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��14�3��9 <br /> �]EED �F TRLJST <br /> Lo�n Nv: 7�D��g 7� <br /> ���nt�nued} Pag� 5 <br /> ❑�ath vr lnsalrren�y, The dea�h v�Borrower mr Trus�or,the �nso�Wency of Borrower or Trustor,�he appointment a� <br /> a �e�eiWer tar any part flf Borrowe�'s or Trust�r's property, any assignmen�-fvr the bene��f of c�editors, any type of <br /> creditor warkou�, or�he cammencement o�any proceeding under any bankrup�cy o�-�nsoi�ency �aws by or against <br /> Bvrrower ar Trustvr. <br /> Ta[�ing of the Property, Any credito� or go�ernmental ag�ncy tries to take any of the Proper�y vr any ather of <br /> gorrower's or Trustor`s property in which Lender has a [ien. This includ�s takEng of, ga�-nishing o�or ���ying on <br /> Borrower's or Trustor's aecounts with Lender. Howe�er, if Borrawer or Trustor disputes �n good faith vvhe�her�he <br /> c�aim on vvhich the taking of the Property is based is�a[id ar reasonabler and if Bvr�-ower or Trustvr gi�es Lender <br /> wr�t�en notice of the c[aEm and furnish�s Lend�r vvith rr�onies or a surety bond sa�is�ac�ory to Lender�o sa�is�Fy�he <br /> c�aim,then this de�Fault prov�sivn wi[[ not app[y. <br /> �reach o���her Ag�eement� Any breach �y Borrower�r Trustar under the terms o�any other agreem�nt between <br /> Borrvvtirer ar Trust�r and L�nder that is not remedied within any g�-ace period prv�ided �herein, inc[uding viri��out <br /> Iimitation any agreemen� concerning any indeh�er�ness or vther ob€igation of Borr�w�r or Trustar to Lender, <br /> whether existing nov�r or later. <br /> Events Af�ecting Guarantvr. Any of the preceding eWents occurs wi�h respect to any guarantor, endorser, surety, <br /> or accammodation par�ty of any of the lndebtedness or any guarantor, endorser. surety, or accommoda�ion party <br /> dies or becomes incompet�nt, or re�okes or d�sputes the �a[idi-ty of, ar fiab���ty under, any Guaranty of the <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Insecur�ty. Lender in good fa�th be[ie�es itself insecure. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. The payment af any�nsta��men-� of principa� or any in�erest on the Exis�ing Indeb�edness is <br /> no�made within the�ime required by the pramissor•y note evidencing such indebtedness, or a de�ault occurs under <br /> the insfirumen�se�uring such indebtedness and i� not cured during any app�icab[e grace period in such ins�rument, <br /> or any suit or ather ac�ion is commenced to forecfase any existing �ien on the Prvperty. <br /> Right tv Curey�1�any de#ault; oth�r than a default in paymen�t is curable and if�rustor has nofi b�en gi�en a notice <br /> of a breach���he same provision vf this Deed ofi�rust v►ri��in the preced�ng�wei�e {1�} months, ifi may be cur�d if <br /> Trus�or, a€t�� Lender sends viiritten nvtice to Ba�rower demand�ng �ur� of such defau[t: ��} cures the defauft <br /> within twenty ���} days; or �2} if the cure requires more thar�twenty {2�} days, �mmedEateiy initiates st�ps which <br /> Lender deems in Lender`s so[e d�scretion tv b� suffieien� �v cur� the defau[t and �hereafter cvntinues and <br /> comp[etes a�l reasonable and necessary steps sufFicient�o prvdu�e c�mp[iance as soon as reasonably practical. <br /> F�lGHTS AND REiI!lEDIES Orli DEFAULT. if an EWent of Defaul�oGcurs under�his ❑eed of Trust, at any time the�eafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise a:ny one or more of�he fviloirving righ�s and remed�es: <br /> ►���eterat�on Upon Defau�t;AddifiivnaI Remedies. l�any E�sn�vf De�au[t❑ccurs as per�he terms of�he Note <br /> secured herehy, Lender may declare aC[ (ndebt�dness secured by this Deed a�Trus�tv b�due and payable and <br /> the same sha[�thereupon become due and payable ►rvithout any pr�sen�ment, demand, protest or notice o�f any <br /> kYnd. T�ereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Either in person or by a�ent, w�th or without �rEraging any ac�ior� o� praceedir�g, vr �y a r�ce€ver <br /> app�in�ed by a court and �rv�thou�regard ��the adec�uacy of i�s secur�ty. en�er u�or� �nd �ake possession <br /> ���he Prop��k�, or any par�ther�o�, ir� ��s��nrn na�e or ira the narne afi T'ruste�, and dv any a��s vvhich it <br /> a�eems necessary or desirab�e�o preserve t�e value, rr�ar€�e�ahil�ty or rentabi[ity o��h� Property, �r�art of <br /> the Proper�ty o�interest in the �rvperty; in�r�ase �he in�ome from the P�-aperty o� proteet the securi�y a� <br /> the Property; and, with or wi-�hout taking passession of the PrQperty, sue for