<br /> �FE� �1F TF��JST
<br /> Loaa� �a: 7�Q�9�7� ��v�t[nu��� 1P�g� �
<br /> CompIiance �JVi�h Envirvnmenta[ Laws. Trustor represents and warrants to L�nder that: ��� auring �he pe��od o�
<br /> Trustar's ownership af the Prop�riy,there has been no use, generatEon, manu�acture, storage,treatmen�, dispasa�,
<br /> r�[ease or threatened release vf any Hazardous 5ubs�ance by any persan an, under, abvut or fram the Property;
<br /> ��} Trustor has no know�edge o�, or r-eason to believe tha�th�re has t��en, e�cept as pre�iously disclosed �o and
<br /> acknowled�ed by.Lender in writing, �a} any breach or �iv[a�ion vf any En�ironmental Laws, �b} any use;
<br /> generation, manufac�ure, sto�age, treatmen�� disposal, reiease or�hreatened re�ease af any Hazardous Su�stance
<br /> on, under, a.bou� or from �he P�op�rty by any p�io� owners vr ❑ccupa.nts v� �he Property, or �c} any actuai o�
<br /> -�h.reat�ned [iti�ation or c[aims of any kind by any pe�san re�ating �o such rria��ers; and �3} Except.�s p�re�iously
<br /> disclosed fio and acknow[edg-ed by Lender�n wr�ting, {a} neEth�r Trustvr n��any tenant,, contract�r, agen�or other
<br /> aufiho��zed user of the Property shal[use, generate, manufacture, store, �r�a�, dispose of or r�l.ease �ny Hazard�us
<br /> Subs�kance on; unde�, ahvu�or�rrom the Prvperty; and (b} any such acti�ity sha�� be c�nducted in cQmp[iance wi�h
<br /> a!� appficable federal, s�ta�te, and Iocal �a�nrs, re�u[ations and ardinances, ;neluding wi-thou� [imi�ation a!i
<br /> En�Eronmental Laws. Trust��- au�hori�es Lender and i�s agents to en-ter upon �he Propert� to make such
<br /> inspections and rtests, at Trustar's �xpense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o determine compliance o� �he
<br /> Property with this �ection o� �he D�ed af Trust. An� inspectians or tests m�de by Lender sha�[ be for Lender's
<br /> purpases �nly and shal[ nv�he construed tv create any responsibili�y or��abifity on the par�v�Lender to Trustor or
<br /> to any other person.. The represeritations and wa-rrantEes contained here�n are based on Trus�arrs due diligence in
<br /> in�esfiiga��ng �he Property for Hazardous Subs�ance.s. Trustar hereby {'I} re[eases and waiWes any futur� claims
<br /> agai.nst Lender fvr indemnity or contribution in the eWent Trus�or becomes liable for Gleanup vr o�her cvsts under
<br /> any such [aws; and {2� agrees to indemni-�y, de�fend, and hold harmless Lender aga�nst a.ny and a�� clai:ms, losses,
<br /> liabiiities,damag�s, penalt�es, and expenses which Lender may dir�ct�y or ind�rect[y sustain or suffer resul�ing from
<br /> a ��-each of this sect�on o��he Deed af Trus� or as a cansequence of any use, generation, manu�ac�ture, storage,
<br /> dasposa[,release v�th�-eatened re[ease occurring prior to Trusto�r's ownership vr interest in the Property, whether or
<br /> no� �he sam� was or shvuld ha�� been [cnov�rn to Trustor. The provisions o� th�s se�tion o�r the Deed of T�rust,
<br /> incfud`in:g the obiigati�n to indemnify and ds�Fend,shal�sur�i���he payment�f�he Ind�btedness and the sa�isfact�on
<br /> and recon�eyance of the �:�en o�fihis Deed of Trust and shall not b� affected by Lender"s acquisiti�n o�any interest
<br /> in tF�e Prope.r�y, whe-�her by-Foreclasure o�r otherwis�.
