse substances defined as taxi� or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�al Law and the followin� substances: �asoline, kerosene, �ther flammabXe �r �nxic petroleum
<br /> praducts, tox�c pes��c�des and herbicides, vo�atxle sol�ents, materia�s contaxninb asbestos ar farmaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�i�e materiais. As used�n this parabraph, 'TEnviror�men�al Law" means federal laws and lavvs of�he state af
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate to health,safety or envxronnlental pratection.
<br /> A�celerat�an; Rer��dies. Lender sha�� g�ve notice �a Sorrower pr�or �o a�celera���n fallow�ng Borrav�er's
<br /> breach�f any cflvena�t or agreemen��n �his�ecur��y �nstrumen�or�he Contract und�r wh��h accel�ra�xon
<br /> is perm�tted (but n�� pr�or�a aceeierat�on under�h� section ti��ed Tr.ansfer �f the Praper�y or a B�nefc�al
<br /> �nterest in �3orrower, unless Applicab�e Lavv pro�ides o�herwi�e�. The no�ic� shal� 5pecify: �a} the defau��;
<br /> �b} �h� ac��on required tv �ure �he defau��; ��� a da�e, �at less �han �he minimum number �f days
<br /> estab�ished by Applicab�e Law from the date�he na�i�e �s gi�en �o �orrower, by wh�eh the defaul� must bQ
<br /> cured; and (d} tha� failure ta cure the defaul� an or before �h� da�e specifed �n �he notic� may result in
<br /> acce�era��o� of the sums secured by this Secur�ty �.ns�rumen� and sa�e o� �he Proper�y. To �he ex��n�
<br /> perrnitt�d by law, �he notice sha�l further inf�rm 13orrower af�he righf t� reins�ate after aceeleration and
<br /> �he ri�ht tfl brinb a cour�t a�t�on to assert the �non--ex�s��nce of a defa ult or any other defense of Borrovver�a
<br /> accelera�ion and s�le. If the defau�t is not cured on or �efore thQ da�� spec�f�ed xn the notice, Lender a� i�s
<br /> o�tian may require �mmedxa�e pa�men� in ful� of a�� sums �e�ured by this S�curity Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the porvr�er af sale and any �ther remedies permitted by App�icable Law.
<br /> To �he ex�ent permi��ed by law, Lend�r sha�I b� enti���d �� col�ect a�� expenses incurred in pursuing �he
<br /> re�aed�es pro�xded �n �hxs Section, includinb, bu� not �xmx�ed ��, reasona�le attorn�ys' fees and cos�s of���iQ
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If�he pa�v�r of saie is in�aked, Trustee sha�� r�card a nat�ce af defau�t in ea�h county i� which any par� of
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y is loca�ed �nd shali mail copies af sueh no��ce �n the manner prescri��d by App�icable Law�o
<br /> �orrower and �o the other persons prescribed by App��cab�e Law. �if�er the time r�qu�rQd by Appiicabxe
<br /> Law, Trus�ee shal� bi�e pu�lic not�ce of sa�e to �he persons �nd �n �he manner prescr�bed by Applicabie
<br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Borrower,�hali sell the Prop�rty �� pu��ic auction �o the hibhes� bidder
<br /> a��he t�me and piace and undtr�h�terms de�i�nated zn the n���ce�f sale in�ne or more parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee determine�. '�'rustee may po�tpone sale of a�� or any parce� of �he Property by �ub��c
<br /> �
<br /> ar�nouncerri�n�at�he t�nr��and p�ace of any prev�ous�y schedu��d s�le. Lender ar�t�desig�e� may purchase
<br /> �he Proper�y at any sa�e.
<br /> U�an receipt of pay�ment of�he pr�ce bxd, Trustee sha�� del��er �n �h� purchaser 'I`rustee's deed conv�y�ng
<br /> the Proper�y. The rec�tals �n �he Trus�ee'S deed sha�l be prim� facie ��idenc�of�he truth of�he sta�emen�s
<br /> made there�n. Trus��e shali app�y �he proc�eds af the sale �n the fo�lflw�nb order: �a} �a ali costs and
<br /> expens�s of e�erc�s�nb th� ptiwer of sale, and the sa�e, in�luding the payme�t af the Trustee'� fees ac�ua�ly
<br /> O 2��4-?OI3 Cornpliance Systezr:s,lnc.9F9G-�443-Z013L2.0.7?I
<br /> �vnsumer Rea[Estate-Security Instrurner�t DL203G Pa�e 4 of 5 www.canipliancesystems.con�
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