<br /> DEEI� �F �RLJ�T
<br /> L�an �V�: 'I DDD��'�6 ��o�tinue�� �Pa�e �i
<br /> assignmenfi or ofiherwise. Nei�her �he acceptance �f this Deed o� Trust nor i�s enforcement, whe�her hy cour�
<br /> ac�ion or pursuan��o �he po�nrer of safe br other powers cvn�ained in this ❑eed af Trust, shall pre�udice or in any
<br /> manner affe�� Trus-�ee's o� Lender's �-ight �o reai��e upon or enfarce any o�her security now or hereafker held by
<br /> T�-ustee or Lender, i�being agre�d�hat Trustee and Lende�r, and each of them;shall be enti�led to entorce this Deed
<br /> of Trus� and �ny other security now or hereafter helc� by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they �r
<br /> either of them may in their a�sofute discretion d�termine. No remedy conferred upon or reser�ed �o Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is intended �o be exc�us�ve of any other remedy �n�his Deed of Trust ar by law pro�ided or perm3tted, bufi
<br /> each shal] be cumu�a�iv� and sha[[ he �n addi�ion �o �Wery vther remedy given in thEs Deed o� Trus� ar now or
<br /> he�eafter�x�sting af latirv ar in equ�ty or by statute. Every pow�r or r�medy given by the Nate�r any of-�he Refa�ed
<br /> �Jocumen�s �v Trustee ar Lender or �o which either �� them may �e ath�rwise e�n�it�ed, may be exercised,
<br /> cor�curren�l�or inde�enden�ly, �ror�tirne�o tir�� ancf as �fter� as rnay he deeme:d expedient by Trustee o�- Lender,
<br /> and either o� �hern may pursue in�ansistent rerr�edieso �[a�h�ng in this Deed �€ Trust sha[[ be cvns�rued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender€ram seek�ng a d.e€�ci.enc�judgrr��nt�gains��he Yrus�or�o�he ex�ent such ac�ion is permitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> Elec�ion v� Remedies. All o� Lend�r's ri.ghts and remed€es wi[[ be cumuiative and may be e�cercis�d alvne or
<br /> tageth�r. If�Lender decid�s to spend money or�a perform any of Trus�or's obliga�i�ns under this �eed vf Trust�
<br /> after Trus�vr's failure to do so, fihat decision by Lender wi11 not affect Lender's r�ght fio dec[are Trustar �n defaul�
<br /> and to exercise Lender's r�m�dies.
<br /> Request for Notice, Trus�or, an behalf o�Trustar and Lender, herehy requests that a c�py of any Not�ce o�r Defau�t
<br /> and a copy of any Notice o-f Sale under this �eed of Trust E�e mai[ed to them at the addresses set��.rth in the fi�st
<br /> paragraph v�this Deed of Trust,
<br /> �I�orneys' Feesr Expenses. �� Ler�der institutes an� sui� Qr action to enforce ar�y of �he terms of fih�s ❑eed �f
<br /> Trust, Lender-sha[f be er�tit�eai to reco�er s��� surn as��� �aur�r�nay ad�udge reasonab�e as attorneys° �ees a�trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether or nv� an� �our� ac�ti�n �s inWo[�red, and �� the ex�ent no� prahibited �y law, ali
<br /> reasonab[e ex��nses Lender incu�s that �n Lender's opini�n are necessary at any tirne fvr �he pro�ection of i�s
<br /> �nterest or the enfor�ement of its r�ghts sha[I �ecom�a par�of the lndeb-tedness payable on demar�d and sha�� bear
<br /> interest at�he No�e rate frorn the date of the expend�ture unti� repaid. Expenses covered by�his paragraph inc[ude,
<br /> U►ri�hau� l�mitation, howe�er su��ect to any limits under app[icab[e Caw, Lender's at�orneys' ��es and Lender's legal.
