<br /> DEEL7 �F TRU�T
<br /> Lo�� Na: 7�����7 C
<br /> ���nt�nued� Pag� 3
<br /> cove�age endorsements on a replacement basis fior the ful[ insurable �alue covering a�f ImproWements vn the Real
<br /> Property in an am�unt suffic�en� �o a�oid appiica�ion a� any cvinsurance c[ause, and with a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> �[ause in fav�r o�r Lender,together with su�h ather hazard and iiabili-ty insuranc�as Lender may reasvnab�y require.
<br /> Po[ic�es sha[[ be written in form, amounts, cove�ages and basis reas�nably accep�abfe to Lender and issued by a
<br /> company o�- companies reas�nably acceptable fo Lender. Trustor, upon request o� Lender. �nri[[ �ieli�er to Lender
<br /> from �ime�o-�ime the polici�s or certificates a#�nsurance�n form satis�actory fio Lenderr inc[uding stipula�ions that
<br /> coWerages w�ll nvt be cance[[ed or dfminished ►rvEthout at feast�en ��D} days prio� written notic� to Lender. Each
<br /> insurance po�icy also shall inc[ude an endorsement pro�iding that ca�erage in fa�or v� Lender will nvt be �mpa.ired
<br /> in any way by any aet, omission or d�fau[t v�Trustvr or any art�er person. Should the Rea� Pr�perty b� iaca�edl in
<br /> an area designated �y the Administrator of�he Fed�ral Emergency Managemen�Agency as a specia[ �F➢vod �a�ard
<br /> area, �rus�or agrees to obtain and maintair� Federa� FI�od ]nsuran�e, if a�ailahle, ��r �he �€ull unpa�d principal
<br /> �alance of the Ioan and an�prior liens�n the proper�y securang�he loan, up to�he�aximum pvlicy limits set under
<br /> fhe Nativna� Flooci lnsurance Prograrn, ar as o�herwise required by Lender, and tv rr�ain-�a�n suc� insurance for�he
<br /> term of th��oan.
<br /> App���ativn vf Pro�eeds. Trustor shali pramp�[y nati�y Lender of any�oss or damage tv the Proper�y. Lende� may
<br /> make proof of toss if Trustar fai�s to dv sv v�ri�hin fi�een ��5} days of the casuafty. 1Nhether or not Lendsr's
<br /> securi�y is.impair�d. Lender may, at Lender's eiectivn, �receive and retain the proGeeds ��any �nsuran�e and appIy
<br /> �the prvice�ds to �he reduction �f the �ndebtedness. payment of any iien affec�ing the Property, or the restoration
<br /> and repair of the Property. �f Lender elec�s to appIy the praGe�ds to r-estoration and repa�r, Trust�r shall repair or
<br /> repface the damaged o�- des�royed �mpro�ements in a manner sat�sfactory tv Lender. L�nder sha11, upon
<br /> sat�s�ac-�ory provf o�F such expenditure, pay vr reimburse Trustar from the proc�ed.s �for th� reasonab�� cos� vf
<br /> r�pa�r or r�stora�i�n if Trustor is not in defau[t under this Deed of Trust. Any prviceeds which ha�e not �een
<br /> disbursed with�n 18� days a�er�heir receipt and which Lender has no� comm�t�ed tv the repair or restoratfon vf
<br /> fihe Property sha[[ be use� fiirst to pay any amount o�rving tv Lender under th�s Deed of Trust, then to pay accrued
<br /> interest, and the remainder, if any, sha[[ be app�ied to the principal �a[ance of the [ndeb�edness. �f Lender ho�ds
<br /> any proceeds a�er payment in �ull of the lnd�btedness, such pro�eeds shall be paid to -Trusto� �S TE'l.15t0I'r5
<br /> interests may appear. .
