� . ��14�3��5
<br /> DEED �F TRU51"
<br /> (�C��ti�lu�d� Page 8
<br /> with Lender con�ern�ng fhe ma��ers cov�red by this ❑eed of Trust. To be s�fecfi�e, any change ar amendment ta
<br /> #his ❑�ed a�Trust mus# be in writing and mus# he s�gned by whae�er wil! be bound or obligat�d by the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Capt�an Headings. Captian headings �n this Deed of Trus# are fo� con�en�ence purposes only and are not to be
<br /> used ta inferp�et ar define the pro�isians flf this Deed v�Trus�.
<br /> Merge�-. There shail be no merger of the in�erest or esta�e created by�his D�ed ofi Trus�with any other interes�o�
<br /> esta�� in #he Praper�y a�any time held by o�for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the writ�en cansent
<br /> o�Lender. �
<br /> �a�e�n�ng Law. Th�s Deed vf Trust will be ga��rned �y f�d�ral law applicable tv Lender and, ta the extent no#
<br /> preempt�d by federal law,the laws of th�Sta�e of Nebraska withaut regard to�ts conf�icts v��aw pro�isions. This
<br /> Deed vf Trust has been a�cepted by Lender in�he 5tat�o�Nehraska.
<br /> Jvint and Se►►eral Liabiiifiy. Al� ob�igations of Trustor under this Deed af Trus� sha[I be join� and se�e�al, and all
<br /> r�ferences �o Trustor shali mean each and e�ery Trus#or. This m�ans fhat each Trustor signing befow is
<br /> �esponsible for afl obligat�ons in�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> No Wai�er by Lender. Trustor�unders�ands Lender wiil not gi�e up any af Lend�r's rights und�r this �7eed of Trus#
<br /> unless Lender does so in wr�ting. The fa�t that Lender delays or omi�s to exe�-cise any right will not mean #hat
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that righ�. If Lender does agree in writing ta gi�e up one flf Lender's righfis, that daes not
<br /> mean Trust�r wi�l nat ha�e ta comply with the other pro�isions ❑f this Deed o�Trust. Trus�a� aiso und�rs�ands
<br /> that if L�nder d�es consent t� a reques�, �hat does no� mean �hat Trus�or will not have ta g�t Lende�'s cansent
<br /> again if the situa#ion happens again. T�-ustor fu�ther unders�ands that�ust because Lend�r consen�s t�one or more
<br /> o�Trustor's requests, �hat does not mean Lender will be requ�red tv consent �o any af T�ustor's future requests.
<br /> Trusfor wai�es presen�ment, d�mand fo�payment, protest, and notice o�r dishonor.
<br /> Se�erability. �f a �vurt finds that any pro�ision of this Deed of Trust is no# �alid or shou�d not be enfarced, that
<br /> fact by ifiselfi w�ll not mean that th� r�s�of this ❑eed o�Trust wili not b��aiid ar enforced. Therefore, a court will
<br /> _ enfot�ce#he rest of the pro�isions of this ❑eed of Trust even if a pr�o�ision of this C�eed �f Trust may be found tv be
<br /> invalid or unenfarceable.
<br /> Successars and Assigns. Subje��to any I�mita�ions s#ated in this Deed ofi T�ust on transfer of Trus�or's interes#,
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust shall be binding upon and inure ta the benefit a�the par�ies, their successors and assigns. 1�
<br /> ownership of the Proper�y becomes �ested in a person a#her than Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trustar's su�cessors with reference to�h�s D�ed of Trust and the Indeb�edness by way of forbearance or
<br /> ex�ension wi�hou#releasing Trustor from the obfigations of this Deed ofi Trust or�iability under the [ndebtedness.
<br /> Time �s of#he Essence. Time is o�the essence in the pe�Formance of th�s Deed o�Trust.
<br />�+ 1JVa�r►�r vf Hflm�s�ead Exemption. Trus��r her�by releases and wai��s al1 righ�s and ber�efits ofi �he h�mestead
<br /> exemp�ion laws of the S�a#e of Nebraska as to a€I Indebtedness secured by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> DEFINITIQNS. The fo��awing words shal� have th�follawing mean�ngs when used in this Deed o�Trust:
<br /> B�neficiary. The ward "Bene��iary" means BANK�F THE VIIEST, and �ts su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Borrvwer. The word "Borrower" means ALLAN W SPARY and GAYLE M SPARY and inciudes a�l co-signers and
<br /> _ ca-makers signing the Cr�edit Agreement and all the�r successors and assigns.
<br /> Credi�A reemen#. The words "��ed�t Agr�emen�" mean the �redit agreement dated May�'�, ��'14, with cred�t
<br /> I�I'nit o�$3C�,000.�❑ from Trustor to L�nder, �� ethe� with all renewals of exfiensions af mod�ficatians o�
<br /> 9 � , ,
<br />- refinancings of, cansolida�ions of, and subsfi�ut�ons for�he promissory note or ag�eement. The matur�ty date o�
<br /> this Deed of Trust is June '�, ��39. NC�Ti�E TQ TRUSTC]R: THE CRED[T A�REEMENT ��NTAINS A VARlABLE
<br /> -- De�d af Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trus� among Trustor, Lende�, and T�-ustee, and
<br /> inc�udes wi#hout [�mttativn a�l assignm�nt and securi�y interes� p�o�isions re�ating to the Pe�-sanal Praperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> - Environmental Laws. Th� words "Environmental Laws" m�an any and all sta�e, federal and loca� statu�es,
<br /> regula��ons and ardinances rela�€ng tv �he pra�ec�ion of human health or the en��rnnment, including withou�
<br /> �imitation the Comprehensi�e Env�ronmen#al Respanse, Campensa�ion, and L'[ab�li�y Act of 198�, as am�nded, 42
<br /> U.S.�. Section 96Q'�, et seq. �"CER�LA"}, �he SuperFund Amendmen�s and Reauthor�za�ion Act of '1986, Puh. L.
<br /> No. 99�499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials Trar�sporta�ion Act, 49 U.S.�. Section 'I 8Q1, e�seq., th� Resvurce
<br /> Canservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.�. Sectivn 69�'I, et seq., or o�her appli�able stat� or#edera� �aws, ru�es,
<br /> or regula#ions adopted pursuant�her�to.
<br /> E�ent o�Defauit. The words"E�ent o�De�auit"mean any��the e�en#s of default set for�h in this ❑eed of Trus#in
<br /> �he e�ents of de�fau�t sectian flf this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Exist�ng lndeb�#edness. The words "Existing lndebtedness" mean the indeb�edness described in the Ex�sting Liens
<br /> pro�isi�n o�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Hazardvus Subs�ances. The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean mat�r�als that, becaus� of �heir quant�ty,
<br />