or otherwise collect the <br /> rents, issu�s and profi�s of�he Pr�perty, inciuding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expens�s o�operation and cofiec�ion attorneys' fees,�o any indebtedness secured by-�his �eed <br /> o� Trust, a[E in such orde�- as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking pvssessivn ot the <br /> Pr�perty, the coIlectivn a� such rents, issues and profi�s, and the appEicafiion thereo� shall not cure or <br /> wa€�e any de�aul-�or notice o�default und�r this Deed of�frus�vr inva[�date any ac�d�ne in respvns��a <br /> such de�aul���pursuan�t�suGh notice Q-�defar�lt; and, notwithstanding�he continuance in pvssessivn o�F <br /> the Pr�perty ar the cvllec�ion. re���pfi and app[ication af rents, issues or profits, Trustee or L�nder shal[ <br /> be entitfe��o exer�ise e�ery righ�pr�W�ded €�r en the Nvte o�the Reiated ❑ocumen�s or by Eaw upan the <br /> occurrence o�ar��e�en�of de�ault9 in��the right to e�eercis�th�power of sale; <br /> �b) ��rnmence an aG�ivn to fore��ose thEs Dee� of T�-us�as a mv�-�gage, appoint a recei�er or speci-�iGa�ly <br /> ���orce ar�r��f�he�o�enan�s her�of; art� <br /> � �c} C]eliver to Truste�a written declaration Qf defau[t and d�mand for sa[e and a writ�en nv�i�e of de�faul�t <br /> and ele�tian�o cause�Trustor's interest in the Property to be sold,�r+rhich notice Trus�ee shall cause ta be <br /> duiy filed fo�record in�he appropriate of�ices of the Goun�ty in which the Property is [oeated;and <br /> {d} With respec�to all or any part o�f the Persona� P�-operty. Lender shall ha�e all�he rights and remedies <br /> o-�a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Cammercia! �ode. <br /> Fvr�c�osure�y Power vf Sate. 1�Lender e�eets�a�ore�[ose by exer�ise o��he P�wer of Sale herein contained, <br /> Lender shall noti�Trustee and sha[[ deposit with Trustee this Deed ��Trust and �he Nvt� and such receipts <br /> and e�iden�e o�expend�tures rr-�ade and s��ured �Oy th�s �]eed of Trus�as Trustee rr�ay require. <br /> �a} L�pon receip�af such no�ice �€rom ��nder,Trus��e sha�[ cause to b� �-e�o�d�ds pub[is�ed and deliv�red <br /> �� �'�-ustar such �o�ice �� �efau�� and i��te�e ���ale as t�en required by [aw and h��his Deed o��ra�st. <br /> �rus�ee sha11� �nrith�ut dsmand on �rusto�-P ���r such tir�e as �nay th�n �e r�quired b�y �arii� and a#�er <br /> �-ec�rda-ti�n of such 1Votice of�efaul��nd a�er �Vo�ice of 5ale hav�r�g been gi��n as required by 9aw, se�� <br /> �he Pr�perty at the �ime and p[ace of sal� ��xed b� �� in such Notice of 5a�e, ei�her as a whole. ar i� <br /> separate 1�ts or parcels or items as Trustee sha�! deem expedien�. and in such order as i�k may determine, <br /> a� pubiic aucfiion to the highest bidder fvr cash in lawfu[ money vf the United Sfia�es g�ayab[e a�the time <br /> of sa�e, Trus�ee sha1� de[iver to suGh purchaser or pur�hasers thereof its good and su��Ficient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the property sv so[d, but wi�houfi any evvenan� or warrantyr express or imp[ied. The <br /> recita�s in such deed of any ma�ers or -�acts sha�l be cvnclusive prao� o�F the truthfu[ness thereof. �ny <br /> persbn, includEng wi�hou�limita�ion Trustor,Trus�ee, ar Lender, may purchase at such sa[e. <br /> �b} As mau be permit�ed �y �awr after e�eductin� alI costs. �ees and ex�enses of Trus�ee and o� th�s <br /> �rus�, inc�uding cos�s of e�idence ���itie�n c�nnection wi�h sa1e,Trus�ee shafl appfy t�e proceeds o�saie <br /> �o �aym�ent o� �i} a!I sums expended u�d�r�he terms��this Deed���rus�vr unc��r the�errr�s o�t�e��te <br /> no� �h�� �-epaido including bu� �of Iirrtitec� �� ac���ae� in�erest and �ate ch�rges, ���� aI[ ��her su¢�s then <br /> seeured hereby, and �iii�the remair�der, ��a��,�o�h�person or pers�r�s �egail��n��$fee9��a�;ret�. <br /> tc� T�-ustee may in ihe manner prv�ided by�avir post�one sa��o�alI or any portEon o-��e�ro���-ty. <br /> �Remedies iVv# ExclusiWe. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of th�m, shal� b� entitled to enforce paymen�t and <br /> per�ormance of any indeh�edness or obligat�ons secured by this Deed o�Trust and�a exercise al� rights and powers <br /> under this Deed o�Trust, und�r the Note, under any of the Re.lated C�ocumentsf vr under any �ther agreement or <br /> any laws nov�r or herea���r in farce; notwi�hstandEng, s�me or a[E of such indehtedness and oh�igatians securea� by <br /> this De�d of Trust may now or hereaf�er be atherwise secured, whether by mar�gage, deed o#�r-ust; pledge, �ien, <br />