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<br /> �11Y-�El1� RE��R�]ED �AIL Y�:
<br /> E.quitabC�Ba�nk
<br /> Nvr�h Locust Branch
<br /> Z'�3-'f'I 5 N Lvcust St
<br /> Pa Box'I6�
<br /> Crand Island, NE �8��2-�'��� F�R RlE���DEi�'S U�E�i�LY
<br /> . �EE� �F T'F�LJ�T
<br /> M►A��CI�IIIU�1l1 LIEN. �he Iien �f th�� D�ed �f Trust shall nat �xceed �t a�y one t�r�� $44,7��.��.
<br /> TH�� �D�E�3 �F TI�[J�T �s dlated l�iay �7, 2�7 4, am�ng GAYLE �. L�JI"�� �II�I� G�41rLE K.
<br /> RCIiVIEF�I� FIKIA �AYLE �. �ELLEI� A1K1� GI�YL_E KELLEF� , virhase address is ��4 N �4DA�IiS
<br /> S�, GR�N� 15LAlVD, NE ��$�'!4��2; AN L�N�IIIARl�[E.D PE���N �"Trust�r'r�; E�u�tab�e Bank,
<br /> �n►h�se add[ress is Narth Lacus� Branch, 'I�3-7 7� N Lacust St, P� ��� 'i��, �r�n� �s�a�c�, �IiE
<br /> �5��2-�'��� {referred tv �eIow somet�rn�s as "Lender" an� so�net�mes �� "�eneficiary"}; and
<br /> Equit��al� Bank ��ranei ls�a�nt� l�e��on3� whose addlress as '�'I 3-7'�� N L�cust St; �� �ox 7��,
<br /> � �r�nci [s��n�, IVE �����-�]'[�Q �referred t� �e�o� as °'T�us��e�`�=
<br /> ��N11EY�lf����4,llii� �RA�VT. F�r�ralua�l�consr�erativn,Trustor�vnveys tv Trustee �n t�ust,�4f'I`f'i-� �P��EI� �F SALE,
<br /> �Fvr th� �ier�e�i� ot Len�er as �3enefic�ary, a[[ of Trustor�s right, �it�er and �nt�rest in and �a the fo[[owirag c�es��ihed r��l
<br /> proper�y, toge�h�r rivith ai� exis��ng or subsequent�y erected v� affi�ed buildin�s, irnprovemen�s ar�d fixtures; af�
<br /> easemen�s, rights o�way, and appur�enances; a�� wa�er, vtira�er r�ghts and ditch rig��s {�ncluding stvck in utifiti�s v►�ath
<br /> d�tch or irrigation r�gh�s}; and a!1 o�her �-igh�s, royaC-ties, and pro�its re[ating �o the real prap�rtyr inc[uding without
<br /> [imita�ion all minera[s. oi[, gas. geotherma� and similar� matfers, tthe "11��a� PrQpe�'ty°�� �aC�ted ��7 H�4,LL
<br /> �vu�ty,�rSt�te of Ne�raska;
<br /> �FRA�T��NAL L�TS IE��H� ��}, N�NE �9}, AND TEN �7 D�, 1N FRA�T��IVAL BL��I� �'V11� ��},
<br /> i�V i1�ALL��1H'S ADD�TI�N T� THE CITI( �F GRAND ��LAIV�, HALL C�UNTY, AIVD �"H�4`f
<br /> PAI�T �F FF�AC`�'��NAL L�T TEN �7�}, tni FRACTI��IIAIL �L��� �-1��, �N FAF�I�[EllL� PA�K
<br /> ��D����iV �f� �'HE �1T1r �F ��A�VD 1�LA1VL7, F1ALL ��LJ�UTI(� NE�F�A��CA ►�5 �1-I��IV [tV
<br /> ������iI V������ �S'7�m.3�E��R ���� �������V �� �������� ��r �4.r ■ ■�AA.Y���6 0��.�
<br /> �LJ����.�III�C! �EED l�E��F��E[] �� �]��f�J�EiVT 1V�o �r.aLl��6�����
<br /> T�� F���� �r�p�rt� vr �ts a�idre�s is c�mrnoniy kn��n a� 9�4 �V A[]�f1f�S� �F�1VD [SL�elV�3� �VE
<br /> ���.�'�. The l�ea� Proper�y t�x icientif��at�vn number �s 4��1�55�5.