<br /> expense:s, �nrhether ar not there is a iawsui�, ine[uding atfiorneys' �ees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedEngs
<br /> �including efforts�v modify or�acate any au�omatic stay ar in�un�tion}, appeals, and any anticipated p�st judgment
<br /> cflllec��on ser�ices, the c,ost of s�arching records� obtaining �i�le reports {�ncluding f�reclvsur� reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal �ees, title insuranee, and fees �o� �he Trustee, to the extent permit�ed �y app�icab[e law..
<br /> Trustor a[so will pay any caur-�costs, in add�tion�o all o�her sums provided by[aw.
<br /> Righ�s o�Trus��e. Trustee shall ha�e all�f the r��h�s and duties vf Lender as set for�h in this section.
<br /> P�V�ERS A�IID �BL�GAT�ONS �F T1�USTEE. The�ollowing pro�isions relating �o the powers and �1�ligat�ons o�Trustee
<br /> are part o��his �eed of�rus�:
<br /> 1Pnrr�ers vf�'rustee. [n ac�di��on�o all powers���'r�s�ee aris�n� as a matt�r of�av�, Tr�stee shal� ha�e��e poirver�a
<br /> take the fallow�ng ac�ions viri�h respect to�he �rape��� �ap�r���e written re�uest of Lender ar�d Trus�or. �a��air� En
<br /> preparing and �Filing a map or p�a� o�the F��a[ Property, including the dedica�3on of st�eets or o�her rights �o th�
<br /> public; {b� join in granting any easement vr creating any restriction on �he Rea� Praperty; and �c� �vin in any
<br /> subordina�ion ar�ther agreement affec�ing this Deed o�Trust or the interest of Lender under this Deed v�Trust,
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall meet a�l quafifii�a�ivns required for Trustee und�r app[icab[e lav�r. �n addition �o the rights
<br /> and remedies set far�h above, with r�spect to all or any part of-�he Property, the Trustee shall haWe the r�gh�t to
<br /> foreGlose by notice and sa[e, and Len.der v�rill have the right to �oreelose by 3udic�al foreclqsure, in �ither case in
<br /> accvrdance with and to�h�#ull ext�nt pravided by appEr�ab[e[avv.
<br /> Successor�frustee. Lender, at Lend�r's vp�ionF rr�ay�rom t�me to�ime appoin�a successvr T�-ustee ta any�rus�ee
<br /> ap�o�nted under this De�d vfi Trus� by an instrumenit �xecute� and acknowledged �y Ler�de� an� �ecor��� �r� �h�
<br /> �f�ice of�the recorder o� HALL �o�antyr S�ate �f 1V��r�s�c�. �he ins�rurnent sh�i� c��ata�n, �n ad��t€on �� a[I oth�r
<br /> ma�ers �e��ired �y s�a��. law� �he narr�es a� �he original Le�d�r, Trus�ee, an� T�-�sst��, ��� �ook ��d ��ge �or
<br /> cvmputer sys��r� re�e�-en�e} where �his Deed �f Trr�s� i� �-ecorded, anc� �he narr�e an� address �� �h� successo�
<br /> trustee, and the�ns�rument shall be executed and acknovvled�ed hy af[the �eneficiaries u.ncier��h�s Deed af Trus�ar
<br /> their successors in int�rest. The successvr t�ustes, w�fihout con�eyance o�the Property, shal� succeed �o a�[ the
<br /> title, power, and duties �on�fer�ed upon the Trus�ee in this Deed of Trust and by appii�ab�e law. This proced`ure�vr
<br /> substi�ution of Trustee shall go�e�n t�the exclusion of af[o�her pro�isions fvr suhst�tution.