<br /> Nuisance, V1laste. Trustor sha[l not caus�, conduct or permi� any nuisance nor c�.mmit, permi�, or su�r�e�- any
<br /> strippi:ng of or viraste on or tv the P�op�rty or any p�rt�on vf�he Praperty. V11i�hout limiting the generality ofi the
<br /> foregoing, Trus�tor will no� remo�e, or grant to any❑th�r party the righ��o remove, any timber, mineraEs [incf uding
<br /> oi� and gas}, coal, c�ay,sc�ria, soi[, gra�el vr rock products wi�hout Lende:r's prfor uvri-��en consent.
<br /> �eax�a�al v�lrnp��Wem�ents. Trus�or sha�� not demolish vr�emo�e any lmprovemen�s from�he Real Property without
<br /> Lender`s prior writ�en eonsent. As a conditian ta the remo�af o�any [mp�o�ements. Lender may require Trus�or to
<br /> rnake arrangements satis�actvey �a Lender �� repCac� such lmpro�ements with �mprovements v�f at Ieas� equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Fi��ht�v Ea�ter. L�nder and Lender=s agsnt� and represen�a�ives may enter upo� �he R�al �roperty a� �[i
<br /> reasorta��e �irpes �o at�end to Lender's intere.s�s and to inspec� �he l�ea1 P�ope�ty �'�r purpvses o� �rus�or9s
<br /> compliance�nrith�he�erms and conditians a��his Deed vf Trus�.
<br /> Complian�e with Governmental Rec�uiremenfs. �rusiar sha�l prvmptly comg�ly �nrith all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regulations, now or hereafter in e€�ecfi, o� al� governr�nen�al authorEt€es aPp�iGable �o the use ar occupanc� o�r t�e
<br /> Prop�rty. Trustar may cvntest in good�aith any such 1aw, ordinance, or r�gulation artd withhof.d c�mplianc�during
<br /> any proceeding, including apprapriate appeals, so �ong as Trustor has notif�ed Lender in ��i�ing p�io�t�r doing so
<br /> and so iong as, in Lender`s so[e opinion, Lender's interests in�he Property are nofi�eopardi�ed: Lender may require
<br /> T�usfior�o.past adequate securi-ty or a sure�y bond, reasonably sa�tis�actory ta Lender,�o protect Lender's interes�.
<br /> �]u�y to Prv#ect. Trus�or agrees neither �o abandvn or lea�e unattended the Proper�y: Trustor shal[ do a�� oth.er
<br /> acts, in addit�on to�hose aCts set forth abo�e in this section, which�rQm the character a.nd use of the Property are
<br /> �easonabiy raecessary to pro`tect and preserve the Property.
<br /> L7l�E�N SALE-���V�ENT �Y LENDEF�. Lender may, at Lender's op�iQn, declare immedEa�tel�due and pay�ble a!� sur�ns
<br /> se�ur�d by th�is �]eed of�rus�upon the sal�or�ransfer, wi�ho��Lender"s �rior�►rrit�en�ans�n�, �f a.���r�n�par�of th�
<br /> F�ea� Prope��y, or any interest in�he Rea[ ['rogae�ty. � 'rsaie €�r�raa�s��r" rneans�he �on���ance of�ea1 �'roperky or any
<br /> righ�, tit�e o� interest �n the F�e.a� Proper�y; �nr�ether legal. bene�icia� �r equi�able� �nrh�ther rro�u��ar� a� �n��fun��ryF
<br /> wh�th�r f�y vu�righ�k sa[e, deed, insta[[men� sale con�rac�, Eand eon�rac�, con�ra�� #or deec�, ieaseh�ld in�eeres� �rvith �
<br /> term �reater�han three {3� years, [�ase-optian contract. �r by sale, assignmen�; or��ans�er of any b�ne�Ecial interes� in
<br /> or tv any Eand trus� ho�ding t���e to the Real Praperty, or !a� any other me�hod of can�eyance vf an interest in the Rea[
<br /> Proper�y. Howe�er, this op�ivn sha�l no�t be exe�cised by Lender if such e�cercise is prohibited by federal law or by
<br /> Nebraska�aw.
