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��14�3�43 <br /> •• r .r i. .. �. , . . • <br /> ,L . 4 • <br /> Tha�Trustor agrees tha#any materials or other i�ems faund in, on, under or around the Premises wh�ch qualify <br /> as hazardous substances, �r any o�herwise deemed unacceptable by the Trus�ee, �n its saIe discre�ion shai� be <br /> - immedia�ely remo�ed from the Premises, at Trustar's sole c�st and expense, i.n compl�ance w�th a1� applicable <br /> Environmenta�Law. <br /> That Trus�or sha��.,�n addit7on to th�se no�if catians re�uired elsewhere in this Trust Deed,nQ��fy Trustee of.: <br /> �a� the presence of. a.ny �isible asbes�os or asbestos-canta�ning materia�s, P�B's �except as <br /> shav�n on the En�ironmenta� Cer�ifica#e�, radon gas �eyond accep�able lim�ts, ar urea <br /> formaldehyde foam,in,on,under,onto or frorn the Premises,and <br /> �b} the re�eipt by Trustor of an� notice or other communieatian fram any go�ernmental <br /> e.n�ity or authority or from any tenants �r�ther occupant or from any other person or source vvith <br /> respect to any aileged or actual release, contamina�ion or ather event in�al�ing a hazardous <br /> su�stance on,in,under,anto,or fr�m�he Premises,and <br /> �c} shall promptly send Trustee copies of alI results of�ests of underground storage�anks at <br /> the Premises. <br /> 14. APP�INTMENT �F SU�CESSUR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary may, from time to �ime, by a <br /> written 7nstrument executed an� acknavvledged by Benef.iciary, mailed to Trustar and recorded in �he coun�y or <br /> counties in wh�ch the Property is l�ca�ed and by atherwise comp�ying with the provisions af the applicab�e laws of <br /> the s�a�e of Neb�aska,substitute a successor or successors ta the Trustee named her�in or acting her�under. <br /> �.5:��� ��-��=������:TI�NS. Benef�c�ary, or its a�ent�, .r.�nrAsentati.�es, or emplvyees, are authorized�fl enter <br /> a�any reasonable time and in.�accordance wiin the terms of leases and�he Nebraska Land�ord Tenant Act <br /> upon or in any part vf the Property for the purpase of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performzng any of <br /> �he ac�s it is author�zed to perform under the�erms of tihe Trus�Deed. <br /> 16. �PTIUN TU F�RECLUSURE. Upon�he occurrence of any breach and upon�he dec�ara�ion of <br /> defau��hereunder,Beneficiary shall ha�e the option�o foreclose this Trust Deed rn the manner pro��ded by law for <br /> th�farec�osure of trust deeds on real property. <br /> 17. F�RBEARANCE BY BENEFI�IARY UR TRUSTEE N�T A WAIVER. Any for�ea.rance <br /> by Benefciary or Trust�e in exerc�sing any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicab�� lav�, <br /> shal� not be a�aiver of or preclude the exer�ise of any such right or remedy. Likewise, �he �vai�er by Beneficiary <br /> or Trustee of.any defaul�af Trustor under this Trust D�ed shall not be deemed ta be a wai�er�f any a�her�r simil,ar <br /> defaults subsequently accurring. <br /> 18. BENEFI�IARYrS P�WERS. Without affec�ing or releasing the liab7lity of�he Trustor�r any <br /> o�her person ]iable for the paymen� of any obliga�i�n here�n men��oned, and withaut af.fecting the l�en or charge of <br /> � �his Trust Deed upon any por��an af the Property. Benef ciary may, from time to �ime and without n�tice at the <br /> reques� of one or m�re Trustors, �i} reIease any person ]iab�e, �ii� extend or r�new the maturity or alter any of the <br /> terms af any such oh�igatYons, �iii} grant other indulgences, ���� release �r recfln�ey, or cause to be re�eased �r <br /> recon�eyed, at any �ime at Beneficiary's option any parceI �r all af the Property, (�} take ar release any other or <br /> additional se�urity far an�obligation herein�nent�oned, ��i}make settlements or other arrangements wi�h Trus�or�n <br /> relation there��. All Trust�rs sha�l be jvintly and se�erally abligated and bound by the actions of the Beneficiary or <br /> any one or more Trustor as s�a�ed in this paragraph. <br /> 19. ATT�RNEY FEES,C�STS,AND EXPENSES. The Benefi�rary of this Trust Deed is entitled <br /> to the pay�kpn��f�.�nrne,ys'fees, costs, and expenses as pro�ided in this Trust Deed, except as othervWise prohibited <br /> by�aw. � . ... � . ... .. . . <br /> 2U. REC�NVEYAN�E BY TRUSTEE, Upon wr�tt�n request of Beneficiary and upan paymen�l�y <br /> Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee sha��re��n�ey�o Trustor, or tihe person or persons 1e�ally ent��.led thereto, without <br /> warranty, any por�ion af the Property then held hereunder. Recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts <br /> shall �be canc�usi.�e proof Qf the truthfulness ther�of. The grantee in any recon�eyance may be descr.ibed as "�he <br /> person or persons l�ga�ly entit�ed thereto." <br /> Z1. N�TICES. Excep� far no�ices, demands, requests, or ather cammunications required under <br /> app�icab�e Iaw to be gi�en �n another manner, whenever Beneficiary, Trustar or Trustee gi�es �r ser�es an.y no�ice <br /> �inc�uding,vvithou��imitatian,nati�e�f default and no�ice af sale}, demands,reques�s,or o�her communicati�n wi�h <br /> respect to this Trust Deed, each.such n�tice, demand, request, or o�her commun�cation shal�.be �n writing and shall <br /> be effec�i�e only if the same is delivered by persona� service or is ma�Ied by cer�ified ma�1, pas�age prepaid, <br /> addressed ta the address as se� forth at the begi.nning of�his Trust Deed. Any party may a� any t�me change i�s <br /> address for such n4tices by deli�ering flr mai.lYng to the other party heret�, as aforesa�d, a notice�of such change. <br /> Any no�ice hereunder shall be deemed to ha�e been gi�en to Trustflr or Beneficiary, when gY�en �n the manner <br /> des�gnated herezn. <br /> 2�. REQU�ST F�R N�TICE. Trustar and Benef ciary hereby request a copy of any n�tiice of <br /> defaul�,and a cap�of any notice of sale thereunder,be mailed to each pers�n who is a par�y hereto at the address far <br /> such person se�forth in the first paragraph of this Trust Deed. . <br /> Z3. G�VERNING LAW. This Trus�De�d sha1�be go�erned by the laws of the s�ate of Nebraska. <br /> . 5 <br /> - . ,. ., ..�..,. ,. . . . .- ... .. <br />