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<br /> Hame Federal�a►vings c4� Laan A��vcia��on of Hame Federal Savings& Loan Association of
<br /> Grand �sland �rand Island
<br /> 221 Sou�h Locust Stre�� �Z1 Sou�h Locust S�ree�
<br /> �RAND ISLAND, N�68SU� GRAND ISLAND,�E 658��
<br /> � �Spacc Abo�e Th�s Line For Recarding Data)
<br /> L�AN QRIG�NATaR NAME: Chr�s Kaskie
<br /> NMLS��MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 44�443
<br /> D��D [3F TRUST
<br /> BY THIS ]]EEl] �F TRUST}
<br /> TH I S DEED �F TRU ST �"Secur��y Instru�nent"� is rnade an May 27, Z0�4. Th� �ran�ors are T�M�THY A
<br /> VAL]�HN and JEAN M VAi�GHN, HUSSAND AND �VIFE, whose address is 211� V��ING RD, GRAND
<br /> �SLAND,Nebraska 68S�3-Z24S�"Borrawer"�. Borrawer is not necessariiy the same as the Person or Pers�ns who
<br /> si�n the Home Equi�� Line af Credit Agreement, dated May 27, 2DI4 ("Con�rac�"�. The abl��a�ions of
<br /> Borrowers �t�vho did no� sibn th� �on�ract are expia�ned further in the sec��on titled Successars and Assigns
<br /> Baund;Ja�nt and Se�era� Liabili�y; Accommodatian Signers.The�rustee is Arend R. Saack,Attorney whose
<br /> address is P.�. Sox 79�, Grand �s�and, �Iebraska 6SS�2 �"Trustee"}. The benef�c�ary is Hom� Federa�
<br /> Sa�ings & Laan Association of Grand �sland, v�hich is flrganized and exis�ing under the lavvs af�he Llnited
<br /> S�ates of Amer�ca and �hose address is ZZ� Sou�h Locust Street, �rand Island, Nel�raska �$80� �"Lender"}.
<br /> TxM�THY A'"�AUGHN and JEAN M VAU��N ha�e entered into a�on�ract Wvi�h Lender as flf IV�ay 27,2UI4,
<br /> under the terms of v�hich Borrower may, from time ta time, abtain ad�ances not ta exceed, at any tir�-�e, a
<br /> '�'�'�MA��MUM PR�N��PAi� AM[IUNT �EXCLUDING PR�TE�TIVE ADVAN�ES�*�x of Fourteen
<br /> Th�usand Tvvo Hundr�d and 04114� Do�lars �U.S. $14,Z��.�4} �"Credit Limit"�. Any party in�eres�ed in the
<br /> deta�ls related to Lender's continuin�obli�a��an �a make ad�apces to Barro�er is advised to cflnsu�� direct�y Wv�th
<br /> Lender. �f not paid ear�ie�, the sums owin� und�r Borraw�r's �ar�trac�wxth Lender vvi1� be due an June 15, Z0��.
<br /> T��s Security Ins�ru�nen� secures to Lender: �a� �he repaymen� of the deb� under �he �ontrac�, wi�h interest,
<br /> including fu�ure ad�an�es, and all renevvals, ex�ensions and modifica��ons af�he �an�ract; �b} the paymen� of all
<br /> ather sums, wi�h interest, advanced to pra�ect the secur�ty of this Security �nstrumen� under�he pravxsxans af the
<br /> section ti��ed Protec�ian of L�nd�r's Righ�s in the Pr�per�y; and �c� the performance of Borrov�er�s covenants
<br /> and agreemen�s under �his Securi�y Instrumen� and the Con�rac�. For this purp�se, Borrower, i.n cansidera�ion of
<br /> �h� debt and the trust herein crea�ed, �rrevocably brants and con�eys �o Trustee, in �rus�, wi�h power flf sale, �he
<br /> f��law�ng described proper�located in the C�UNTY af�ALL,Sta�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: �1�9 VZK�NG RD, GRAN� ISLAND,Nebraska 6SS03-Z248
<br /> Leba� Descrip�rion: L�T F4RTY THREE �43}, LE HEIGHTS F�URTH SUSDIVISI�N, �N THE
<br /> TOGETHER �TVITH ali �he improvemepts now ar hereafter erected on the property, and al� easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and f x�ures naw or hereafter a part of�he proper�y. AlI replace�ner�ts and add���ons shal� a�s� be
<br /> covered by this Security �ns�rument. A�1 of �he fore�oing is referred to in this Security Ins�rumen� as �he
<br /> „Prflper�y."
<br /> B�RR��ER C�VENANTS �hat Borrower �s lau�fully s�ised of�he estate her�by canveyed and has�he right to
<br /> gra�� and con�ey �he Pr�per�y and �hat th� Property is unencu�nbered, excep� far encumbrances af record.
<br /> Borrrower warrants and will defend genera�Iy the ti�le �� �he Property aga�ns� all c�a�ms and demands, sub�ec� to
<br /> any encu�brances of record.
<br /> Borrov�er and Lender co�enan�and a�ree as fol�ows:
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and �n�ere5t; ��her�harges. Borravver sha11 pr�mp��y pay vvhen due the principal of and
<br /> ir�terest on�he deb�avved under�he�ontract and la�e char�es or any o�her fees and char�es due under the C�n�act.
<br /> O?444-2�13 C�mplian�e SysteFz�s,in�.9F9�-1 D2D-2D13L?.4.72 i
<br /> Consurner Real Estate-Se�urity[nstrurrient DL?�36 Pa�e 1 Qf 5 www,�Qm�liancesystems.com
<br />