<br /> Trustflr present[y assigns tv L�nder �also kno�rvn as Bene�Ficiary in this Deed of Trus�r} a.�i of Trus�tor's right, ti�le, and
<br /> 'rnt�rest in and to al� presen� �nd future leases o� �he P�-operty and all F�ents fram the Prvpe�rty. !n addition, Trus�or
<br /> granfs to L�nder a Uni�arm Commercia[ Code securi�y�nterest in the Persanal Property and R�n�s.
<br /> ANV e�ND e4E.L �BL�GA`�'�QNS �JIVDEF� THE 11I�TEs `fHE F��L�A�T�D �3�C�9�lIE11�TS. ,�1VD �Fl�� �1EED �F TI�L�S�". T�-II�
<br /> DE�D aF��UST!� �IVE�V�IVD A����T�L��IV TI-1E��LL�V�`��V��EF��UiS�
<br /> TRUST�R'� �E�'�iES1E1VTATl�1VS AND VI�A�F�iV`f��S. �r�s��� �ars-an�s -t�ata �a� �his �]e�d ❑f �'ru�t �� e�cec�rt�c� a�
<br /> ��rro�veras r�ques� anc� �v� a�the req��st o� Lender; �b� ��-us��r �as ��e �ull po�er, rig�ht! and a�hori���a +�n�er �n��
<br /> �h�s Deed o�Ta-�s� and to �vpo�hecate the Proper�yF �c} �he �r�v�s���s o�t�is �eed o��rus� �do s��� �o�flect eneet�, or
<br /> resuft in � defaul� under any agree�nent or o�her i�s�rur�ent�inding vpor�'rustor and do not resul� sn a�Eaiat�or+ o�any
<br /> �aw, regu[ation, cour� de�rs� vr vrder appiical�le tv Trustvr; �d� Trus�or has established adequa�e means af obtai�ing
<br /> frvm Borro�nrer on a cont€nuing basis infvrmation alaout Bvrrvv►rer's finan�ial conditi�n; and �e� Lender has made no
<br /> represen�a�ion�o Trus�vr ahou�gorrower �inc�uding withvut�imitation�he credi�vvorthiness o�Bvrrower}.
<br /> TRUSTQR'S 1l�A�11ERS. Trustor vvai�es a�l rights vr defenses.arising by reason of any "�ne actEon" or TManti=de�iciency"
<br /> [aw, or any ather Iaw which may pre�ent Lender trom br�nging any action against Trustvr, including a claim fvr
<br /> de�ici�ncy to the extent Lender is otheri�vise entit�ed to a efairn fo�- def�c�ency, before or after Lender's commen�ement
<br /> ar cvmp[etion�f any f�reclosure action, e;ther�udici�[[y or h}�exercise of�pow�r of sa�e.
<br /> PA1r111tEN`f�IN[I� PE�F4F��11��1iV�E, E�cep�as o�her�vise prouided �n t�is Deed af Trus�. Bvrr��ver sha�! pa��v Ler�der a�f
<br /> lndeb�ed[n�ss �ec�rrec� by fhis �eed of Trust as it be�orx��s �u�, �nd E3c�r�ower and T�-us�o�- s�al� �er�or� a�� the�r
<br /> ��s�aecti�e obliga�ions under t���l�te,this Deed�o�Trus�, ar���he R����e� Docur�en�s.
<br /> ~ P�SS��SSI�N AIVD �iP�AINTENAIVGE �F �T'H� �'F��PIEF�TYe ��rr�v��r �nd �'��stor agree ��a� �3ors���er"s an� ��-ustargs
<br /> y�ossess�on and use oT the Property sha�� be govern�d hy��e fo��o���ag pr��isi�ns:
<br /> Pvssessivn and Use. Uritil the occurrence of an E�ent o� �efault, Trustor may �'�} remain in passession and
<br /> confral of the Proper�r; {�} use, operate or manage the Property; and {3} �v[�ect the Rents�From-�he Prvperty.
<br /> Du�y t� Niainta�n. Trustor shall maintain �he Property in good condition and promptly pe�form al! repai�s,.
<br /> repfacements, and main�enance necessary-�o preser�e its�a�ue.
<br />