<br /> That Trust�r agrees that any materials ar other items found �n, on, under or around the Prem�s�s whi�h qualify
<br /> as hazar����s �ubs�ances, or any otherwise deemed unaccep�ab�e by �he Trustee, in i�s so�e discretion sha�l �e
<br /> immedia�ely remo�ed frorn t��� �������;;�, ��.�'�����c�s�'s sale cast and exp�nse, in campliance w�th a1� app�icable
<br /> En��ronmental Law.
<br /> That Trus�ar shall,in additYan�o those notif ca�ions re�uired else�vhere in this Trust Deed,no��fy Trustee�f:
<br /> �a} the presence of any �isible asbestos or asbestos-con�a�ning ma�er�als, PCB's �excep� as
<br /> sh�wn on �he En��ronmental �er�ificate}, radon gas bey�nd acceptab�e �imits, �r urea
<br /> formaldehyde faam insu)ation at,in,on,under,�nto or f�-om�he Prem�se�,and
<br /> �b� the receip� by Trustor of any notice or o�her commun�cation from any gvvernmen�a�.
<br /> ent��y or auth�rity or fram any tenantis or other occupant or from any��h�r persan 4r source with
<br /> respe�t to any a�leged or actual release, con�aminatian or ather event in�ol.�ing a hazardous
<br /> subs�an�e�n,in,under,ontio,or from the Prem�ses,and
<br /> ��} shall promptly send Trustee copies �f.all resu�ts of tests af underground storage tanks at
<br /> the Premises.
<br /> 14. APPUINTMENT �F SU�CESSUR TRUSTEE. Benefic�ary may, from �ime t� time, b� a
<br /> wri�ten rnstrument executed and ackn�wledged. b� Benefic�ary, marled to Trustor and rec�rded in the counry or
<br /> counties in which the Praperty is located and by atherwise complying with the pro��sions of the applicable lavvs of
<br /> �he state of Nebraska, substitu�e a successor ar successors to�he Trustee named herein or acting hereund�r.
<br /> 15. INSPECTI�NS. BeneficYary,or i�s agen�s,represen�a���es, or employees, are authorized�o en�er
<br /> at any reasonab�e t�me and in a�cordance vWith the �erms of exis�ing Ieases and the Nebraska Landlord Tenant Act
<br /> upon or in any part af the Property f.or the purpose of inspecti.ng the same and for�he purpose of perfarm�ng any of.
<br /> �he acts it is authorized to perform under�he terms af the Trus�Deed.
<br /> •-r�
<br /> ' • :+'.. ..
<br /> .. _,, , , _ .
<br /> 16. �PTI�N T�F4RECL�SURE. Upon�he�ccurrence of any breach and upvn the�eclaration of
<br /> default hereunder,Beneficiary sha11 ha�e the option�o foreclose this Trust Deed i.n the manner pro�ided by Iaw for
<br /> the foreclosure of trust deeds on real property.
<br /> by Benefi��ary or Trustee in exer�ising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise affarded by applzcable �aw,
<br /> sha�l nfl�be a wai�er af ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. Likewise, �he wai�er b�Benefi�rary
<br /> or Trus�ee of any defau�t of Trustor under�his Trust Deed shall not be deemed to be a vvaiWer of any other ar si.m�lar
<br /> defau��s su�sequent�y occurring.
<br /> 1.8. SENEFICIARYrS PUWERS. VLlithout affecting ar releasing the liability �f the Trus�or or any
<br /> other persvn �iable for the payment af any obligation here�n.men�ioned, and with�ut affecting the lien�r�harge of
<br /> this Trus� Deed uppn any portion of the Pr4perry. Beneficiary may, from time to time and �vi�hou� not�ce at the
<br /> reques� �f one or more Trus�ors, �i} release any person Iiable, �i.i� extend or renew the ma�urity or alter any �f the
<br /> terms of any such obl�gations, ��