<br /> Compliance w��h Existing lndebtedness. During the peri�d in which any Existing [ndebtedness d�scribed be[ov►r is
<br /> in e-�-�ec�, comp[iance with -�he insurance prvvisions cantained in �he instrument e�ideneing such Existing
<br /> lndebtedness sha[[ constitute compliance with the insurance pr��isions under this Deed o� Trust, to the extent
<br /> compliance with the t�rms o��his Da�d of Trus� would constitute a dup[�cativn of insurance requiremen�. �f any
<br /> praceeds �rpm the insurance become payable on �oss, the proWisions in this Deed of Trust fvr�i�isi�n of proce�ds
<br /> sh�ll apply vn�y to�hat partion of the proceeds nat payab�e�o the ha[der of the Existing lndeb�edness.
<br /> LEl1�DERfS EXPEN��TRJIRES. lf Trustor f�ils {A} to keep the Praperty free of all taxes, [iens, securit� interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and other cl�ims, �B3 to prov�de any requ�red insurance on �he Praperty, {�} t� make repairs �v �he
<br /> Pr�p�rty a��o �amply wi�h any obligation tv r�a�ntaiR �xis��ng inde�tedn�ss in gaod s�anding as required �e�ovv, th�n
<br /> Lender r�a� do so. �f any action or praceeding is ��mnnenc�d tha� wou�d ma�eriaiiy a��ec� Lender°s interesfs in :fhe
<br /> Praperty, th�n Lender on Trus�or's b�ha[� may, �ut is not required -�a, �take any action that Lende�- be[ieves ta be
<br /> appropriate to profect Lender's in�eres�s. A[E e�penses ineurred or paid by Lender -�or such purpos�s rrtrill then bear
<br /> interest at fihs rate charged under the Note fram the da�e incurred or paid by Lender �o the da�� of r�payment by
<br /> Trus�vr. AE[ such expenses v+�i11 becvme a part o�the �ndeb�ectness and, at Lender's vption, virill {A� be payabl� vn
<br /> demand; �B} be added to the ba[ance o� �he Note and be apportioned among and he payab�e with any installrr�ent
<br /> paymen�s �o �ecome due during either �1} the term �f any appiicable insurance policy; o� t�} the remaining term vf
<br /> �he Note; or �C} he treated as a ba��aon paymenfi which will be due and payab�e at the Note's maturi-�y. The Deed of
<br /> Trust aiso v�rili s�cure payment o�these �maun�s. The righ:�s pro�ided far. in this paragraph shail. b� in addi-tion to any
<br /> o��er rights pr any remedies ta which Lender may be entit�ed �n accaunt of any de�au[t. Any such ac�Eon by Lender
<br /> sha[[ nv�b�construed as�ur�ng the de�aul�so as�o ba�-Lende�fr�m any remedy�hat it oth�rwise would �a�ie had.
<br /> V����ANTIra DEFEIVSE D�T�TLE. �f�e�ollawing prv�issons rela�€ng to owners�ip of�he Prope�-ty are a �art vf t�is ❑eea�
<br /> vf�rus�ra
<br /> Ti��e. �"rustor v+rarranfs that: �a� ��-ustor ha�ds govd and marketa�le�itle of recard �c� �he �r�perty in -�ee sirn��e,
<br /> �Free and c[�ar �� a�� �i�ns and encumbrances ot�er �ha�i�hos� se� �orth in the Re�[ Property description or �n �he
<br /> Exfsting �ndebtedness section belor�v or in any�ki��e insurance poficy, ti�[e repv��, or.fina�title o�inian issued E_n favor
<br /> of, and aceepted by, Lender in connec�ior� with this �eed v�F Trust, and (b� Trustar has the �u11 raght, pow�r, and
<br /> authori�y to execu�e and deliver this ❑eed ❑�Trus��v Lender.
<br /> Defense o�r Title. 5ubject �� the excep�ivn in �he para�raph abo�e, Trustar warrants and wil[ fore�er de�end fhe.
