� � �...�. � .� � ,. r. ..� ..,.�. �. - ��14�3�43
<br /> That Trustor sha�l and daes hereby re�ease, ind�mnify, agree�o pay on behalf of and hfl�d harm�ess Trustee, its
<br /> off cers, direc�ors, agen�s, employees, Sl1CC�550I'S ariC�aSS1gI1S Qf, fr�m and against any impositians imposed by any
<br /> governmentai authar�ty for any lien or so-�alled "su�er pr�ority Iien"upon the Premises,as we�l as a��losses,c�aims,
<br /> cos�s, �iabi�ities, penalt�es, pun.iti�e damages, causes of a��ion, ac�ians, demands, damages, fines �ciW�l or crim�nal�,
<br /> penalties, expenses,��ean-up cos�s,attorneys'f�es and caurt cos�s, caused in who�e or in par�,regard�ess of fau�t,by
<br /> any past, present or future o�ner, occupier, tenants, subtenant, undersubtenan�, licensee, gues�, or any other persan
<br /> or enti�y, �nc�uding but no� �im�ted to the Trustor and Trust�e, which may be incurred, suffered or sustained by
<br /> Trustee, xts of.f cers, d�rectors, successors �r assigns, at any time, and from time �o time, whe�her before, during or
<br /> after enfor�em�nt of its rights and remedies hereunder afte�-the occurren�e of an.E�ent of Default and after payment
<br /> of a11 sums se�ured hereby,by reason of or arising from,in whole or in part;
<br /> �a} the presence or al�eged presence of ashestas, asbestos�containing materia�s, PCB's, radon gas, or
<br /> UFF�on the Premises;
<br /> (b� any violation or alleged�iola�ian.of any�f the terms of this Trus�I]eed;
<br /> (c� any��ola�ion or a�leged�i�Ia��on�f.any Environmenta�Law; and
<br /> �d� any release ar contamination caused by any hazardous substance on,in,under, anto,from ar abou� �
<br /> �he Premises;or � � �
<br /> �e} r� �� �any�;ii d�����.�y�L�Y� �����;�la������j�i�ry;'.praperty damage �r damage to th e en�iranm�nt due ��
<br /> �a},tb},�c�or�d}aba�e�"Receivable Claims"}.
<br /> Tha�the terms of th�s paragraph sha11 sur�i�e the payment in full af al�sums secured here�y and the termination
<br /> and satisfaction of record of this Trus�De�d andlor a deed in lieu of fareclosure.
<br /> ThaC Trus�or agrees tha� in the e�ent Trustee shall pay any Recei�a�le �laims, al� such sums shall be added to
<br /> the amaun� secured hereby, shall be deemed to be obligatori�y ad�anced u.nder�he terms of�he Loan Documents,
<br /> sha�l�be secured hereby and shall be payable on demand by Trustor. The terms of this paragraph shall sur�i�e the
<br /> paymen�in fu�1 of all��her sums�ecured hereby and the terminativn and satisfac�ion of re�ord of rh�s Trust I]eed.
<br /> Tha�Trust�r u�arrants and represents to Trustee that Trus�ar has in�estigated the prior ownersh�p and use nf the
<br /> Premises, in a manner consistent wi�h good commerc�al and customary prac��ce, ta determine that the Premises is
<br /> free of hazardvus substances. Trustor,in performing its investigat�on,has considered,amon��ther factors:
<br /> (a� the re�ationship of the purchase pr�ce t� the �alue af. the Premises if uncon�aminated v�hen
<br /> acquired,
<br /> �b} c�rnmonly known or ascertainable information a�b�ut the Premises,and
<br /> �c� the obviousness of the presence,ar likely presence,of con�amination.
<br /> That Trustor warrants and repr�sents�o Trustee that:
<br /> �a� none of the r�a1 proper�y ovrmed andl�r occupied by Trustar, including�he Prem�ses, has
<br /> _ e�er been used to treat, store, produce, handle, transf.er, process, transpor�, dispose or ��herwise
<br /> � release� �k��:�w:-a���� �r.t��t�r�.P�. �r�,��. dt�y u��ier sul�stances regu�ated or con.tra�led, by the
<br /> En�ironmenta�Laws ar wh�ch v�ould result in any liability�herefor;
<br /> �b} th�re is n�pa�lution or danger of pol�ution resulting from a condition which exists an the
<br /> Premises which requires any correc�i�e action under the En�ironmenta� Laws or which �vou�d
<br /> resu��in any 1iab�lity�herefor;
<br /> �c� no notif cation has �een filed �vi�h regard to a release of hazardous substances on, in�o,
<br /> a onto or fr�m the Premises under the En�iranmental Laws;
<br /> �d� neither Trustor nor any pr��r ov�aer or occupier flf the Premises ha�e re�ei�ed a
<br /> summ�ns, cita�ion, Notice vf Viala#�on, Administrati�e �rder, directi�e, let�er or other
<br /> communicatian, written �r oral, from any go�ernmental or Quasi-�governmental author�ty
<br /> concerning any rel.eases of ar contamina�ions caused by ha.2ardous substan�es or �i�lation or
<br /> a�.�.eged�ialation�f.any En�ironmental Laws; �
<br /> �e� there are no underground storage tanks, ��s�ble ashestos, asbes�os-cantaining materials,
<br /> PCB's or UFF��oca�ed on,in,under or about the Premises;
<br /> �#} there ha�e been no releases at, upan, under or vvithin, and no past or angoYng migra��on
<br /> from neighb�ring lands to the Premises of.any hazardous substances;
<br /> �g� �here is no radon gas infiltrating the Build�ngs in excess of current s�ate and federal
<br /> guidelines;and
<br /> �h} ali warranties and representati�ns gi�en by Trustar, or any ather parry, are true, complete
<br /> � � � �d��ci;:�����t..a,s.pf the date hereo.f..- -- �_ � �r�.: .
<br /> 5
<br />