<br /> the fal�ov�ing amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and remain ing unpaid at the ti_me schedu�ed for sa�e: S
<br /> percen�um�n the ba�ance thereof and then t�the items�n subparagraph�c�,rn the order therein s�ated.
<br /> �c� After paying the items specif��d in subparagraph ��), if the sale is by Trustee, or if the sa�e is
<br /> pursuant to judicial foreclasure,the proceeds of sa�e sha�l be app�ied in the f�llawing order:
<br /> �1} cost af any eviden�e of��t�e procur�d �n connec�ion vWith such saie and of any re�enue
<br /> transfer fee reauired to be paid;
<br /> �2� a�1 obliga�ions secured by this Trust Deed;
<br /> �3} junior trust deed.s,mortgages,or other lienho�ders;
<br /> �4} the rema�nder,if any,�o the person legally entit�ed thereto.
<br /> INDEMNITIES: That Trust�r shall not use,nor permit any tenan�,oc�upant or any other party�r en�ity to use,�he �
<br /> Prem�ses, flr any part thereof, for the purpose of generating, treating, producing, st�ring, handl�ng, transferring,
<br /> processing, transpo'riin�,�u������na r�r��hepWZS�.X�I��.c�*'��r'-�i�:�,�r�u��us substances," as hereinafter defined, either on,
<br /> in,from or about�he Premises which:
<br /> �a} creates or causes a�ontamination eithe.r on the Prem�ses �r eisev►�here which is requ�red
<br /> by any governmental authority ta be remo�ed, remedxated, ar otherv�ise cleaned up under any
<br /> appl�cable"En�aronmentai Lavv,"as defned belov�r,
<br /> �k�} creates any farm or l�ability, ci�il or criminal,direct�r�ndirect,due to such contam�nation,or
<br /> �c} is in cantra�en��an of any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> . Tha�the�erms "En�ir�nmental Lav�" and "En��ronmental Laws" as us�d in this Trust I]eed�nclude any and a�l
<br /> curren�and future federal,s�a�e and lacal en�ironmental laws,statutes,rules,regulations and�rdinances,as the same
<br /> shal� be amended and modified from tYme to time, Ynclud7ng but no��imited�o, "comman�avv,"the Gomprehens��e
<br /> En�ironmen�al Response, Cvmp�nsation and Liabil�ty Act �"CERCLA"�, as amended fr�m txme ta time, the
<br /> Resource Conser�a��on and Reco�ery Act �''RCRA"}, as amended from time to time, and �he Toxic Substances
<br /> �ontrol Act�"TS�A"},as amended from t�me�o time.
<br /> Tha� "hazardous substan�es" as used�n�his Trust Deed includes any and alI "hazardous substan�es" as defned
<br /> in CERCLA, any and all "ha2ard�us v�as�es" as defned in RCRA, and any and a1� "toxic substances" as defined �n
<br /> TSCA, petraleum p.roducts, asbestos �r asbestos-conta�ning ma�erials, polychlorina�ed hiphenyls �"P�B's"�, radan
<br /> gas, urea forma�dehyde f.oam insula��on �"UFF�"} and any and a�l other hazardaus substances, hazardous wastes,
<br /> pol�utants and c�ntaminants regulated ar cantrolled by any of the En�iranmental Laws.
<br /> That Trustor shal�,in the e�ent af any discharge,spill, inje�tian,escape,em�ss��n,disposa�,�eak or other release
<br /> of hazardous substances on, �n,under,�n�o or from the Premises,which is not auth�r.ized by a currently�a1id permi�
<br /> or o�her ap�r�va�����������the apprQpriate go��rnmental ag�..r,.�:�Ps:
<br /> � '• � 'i•. . '�.. k. . .
<br /> �a} promp��y notify Trustee,�he Environmental Protection Agency National Respanse Center
<br /> and.the appropriate State Department of Environmen�al Resourc�s,
<br /> �b} take a�l steps necessary to promptly c�ean up such discharge, spil�, in�ection, escape,
<br /> emission, dispasal, leak or ano�her reiease in accordance with the pro�isions of all app�icabie
<br /> En�ironmen�a�Laws,and
<br /> �c� recexv� cer��f�a�ion from the appropria�e Sta�e Depar-tment af En�ironmental Resources
<br /> or Federal En��ronmental Pr�tectian Agency that the Premises, and any other propei-�y affected,
<br /> has been cleaned up tu the satisfaction of those agencies.
<br /> Tha�Trustor sha�l and does hereby�ran�Trus�ee and Trus�ee's agen�s, employees, contrac�ars and designees an
<br /> irre�ocable license�coupled with an int�rest�to enter the Premises fram�ime to�ime to:
<br /> �a� eva�uate and monitor the Fremises for compliance with all Environmen�al Laws and�he
<br /> �erms�f the Trust Deed,
<br /> �b� �o e�aluate the presence af hazardous substances,and
<br /> (c} to perfarm appropr�ate tests and test borings,in�luding taking soil and graund water samples.
<br /> That Trustor shall pro�ide Trustee �vith a11 n�txces and other communicati�ns rece��ed f.rom f�dera�, state and
<br /> loca� agencies and depar�rnents which enforce and administer the En�ironmenta� Lavvs. From time�a time Trustor
<br /> shall provide Trustee,up�n request,any and al� infarmatian requested by Trus�ee cancerning the use�f the Premises
<br /> and Trus���-'� ��r�n�ia.x�ce with the En�ironmental Laws and�he terms of this Trust Deed, inc�uding but not l�mitied
<br /> ta,a�l l�censes,permi�s an�certY��ca�es,�drl������oo:i�ari�records per�aining ta the Premises.
<br /> That Trust�r shal� require that alI �enants, subtenan�s, undersubtenants and other �ccupants �f the Premises to
<br /> use and accupy the Premises in stri�t complian�e�v�th the Environmental Lav�s and th�tierms of�his Trust Deed.
<br /> 4
<br />