<br /> IV�T�GES. Any no�ice required �o be gi�en under this D��d of Trus�, in�luding without �imita�ion any notice o�d.e�au�t
<br /> a.nd any notice of sa�e shall be giv�n sn writing, and shall be ef�ec�i�e when actually de�i�ered, when actually recei�ed
<br /> by t�lefiacsimile 4unCess otherwise requ�red by[�vir�, vUhen deposited with a na�ional�y re�ognized o�ernignt courier, ar, if
<br /> mailed, when deposited in the United States rnail, as�irst class, cer�ified or registered mail pvs�a�e prepaid, d,irected to
<br /> �he ad�fresses showr near�he beginning of�h�s �eed o�Ta-ust. Af� copies of nvtices v�f�rec�osure froa� �he holde�- of
<br /> any �ien wh-i�h has �ri�ri�y o�er this ❑eeci ���rus� shall be �er�t to Lender's address, as s�own near �he �eg��ning ��
<br /> �his �eed �f��r�s�, Ar�y pers�n may ehange his or her addre�s f�r no�ices u�n�er this �eed ���!"r�s� by g�Wing f�rr�-t�I
<br /> 'inrri�en no�ic� �� th� o�her pers�n or persanso �pec��i�g �h�� �h� p�rp�se of the not�ce �s ta ch�nge �h� p�rso�'s
<br /> ad�ress. Fo�-n��ice pu�-poses,��ustor agrees�� kee� �end�r i��arm�c� a��[���rnes�-�Ti r�s�or°s �urr�nt ad�re�s. �n.i�ss
<br /> ��her�niise �rovQde� �€- required by 1a�nr, ��there �� ��re L�an o�e �r�s�or, any n�fiiee giue� �y �.�nde�r�o any Tr�s�oa� �s
<br /> deemed to be notic�giv�n�a all Trustars. I�iivil;� be T�us�tor�s responsEbi[i�y to tell�he vthers o��he no�ice�rvm Lender.
<br /> �IJ�IS�ELLAIVE�US PR�VISfDNS. The following misceifaneaus provisions are a part of this De�d�f Trust:
<br /> �4mendments. V11ha� �s written in this �]eed o�Trust and in the Re[a�ed Dacuments is Trustor's en�ire agreement
<br /> vuith Lender cnncerning the matters co�ered by�his D�ed o#Trust. To be e��ecti�e, any change or amendment to
<br /> this Deed of Trust must be in wri�ing and mus� b� signed hy whoever wil! be b�und or obligat�d by�he change ar
<br /> amendm�nt. �
<br /> Captivn Headin�s. Captian headings fn th�s De.ed of Trust are for �onven'ren�e purpvses �n[y an� are not �to be
<br /> used t� €nterpre�vr de�ine the pro�€sions o��his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> 1V�erg��. T�ere shal_� be ro �erger of the in��rest�r esta�e �reated b�this Deed o�Trus�v►�i�h any�ther ir�teres�vr
<br /> estate in th� P�-opert� a��ray tirne he[d by or�or fihe ber�efi�o� L�nde�in any c�apaci�y, �nr�thou�t�the w�i��en conse;n�
<br /> o-�Lender.
<br /> CoWern�ng La�ov. T��s iDeed o�Trust wi1l be c�vuerned �y federaI law appiicabEe t� Lender ar�d, tv#�e e�en� na�
<br /> pre.emp�ed by�ed�ra�law,the iaws o�#he 5�ate nf Neb�as�Ca wi�haut regar€�to�ts �o�f�ic�s of�aw prorrisio:ms. This
<br /> Deed vf Trust has bee�a�ce��ec�by Lenc�er in the State v�1Vebraska.
<br /> Choice �f Venue. f��there is a lawsui�, Trustor agrees up�n LenderTs request rto submit ta the �urisdiction o� the
<br /> courts of Hall Gounty; State of Nebraska.
<br /> J�int an� Several L�abi�ity. ACl obliga�tions a� Borr�virer and Trustor under �his Deed o�F Trust sha�l be �oin� and
<br /> severa[, and af[ re��renees to Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery�"rustor, and all references tv �a:rrower sha�l mean
<br /> each and e�ery Bo�rower. This means tha�each�rus�or signir�g be�ow is respons�b[e far all ob��ga�ians�n-�his l�eed
<br />