<br /> 24. SUCCESSURS AND ASSIGNS. This Trust Deed, and all terms, canditions, and obl�ga�ions
<br /> herein, a���v �a and inure to �he benefit�of and binds al� parties hereta, their heirs, legatees, devisees, persanal
<br /> r�presentati�es, suc�essors, �.���►��d����r�. �'h�� ���:��; "�erie�iciary" sha�1 mean the ov�ner and holder flf the Note,
<br /> whether or nat named as Benef ciary here�n.
<br /> 25. J�INT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. AI1 co�enants and agreemen�s of Trustor shal� be�oint
<br /> and several.
<br /> 26. SEVERABILITY. In the e�ent of any one or more of the pro�isions con�a�ned in this Trust Deed
<br /> or the Nate or any other security i.ns�rument given in connectiion wi�h this transactxon.shal� for any reason be�n�a�id,
<br /> i��ega1, or unenforceable in any respect, such inval�dity, zllegali�y, �r unenforceability sha�l, at �he aption of
<br /> Benef cxary, not affect any other pro�ision af this Trust I�eed, but th�s Trust Deed shall be construed as if sueh
<br /> in�alid,i�lega�, ar unenforcea�le pro�is�on had never been con�axned herein or therein. �f�he lien of the Trust Deed
<br /> �s �.n�a�id ar unenf.orceab�e as �o any part of the debt, �.r if the lien is �n�al�d�r unenforceab�e as ta any par�of the
<br /> Prapert�, the unsecured ar partia�l}�secured portion of the debt sha�l be�amp�.ete�y paid prior to the pay�n�nt�f the
<br /> rema�ning and secured or partial�y secured portion of the debt, and al� payments made on the debt, vvheth�r
<br /> �oluntary �r in�o�untary, shali be cons�dered t� ha�e been first paid on an� applied ta the �fu�� payrnent of that
<br /> port�on af�he de�t which is nat secured or not fui�y secured by the l�en of this Trus�Deed.
<br /> 27. TI�USTEE LIABILITY. So�lang as the Trus�ee shall. act �n good faith and in reliance upon
<br /> notices and other infvrmation which �t, in its so�e d�scre�ion, may deem to be reliab�e, and so long as Trustee shall
<br /> exercise reasona��e prudence and care in i�s admi.nis�ra�ion hereunder, Trustee �hall nat he Iiable for any loss ar
<br /> damage sustained or incurred by the Trustors or any Beneficiary or by any other pers�ns whamsoe�er, it b�ing
<br /> expressly stipulated that the Trustee shall �e liable only f.or �ts awn gross negligence and w�l�ful default in the
<br /> premises.
<br /> Z8. NUMBER AI1TD GENDER. VL�hene�er used herein,the singular number sha�l include the plural,
<br /> and�he use of any gender shall be app�icable�a a�l genders.
<br /> •i ��r-
<br /> , •. ,r� ..� .,�:f k 4 ... •' . •...�-- • ... .. _+� ..1,.•. .�i a; ..�
<br /> Z9. ACCEPTAN�E BY TRUSTEE. Trustee accepts this Trust when th�s Trust Deed,du�y executed
<br /> and acknaw�edged,is made a public recvrd as pro�ided by�aw.
<br /> IN �VITNESS WHERE�F, Trustor has exe�uted th�s Trust Deed as af the date and year f�rst abo�e
<br /> .
<br /> wr2tten. �
<br /> By: Hall Coun�y Housing Auth�rity
<br /> � So�e mber .
<br /> �
<br /> By: -
<br /> Rick Ruzi�ka,Execut��e Directvr
<br /> } SS.
<br /> ��UNTY aF �� ��'�-S �
<br /> . . '�'l,� . .
<br /> The forego�ng �nstrum�nt vvas acknowledged before me th�s� day of May, 2�14, by R�ck Ruzicka,
<br /> E�ecu�i�e Directar of Hali C�unty Housing Authority, 5ale Member of Shady Bend V�l1as, L.L�, on behalf of
<br /> Shady Bend V�11as,LL�.
<br /> WI'�'N�5�r��������an r�n.n1'a.�"��.� S�a��h P C��.V�,r►.��r:��'�s�;abo�e written.
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> ,� � ,
<br /> � �
<br /> �'����� P 1 c
<br /> �;�►� Nota ub
<br /> � ����
<br /> 7
<br />