<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �C�]r�t�nu�d} � Page 7
<br /> rese�-ved to Trustee o� Lender, is in�ended t� be exc�usi�e of any other remedy in this Deed a�Trust or by 1aw
<br /> pro��ded or ps�mitt�d, but each shall be cumulati�� and sha�l be in additian to e�ery ather remedy gi�en in �his
<br /> Deed of Trust or now or herea�ter existing at �aw or in equi�y or by statute. E�ery pawer or remedy gi�en by�he
<br /> Credit Agreemen� vr any �f the Re�a#ed Documents ta Trustee or Lender or �o which �i�he� af �hem may be
<br /> otherwise entitled, may be exercised, concur�en��y or independently, from time to time and as often as may be
<br /> deemed exped�ent by Trustee or L�nder, and eitner of them may pursue inconsistent remed�es. Nathing in this .
<br /> Deed of T�ust shal� be cons�rued as prohibi��ng Lender from seeking a defic�ency�udgment aga�nst the Trustor to
<br /> #he exten�such act�on is permi��ed by�aw.
<br /> Elec�ion of Remedies. Af� af Lender's rights and r�medies wiil be cumulati�e and may be ex�rc�sed a�vne o�
<br /> together. I�F Lender deeides tv spend mon�y or�o p�rfflrm any o�Trustor's ab�igations und�r this Deed of Trust,
<br /> after Trus�ar's �ailure ta do so, tha� decision by Lender w�ll not affect Lender's right ta declare Trus#or in default
<br /> and to exer��se Lender's remedies.
<br /> R�quest fo�No�i�e. Trustar, on behal�f o�Trustor and Lender, hereby r�quests that a copy of any Not�ce �f Default
<br /> and a copy af any Notice ��Sale under�his ❑eed of Trus�be mailed �a them a�the addresses s��forth in#he�irst
<br /> parag�aph of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> A��orneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender ins�itutes any suit a� actian to en�arce any of the terms of this Desd ofi
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitl�d to reco�er sueh sum as the caurt may adjudge reasonable as attorn�ys'fees a��rial
<br /> and upon any appeaf. V1lheth�r or no� any cour� action is in�o[�ed, and ta �he ex�ent no� prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasonabl� expenses Lender incurs thaf in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time fo� the protectiot� of its
<br /> inte�es�or the en�arcement of its �-igh�s shall became a part of the lndeb�edness payable�n demand and shall bear
<br /> interesf at the Credit Agreement rate from the date of the expenditure un�il repaid. Expenses ca�e�ed by �his
<br /> paragraph inc�ude, without limi�atian, howe�er subjec�to any [imits urtder applicable iaw, Lend�r's at�orneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's legal expenses, whether or no� there �s a lawsui�, inc�uding attorn�ys' �ees and expenses �or
<br /> bankrup��y proceed�ngs �including e�fforts �ta modify or�acate any automatic s�ay ar in�unction}, appeals, and any
<br /> ant�cipated past-�udgm�n� collec#iQn servi�es, the �ost of searching reca�ds, obta�ning ti�le reparts tincluding
<br /> �oreciosure reports}, su�eyors' �eports, and appraisal �ees, �itle insurance, and fees for the Trustee, tv the extent
<br /> permitted by applicabie iaw. Trus�or als❑wil[ pay any cour�cos�s, in addition to a�l other sums pro�id�d by�aw.
<br /> R�ghts o�Trustee. Trustee sha11 ha�e all o�the rights and duties of Lender as se�forth in this section. �
<br /> P�111J'ERS AN❑ �gLtGAT1�NS 4F TRUSTEE. The following p�-o�is�ons rela�ing to the powers and obl�gations of Trustee
<br /> are part of�his Deed o�Trusfi.
<br /> Powers of Trustee. ln addi�ian tfl ail powsrs o�Trus�ee arising as a matter of 1aw, Trustee shall ha�e�he power to
<br /> take th�foi(owing actions with respec�to �he Proper�y upon �he written requ�st of Lender and Tru��or: �a}joir� ir�
<br /> prepar�ng and f��ng a map or plaf o� �he Real Prope�ty, including the dedication of s#reets or Qfher r�gh�s to the
<br /> pub�ic; �b} join in granting any easement o� creating any res�ric�ion on �he Real Proper�y; and �c} join �in any
<br /> subordinafiion or o�her agreement affecting this ❑eed of Trust or the in�eres�❑f Lender under this Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> T�-ustee. Trus#ee shal� meet all qualifca�ions ��quired �or-Trus�ee under applicable �aw. �n addition to the righ�s
<br /> and remed�es set far�h ahoWe, with respect �o all or any part o�the Property, the Trustee snal� ha�e fhe right tv
<br /> foreclose by notice and sa�e, and Lender will have the right to foreclose by judicial foreclosure, in e�ther �ase in
<br /> accordance w��h and to fihe full�xtenf pro�ided by applicable law.
<br /> Successor Trus�ee, Lender, at Lender's option, may fram time�a �ime appoint a successor Trustee tv any Trust�e
<br /> appainted und�r fihis Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknaw[edged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> offii�� of the recorder ofi HALL County, 5tate of Nebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in addi�ion to al� other
<br /> matters required by state �aw, the names vf �he o�-�ginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustar, the book and page �or
<br /> computer system re�eren�e} where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address of the sucGessor
<br /> trus#�e, and the ins#rument sha�l be ex�cu�ed and acknow�edged by all the bene�ic�aries under this Deed o�Trust or
<br /> their su�c�ssflrs in interest. The suc�essor trustee, withou# con��yan�e o�the Proper#y, shall �ucceed �o afl the
<br /> t'rtle, power, and du�i�s canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This pr�c�dure for
<br /> substi�ution fl�Trustee shail go�srn to the exelusion o�ail other p�-ovisions�or subs�i�u�ion.
<br /> N�T��ES. Any not�ce r�quired �t� be gi�en unde�this Deed ❑f Trust, including vuithout limitation any na�ice o�d��aul�
<br /> and any notice o�sale sha�l be gi�en in writing, and shall be efFect��e vuh�n�a�tual�y deli�ered, when ac�ual{y received
<br /> by tslefacsimiie�unless othenn�ise required by law},when deposi�sd wi�h a n�tianal�y re�ognized o�ern�ght courie�, or, if
<br /> mailed, when d�posited in the United Stafies ma�i, as#irs�cfass, certified or regis�ered maii pastage prepa�d, directed �o
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning vfi this Deed af Trust. All copies o�natices ❑f foreclosure�rom the ho�der�f
<br /> any lien which has priori�y a�er this Deed af Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, as sh�wn near the beginning of
<br /> th�s Deed of Trust. Any person may change h�s or her address fvr no��ces unde�this Deed o�Trust by gi�ing formai
<br /> w�i#ten notice to #he o�her pe�san or p�rsans, specifying that the purpase of the nat�ce ts '�o chang� the person's
<br /> address. For natice purpos�s, Trus�or agr�es to keep Lender informed at al� times of Trustor`s current address, Unless
<br /> atherwise pro�ided ar required by (aw, �f there is more than one Trustor, any no�ice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is
<br /> deemed�o be notice gi�en to ai! Trus�ors. I�will be Trustor's respons�biiity�o�el!the o�hers of�he notiGe from Lender.
<br /> MIS�ELLANE�tJS PROV[S14NS. The fal�owing miscelianeous pro�isians a�-e a part of this Deed of Trust;
<br /> Amendmen#s. What is wri�#ten in this Deed af Trust and in the Reiated Dfl�umen#s �s Trustor's entire agreemen�
<br />