<br /> T'A�CES AND LilENS. The �Fo[Iowing pravisions re[ating t� the taxes and Iiens on the Property are part vf�thEs �eeci of
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payra�ent. Trustor sha[C pay v�rhen due {and in a�! e�en�s prio��o de[ir�quency} aI�taxes, �pecial taxes, assessrr�en-ts,
<br /> cha�g�s �in.cludin� wa�er and sewer}, �ines and impos�tions levied ag��r�st or vn acc�un�o�$he Propertyr and sF�a�l
<br /> pay wher� due a�.l �la�r�s for work�l�ne on vr�or services rendered o� �a�erial �urnssh�d �Q the Pr��erty. �rus�or
<br /> sha�� �naintain the i��-operty�ree��all liens ha�ing priorit�����-vr equai�v the in�eres�of Ler�der�nde�th�s Deed��
<br /> ��-�as�r �x�e�t foa- -the iier� o� �a�€es arad assessrx�e�its na� due, ex�ep� �or �h� �x���ing �n��b��dness �e�erred �o
<br /> �e�ow. and exceb��s otheruvise pr��ided in-�his L7e�� a��rus�.
<br /> F��ght�o Cvntest. Trustor may wi�hhold paym�nt of any�tax, assessment, or c�a�m in connec�ion wi�h a good fai�h
<br /> dispufie o�er the oh��gation to pay, sa Iong as Lender's interest in the Property is no�jeopardfzed, lf a [ien arises or
<br /> is fiCed as a result of nanpayment, Trustar shall within fifteen {15} days after �he �ien arises vr, i� a Iien is filed,
<br /> within fifteen ��5} days after Trus�or has notice �f the �iling, s�cure the discharge of the �ien, or if requested hy
<br /> Lender, depo�it wi�h Lender cash or a sufficien�corpvra�e su.�ety bond or�ther securi�y satis�actvey tv Lender�n an
<br /> amount su��ic�en��o discharge�he lien p[us any costs and attvrneys` fees, or�-ther cha�-ges�hat cou�d accrue as a
<br /> resu[t o�a forec�osure or sa[e under th�lien. In any contest,Trustor sha!'� de�end itsel�and Lender and shall safi�s�y
<br /> any adv�rs�judgment before enforcemenfi against�he Property. Trus�or sha[�name Lender as an�dditiana� �h�igee
<br /> under ar�y sure���ond furnished in�he contest�r�ceedings.
<br /> E�idence o�F'�ym�n�:e Trus�or sha9! upon derx�and �urnish f� �.ender sat�sfactory euidence �f payr�en����he�ax�s
<br /> or assessrnents �'nd sh��[ au�thor�ze��e approprda�� go�rer�rr�en�a� �f�ic-ia[ �o deliver�� Lende�-a�aray���e � wri���n
<br /> sta�erneri�o�t�e��xes an�a�sessr�en�s agains��he �'�op���.
<br /> Nv�ice o�r C�ns#ruc�ion. Trus�or shal� nafii-�y Lender a� �eas���fkeen ��5� days �efor:e any rrv�rk is c�nnm�ncec�, ar��
<br /> ser�ices are furnish.ed, o�any materials are supp[ied to the Praper�y, i�any rne�hanic4s lien, rr�a�te.r�almenHs lien, or
<br /> oth�r fien evuld be asserted on account �f�he wark, se�v�ces, or materEa�s. Trustor will upon request vf Lend��
<br /> furnish to Lende.r ad�ance assurances sa�is�Factory tv Lender �hat Trusto� can and will pay the cost ofi such
<br /> i m prvvem en�s.
<br /> - 1PR�PERT� �3Al1l�AC�E �NSURANCE. Th�f�[[�wing pro�isions relating �o insur�ng the Proper�y�re a part of this Deed o�
<br /> Trust.
<br /> �1lain�enance o� insuran�e. Trustor sh.a[[ pa-ac��e and n-�ain��in p�lic�es of f�re insurance with standard ex�ended
<br />