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��14�3��9 <br /> ��EI� �F TRU�T' <br /> Loar� 1Vo: 7���9�7� ��ontr�u�d} P�ge � <br /> ne� proceeds of �he award be app�ied to th� lndebtedness or th� repair or restoration o� the Proper�y. The ne� <br /> proceeds of the award sha�I mea'n �he award a�F-ter payment o�all reas�nab[e costs, expenses, and att�rneys' fe�s <br /> inGurred hy Trustee o�-Lender in connection with�he condemnation. <br /> IMPDSi�i�N flF TAiCES, FEES AND CHARGES BY COVERN�ENTAL A�THaRITlES. The following provisions re�ating <br /> tv goWernmen�al taxes,fees and charges are a part af�his D�ed o�Trust: <br /> Gurrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall ex�cute such dacuments in addition �o <br /> -�his Deed o�Trust and �tal�e whate�er o�her a-ctian is reques�ed by Lender to perfect and contEnue Lender's [ien on <br /> -�he Rea! Prvper�y. Trustor shall re�mburse Lender -�or af[ tax�s, as descr�hed below, toge�her wi-th ali expenses <br /> incu�red in recording, perfec�ing vr continuing this ❑eed af Tru:st, inc�uding withou� [irx�itation a;ll �axes, €ees, <br /> documen�tary s.tamps, and other charges far reGarding vr registering this ❑eed o�Trus�€. <br /> Taxes. T€�e following sha�� eons�i�ute ta�es to which this sec�ion applies: ��� a spec��ic tax upon `��is �type of <br /> Deed of Trusrt or upon a1! or any �art o�the �ndeb�edness secured by this �eed vf Trust; ��� a specific �ax on <br /> 3orrov�rer irvhich Bo�rower is authorized vr required to cfedu�t f�-om payme.nts pn the �ndebtedness secu�-e:d by this <br /> �ype o�f Deed of T�-ust; �3} a �ax on this typ� o�€ Deed af T'rust chargeahle agains��he Lende�-or the ho�lder o�the <br /> Note; and �4} a specific-�ax on all or any port��n o� the �ndeb�edness or vn payments a� pri:nc�pal and interest <br /> made by Borrovtir�r. <br /> Subsequen�Taxes. lf any �ax to which this ss�tion appfi:es is enacted su.bsequent to fihe da�e o� this Deed o� <br /> � Trust, this eve.nt sh.all ha�e the same �ffect as an E�ent �f De�au[t, and Lender may exer�ise any or all a� �fis <br /> a�ailable remedies f�r an E�ent vf De�aulfi as pro�ided b��ow unfess Tru.stvr ei�ther ��� pays th� �ax before it <br /> becomes de�inquen�, or ��} contes�s �he�ax as pro�ided abo�e in �he Taxes and L'€ens sec�ivn and depasits with <br /> Lende�-cash�r a sufficient carpo�-ate sure�ty bond or other securi�y satisfac�flry to Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGI�EEMEiVT; FlNANCING STATE�ENTS. The fv�lowing pra�isions relating �ta �his Deed vf Trus� as a <br /> security agreemen�are a part vfi�h:is Deed af Trust: <br /> Security .Agreer�ent. This Enstrument sh,all c�nstitute a Secur�ty Agreem�nf to the ex�ent an�y vf the Pr�perty <br /> car�sti�u�es�ix-�ures, and Lender sha[[ ha�e aII af the rights vf a secured party under the Uniform Com:mercial Cod� <br /> as arriende.d�rvm�ime�o�ime. <br /> Securi�y �n�erest. Upvn re�uest by Lender, Trustor shal[ take whate�er ac�ian is reques�ed by Lender to p�r�ec� <br /> and continue Le.nder's security interest in the Personal .Proper�y. �n addition t� recorciing this De�d of Trust in�he <br /> rea� praper�y records, Lender may, af any t�me and v�€thout fur�her authoriza�ion -�rQm Tr�ustor, �ile ex�cuted <br /> counterparts, copies or r�pr�ductions o� this ❑eed of Trus� as a financing statement. Trustor shaEE reimburse <br /> Lender tor all ex�enses incurred �n perfe��ing or continu�ng �his securi�y in�erest. Upon de�au[t, Trustor shail nat <br /> remo�e, se�er or detach the P��-sonaf Property �from the Prvper�y. Upon defau�t, Trustor shall assemble any <br /> Personal Prvperty nofi affixed to the Prop�r�y in a manner and at � place reasanahly con�eni�nt ta Trus�or and <br /> Lender and r-nake it a�a��able ta Lender within �h�-�e [3� days after receipt of wri�ten demand �rom Lender to �he <br /> exten�pe��na�ed by app[icable iaw. <br /> Addresses. Yhe rr�ailin� acidresses of �rus�ar �deP��or� a�c� �ender {secured �aarfy� p��r-r� vvhich in�orma�ion <br /> concerning #he se�u���y en�eres� �ranted b��his �7eed o��rust may be obtained {each as requ�re� by the Uni�Forra-� <br /> Co:mmercia� Code� are as stated on-�he fii_rs�page o��his Deed o�Trus�. <br /> FURTHER ASSUi�ANCES; A��'aRNEY-�N-FACT. The f�[lowing pro��sians re�ating to further assu�ances and <br /> attorney-in-fact are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Fur�he�Assuran�es. A� any