<br /> �i�le to the Proper�y against�he lawfu� Gla�ms of ali persvns. [n �he event any actian or proceeding is commenced
<br /> tha-�questivns Trustor's titCe ar the interest of Trustee or Lend�r under this Deed o�Trust, Trus$or shall def�nd �he
<br /> action a�Trust�r's expense. Trustor may be the nomfnal par�y in such proceeding, but Lender shall b�enti�[ed to
<br /> partic�pate in �he proceeding and to be represen-ted in the pro�eeding by counse! o�F Lender's vwn choice, and
<br /> Trustor w��l deliuer, or cause ta be de[i�ered. �a Lender such instrumen�s as Lende�may request from time�o time
<br /> to pe�mi�such par�icApati�n.
<br /> �vmpliar��e lll�ith Lawsa T�us�or warran�s �chat $he �s-opert� aa�d �rust�rp� us� �� �he Pro�erty �om�fies wi�h ai1
<br /> exis�in� app[icabl��aVvs, ordinar�c�s. and regula�i�ns o��o�ern��r��a�authori�ies.
<br /> Surviva� �f 1Pror�ises. A!� �rvmises, agreem�n�s, anc� sta�ements Trustor has made �n this Deed of Trust �hal@
<br /> sur�ive the execu�ion and de�i�ery vf�his Deed o�Trus�, shai[ he cont�nui'ng in na�ure and shaf� remain in fuE� �orc�
<br /> and �fFect unti!such-time as gorro►nrer's lndeb�tedness is paid in ful�.
<br /> IE�ISTIN�1ND�BTEDNESS_ The fo[Eowing pra�is'rons concern�ng E�€isting �ndebt�dness are a part o��his Deed of Trust;
<br /> Existing Lien. The lien of �his Deed o� Trust securing �he indeh�edness r�ay be secondary and in�erior t� an
<br /> existing Cien. Trustvr expressfy co�enants and agrees to pay, v�r see to the payment vf, fihe Existing Indebtedness
<br /> and �o prevent any defau[t on such indebtedness, an�defaul���der the instrurnents evidencing such indeb�edness,
<br /> or any de�au�t under an�s�curit�docurr�ents�or such andeb�edness.
<br /> �� 111�adi�i�at�c�n. Trustor s�aE� not en��r Fnto ar�� ���eement ���� t�� ha��e�- o� any ��r�g�g�� de�d of �r�st� o.�
<br /> ��her securgty agr�er�ent v�hich has prior3t� r����- �has ��e� o� Trust �� �h��h ��afi �����rr���� �s r��difi��,
<br /> arnended, exter�ded� or �e€�eweci v���hou� �he �re�r �rs���a cc�nsen� �� �.�ndera Ts-us�o; ����1 �e����r re�uest ��r
<br /> accep�ar�y�u�ure�d�ances �nder ar�y sucl�se�u��tr��greemen�a�va�hout t�e�ari�s�wri���r� �ons�nt����n�er.
<br /> ��NDEMNATI�Na �he foflowing pro�isions relatin��o condernnat�on pr��eedings are a par�o�-�h�s �eed�f��-�s�:
<br /> Pro�eedings. if any proceeding in condemna�ion is filed, Trustar shali promptly natify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustor sha11 promp�ly take such s�eps as may be neces.sary to defiend �he action and abtain the award. Trustor
<br /> may be t�e nomina! party in such proceeding, hut Lender sha�l be�ntit[ed to participate in the prac�eding and�v be
<br /> represen�ed i.n the proceeding by counseI of its own ehaice, and Trus�ar will deli�er ar cause tv be de[Evered to
<br /> Lender su�h ins�ruments and documen�ation as may be requested hy Lender from time �o time to permi� such
<br /> par�iGipation.
<br /> Ag�pI�cafaon vf N�t Prv�eeds. lf all �r any pare�f the Pr��erty is condemned b�eminent d�main proceedings ar by
<br /> any proceedi�g a��urchase in �ieu of ct�r�demr�ation. �encier�r�y a�its e�ec��an �equire$ha�all ��a�y��r�on o�F the
<br />