<br /> . _�. .. . .
<br /> . . . .. . �.� . . .
<br /> That Trustor shal� and does hereby release, indemnify, agree to pay on behalf of and h�1d harm�ess Trustee, its
<br /> officers, d.irectors, agents, employees, successors and assigns of, from and agai.nst any impositions �mpased by any
<br /> go�ernmenta�authority for any�ien or so-�alled"super pr�ority lien"upan the Premises, as well as al�losses, c�aims,
<br /> casts, 1iab�lities,penalt�es,puniti�e damages, causes of ac�ion, ac�ions, demands, damages, f�nes (�i�i� or crim�na�},
<br /> pena�t�es, expenses,��ean-up costs, attorneys'fees and court cos�s, caused in v�hoie or in par�,regardless of faul�,by
<br /> any past, presen� ar future owner, occupier, tenan�s, subtenant, undersuhtenant, licensee, guest, or any ather person
<br /> ar ent��y, �ncluding but not limi.ted to the Trust�r and Trus�ee, whi�h may be incurred, suf.f.ered or sustained by
<br /> Trustee, ��s officers, directors, successors or assigns, at any time, and from t�me to time, whether before, dur.�ng or
<br /> after enforcement of��s rights and remedies hereunder after the occurrence of an E�ent of I]efau�t and after payment
<br /> of al�sums secured hereby,by reason of or arising from,in whole or in part;
<br /> �a} the presence or alleged presen�e af asbestos, asbestas-containing materials, PCB's, radon gas, �r
<br /> UFFT on the Premises;�
<br /> �b} any vrolation or all�ged�iolation of any of the terms�f�his Trus�Deed;
<br /> �c} any�Y�1a��an ar a�leged�iolation flf any En�ironmenta�Law; and
<br /> �d} any release or contaminatian caused by any hazardous substance on, in,under,onto,from or about
<br /> the Premises;or
<br /> �e� any �iabilit� for persanal injury, property damage or damage to the env�ronment due to
<br /> �a},���,�c}or�d}ab��e�"Re�ei�ab�e C�aims"}.
<br /> That iri���i��:���t.��c x�aragraph sha11 sur�i�e�he pa_ymen���n fi��.l of alI sums secured hereby and�he termination
<br /> and sat�sfactian�f record of�his��'rus�Uee���analor�a��eed in lieu�f fvrec��sure.
<br /> That Trustvr agrees�hat in the e�ent Trustee shall pay any Rece�vable Claims, all such sums sha11 be added tfl
<br /> the amaunt secured hereby, shall be deemed to be obligatorily ad�anced under the terms of. �he Loan I]�cuments,
<br /> shal� be se�ured here�y and shall be payable on demand by Trus�or. The�erms of�his paragraph sha1� sur���e the
<br /> �ayment in ful�of aI1 o�her sums secured hereby and the termina�ion and satisfactian of record af�his Trust D�ed.
<br /> That Trus�or warrants and represents to Trustee that Trustar has in�estigated the pr�or ownership and use of.the
<br /> Prem�ses, in a manner cansis�ent �ith good c�mmercia� and customary practice, to determine�ha�the Premises �s
<br /> free of hazardous substances. Trust�r,in performing its in�estigati�n,has cons�dered,arnon�other fac�ors:
<br /> �a} the relationship �f the purchase price ta the value of the Prem�ses xf uncontaminated �hen
<br /> a�qu�red,
<br /> �b} �ommanly known or ascer�ainable information about the Premises,and
<br /> �c} �he ab�iousness of the presence,or like�y presence,of contamination.
<br /> That Tru.stor warrants and represen�s to Trus�ee tha�:
<br /> �a} none of the r�al prope�-ty owned andlor occupied hy Trustor, �ncluding the Premises, has
<br /> e�er been used to treat, store, praduce, handle, transfer, process, transport, dispose or otherwise
<br /> reIease hazardous substanc�s andlor any other substances regulated or cflntroiled by �he
<br /> En�ironmen�al Laws or which would result in any liability therefor;
<br /> . �b� there�s no po�lu�ion or danger of pollu�ion resul�ing from a condition whi�h exists�n�he
<br /> Premi ses v�n�ci�"��cy���;� �.��� �c��r����c��e ac�ion under the En�ironmenta� Laws ar which v�ou�d
<br /> result in any liabili�y therefor;
<br /> �c} n� notification has been f led with regard to a release af hazardous substances on, into,
<br /> onto flr from.the Premises under the En��ronmental Laws;
<br /> �d� neither Trus�vr nor any prior �vvner or occupier af the Prem�ses have recei�ed a
<br /> summ�ns, citation, Notice af Vio�ation, Ad.ministrati�e �rder, direct�.�e, �etter or other
<br /> communicatian, wrxt�en or orai, from any gv�ernmen�al or quasi-go�ernmental autharity
<br /> � concerning any releases af or contaminatiflns caused by hazardaus substances or �xolati.an or
<br /> al.�eged�xo�ation of any En�xranmental Laws;
<br /> �e} there are no undergraund s�orage tanks, �isible asbestos, �5�]�5tU5-cantaining materia�s,
<br /> � P�B's or UFFI located Qn,in,under or abou�the Premises;
<br /> �f} there have been na releases at, upon, under vr with7n, and no past or ongoing migration
<br /> from neighboring land.s to the Premises of any hazardous substanc�s;
<br /> � �g� there is no radon gas �nfil�rating the Bu�ldings in excess of current state and f.ederal
<br /> guidelines;and
<br /> �h� al�warranties and representations gi�en by Trustar, or any other party, are�-ue, co.mp�ete
<br /> and correct as of the date hereof.
<br /> � ..,• � . .:T . b: �w. -� i -. . .
<br /> 5
<br />