time� and firvm�ime t� �ime, upvn reques�o# Lsnder,Trustor�vili m.ake, execute and <br /> deli�er, ar wili cause�o be made, execu�ed or deli�ered,ta lLender a��o Lend�r's designee, a.nd when requested hy <br /> Lende�, cause to be filed, recorded, re�i�ed, or rerecarded, as the case may be, at such times and En such offEces <br /> and p[aces as Lender m�y deem appropriate, any and a11 such mortgages, deeds o�trus�, se�urity deed�. sec�rity <br /> agreemen�s, �inancing stateme�ts, c�n�inua�i�n s�atements, instruments of further assurance, cer�ificates, and <br /> other documea�t� as ma�, i�the sv[e opinion of Lende�, be necessary or desirable �r�order�o e�fectua�e, comp[ete, <br /> per�e��� cor��inue, or �r�s�r�e ��) �3orr�wer`s a.r�d �rus��r's �b[iga�ions under the Note, thes Deed �f�rusfi, and <br /> �he �e�ated D�cur��n�sr �nd ��} �he iiens ar�d se�uri�y �n�eres�s c�-eated by this �eed o���usfi or� �he P�aper�y�; <br /> whet�er��vv owned or hereaf�er acyuirec� by Trus���. �Jn[ess�rohibi�ed b��aw or l�ender agrees��the contrar�r ir� <br /> wr��ir�gr �rustor sha[[ �ei:m�u�se Lender for all cos�s and exper�ses inc€�rred �n connec��a� w�th the mat�ers referred <br /> �a in�hi-s pa�ag�-aph. <br /> At�vrney-in-Fa�t. [f Trus�or�aFls to do any o�the things referred to 'rn the preceding paragraph, Lender may do s� <br /> for and in the name of Trustvr and a�Trusto�-'s expense. Fvr such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�oca�[y appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney--in--f�ct f�r the purpase of making, execu��ng, deli�ering, �€i[ing, re�ord�ng, an.d d.oing ail <br /> o�her things as rnay be n�cessa�y or desirable, in Lender's so[e opinian, �o accomplish the mat-ters referr�d to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PE�FORfIliANCE. [-� Bor.�-ov�er and Trust�r pay al� �he Indeb�edness when due, and Tr�ustar vtherwise per�orrns all <br /> the obligations irnposed up�n Trustv�under this Deed of�rust, Lender sha�]e�ecute and deli�er to Trus�ee a request�v� <br /> �ul'1 recan�eyanc�and shal�ex�cute and deli�er to T"rust�r suitab[e sfiatements of term�na�ion vf an��i�ar�cing statemrent <br /> o.n fi�e evidencinc� Lender`s securi�y infieres.t in the l�ents a���he Persona� ��ope�ty. Any recon�ey�nce�ee by <br /> f�arn�sha[� be p�id ��Tr�s����if perrni�ed by appli��b�e�a�. <br /> �11'ENT� �F �EF�#LDLT. At Lender°s ap��or�, �r�s�o� vuall �e �n ��faul� under�his �ee� ����-us� �� any o�the foilo�nr�r�� <br /> �appen:. <br /> Payment Default. Borrolrver#a�ls to make any payment�rvhen a�ue under the [ndebtedness. <br /> Break Other Prom�ses. Borrower.or Trustor breaks any promise made to Lender or�aifs ta perfarm prom�t[y a�the <br /> time and strict[y in the manner provided in this fleed of Trus�vr in any ag�eement rela�ed to this De�d of Trus�. <br /> CornpIiance Defaul�. Failure tv comp[y w.ith any o�her terrn, obCigation, co�enant o� cond�tivn c�ntained in this <br /> Deed of Trust,the iVote vr in any of�he �ela�ed Dacurnen�s. <br /> �efaul��n D�her Payrrser��s. Failu�e of Trustor uir��hi�n�he�ime re.c�uired by�his �e�dl o�Trust�4 rr�ake��y paymer�t <br /> f�r�axes�r insurar�c�, or any o�her payrnent necessar��� prea��s�t g�fRn�o�or ta e�e���isc�ar�e�f an��E��. <br /> De�au.i�c gn F�rr�r v� Th�r� Pa��ies. �Should Porrov►r�r ��- �r�� �ran�or ��faaal� �nd�r a�� �Qan, �xE��s�on af �re�i�� <br /> securi�y agr�er�e�t, �aurchase or s_aies agr�er�en�, €�r������ne� a�gr�e�e��► in ��vo�af�ny a�he�c�edi���-�r pe�son <br /> �ha� r�a� ma�erially a�F�ect an�y o� 3orr�v�r���s c�r ar�� �r�ntar's p�ap�er� �r �arr�v��r&s �b�l�� �� ��p�� �he <br /> �ndeb�edness �r �orrower's or Grantor's abi[i-�y�� per�or� their respec�i�e ob�igat�ans �n�er���s Deed o��rus�or <br /> any o��t�e Fiela�ed D�eurnents. <br /> False S�ateanents. Any represen�afiion or statement made or �urnished to Lender by Borrower or Trus�ar �r on <br /> Borrpwer's or Trus$�r's �eha[f under this Deed of Trust or �the �ela�ed Documen�s is false or mEs�eading �n any <br /> rnateria€ respect, either now or at the time rnade or�u,rnished. <br /> Defe�tive �o�lateraliza#�vn. This aeed o# Trust or any vf the �elated D�cumen�s ceas�s to be in fuf f �vrce and <br /> e�#ect {including fai[ure o� any collateral document to create a �alid and perfected securi�y in�k�rest vr Cien� at any <br /> �ime and�vr any reason. <br />