� - .� - . . . .� . .. _ _ . . ..� �.- � ��14�3�4�
<br /> attorneys' fees and the payment of Trustee's Fees incurred,wh�ch Trustee's Fees shal� not, in the aggregate, exceed
<br /> the fa�low�ng amoun�s based upon the amount secured hereby and rema�ning unpaid at the time schedu�ed for sa�e: 5
<br /> percentum on the balance thereaf and then t�the items i.n subparagraph�c},in the�rder there�n stated.
<br /> �c� After pay�ng the items specified in subparagraph �b}, if the sa�e is by Trustee, �r if_ the sale is
<br /> pursuant to judicial fareclosur�,the proceed.s of sale shall be applied in�he followi.ng arder;
<br /> . �1} cost of any evidence of�it1e procured in connection w��h such sale and vf any re�enue
<br /> �ransfer fee required to be paid;
<br /> �2} a1�obligatians secured by�h�s Trust Deed;
<br /> �3} juni�r trust deeds,mortgages,or other l�enhfllders;
<br /> �4} �he remainder,�f any,��the p�rsan lega�ly entltled there�o. �
<br /> 13. En�ironmentai Protection Requirements, Warranties And Indemnities: That Trustor sha�1
<br /> not use,nor permit any tenant, occupant or any other parry ar ent�ty to use,the Premises, or any par��hereof, far the
<br /> purp�se of generating, treating, producing, storin�, hand�ing, transferring, processing, transpor�ing, dispasing or
<br /> otherwise re�easing"hazardous substances,"as hereinafter defined,either on,in, fram or abaut the Premises which:
<br /> . _ �a} creates or causes a contamination either on the Premises or e�sewhere which.is required
<br /> t ' - a .
<br /> �y any g��v���lir-1�:���w' ��xh��-��,� �� ��e remo�ea, remedia�ed, or otherwise ��eaned up under any
<br /> applYcable"En�ironmental Law,"as defined�e1ow,
<br /> �b} crea���any form o.r�iability,ci�il or criminal,direc�or indir�ct,due to such con�arninatian,or
<br /> �c} is in contra�ention of any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> That�he terms "En��ronrnental Law" and "En�ironmenta] La�vs" as used in�his Trust Deed inciude any and al1
<br /> �urrent and future federal,state and 1aca1 en�ironmental 1aws,statutes,ru�es,regulat�ons and ordinances,as the same
<br /> sha11 be amended and madified from time to ti_me, including buti noti�imited to, "common �aw," the Comprehens�ve
<br /> En�ironmen�al Respanse, Compensatian and Liab�lity Act �"CERCLA"}, as amended from time tia �ime, �he
<br /> Res�urce Conser�a�ion and Reco�ery Act �"R�RA"}, as amended fram time tv �ime, and the Toxic Substances
<br /> Cvntr��Ac�("TS�A"},as amended from time to time.
<br /> Tha� "hazardous substances" as used in this Trust Deed i.ncludes any and a11 "hazardous subs�ances" as defined
<br /> �n CER�LA, any and ali "hazardous wastes" as defined in R�RA, and any and al1 "toxi� substances" as def�ned�n
<br /> TSCA, petraleum produc�s, asbest�s or asbestos-cantaining ma�erials, polychlorina�ed bipheny�s �"PCB's"}, radon
<br /> gas, urea forma�dehyde foam insula��on �"UFFI"� and any and alI other hazardous substances, hazard�us vvas��s,
<br /> pol�utan�s and can�aminan�s regulated tir con�rol�ed by any nf the En��ronmen�al Laws.
<br /> That Trus�or sha�l,in�he e�en�of any discharge,spi11,in�ection,escape,emission,disposa�, �ea.k or a�her re�ease
<br /> of hazardous substances on, �n,under,onto or fram the Premises,which is no��utharized by a curren�ly�a�id permit
<br /> or other appr��al issued by the appropriate ga�ernmental agencies:
<br /> (a} promptly notify Trus�ee,the En�iranmenta�Pro�ection Agency Na�ional Response Center
<br /> and�he appropriate State Department of En�iranmen�al Resources,
<br /> -.� . � �-_ .-f.- ,.� � - - � . �.:a
<br /> �b� take all steps necessary to promptly �lean up such dischar�e, spill, injection, escape,
<br /> emission, disposa�, �eak or another release in accardance w�th the prav�sions of ai� appl�ca��e
<br /> En�iranmental Laws,and
<br /> �c� receive cer��fi�ation fram the approprYa�e S�ate Departmen� of En�ironmen�al Resources
<br /> �r Federa� En�ironmental Pratect2on Agency that the Premises, and any other prvper�y affecred,
<br /> � has been cleaned up�o�he satisfactivn of those agencies.
<br /> That Trustor shal.� and does hereby grant Trustee and Trustee's agen�s, empl�yees, �ontractors and designees an
<br /> irrevocab�e license�coupled with an interest�to enter the Premises fram t7me to time to:
<br /> (a} e�a�uate and mon�tor the Premises for cvmpliance with a�l En�iranmental Laws and the
<br /> terms ofth�Trust Deed,
<br /> �b} �o evaluate the presence of hazardous substances,and
<br /> ��� to per.form apprapriate tests and test borings,including takxng soi]and ground water samples.
<br /> T`hat Trustor shall pro�ide Trustee with aII notices and other communications rece��ed from federa�, state and
<br /> loca� agencies and depar�m.ents vvhich enfarce and administer the Env�ronmental Laws. From t�me to time Trustor
<br /> shal.�pro��de Trustee,upon request,any and all infarmatYon requested�y Trustee concerning the use of the Premises
<br /> and Trus�or's c�mpliance with the En�ironmental Laws and the�erms of�his Trus��3eed, inc�udi.ng but nat �imited
<br /> to,a�X l.icenses,p�rmits and cer�ificates,and the book and records perta�ning to the Premises.
<br /> Tha� Trusfor shall require that a1I tenants, sub�enants, undersubtenants and other occupants of.�he Premises ��
<br /> use and a�c��� ����,�����.�P�in stric�compliance with the E.��.r�r���en�al Laws and�he�erms af this Trust Deed.
<br /> 4
<br />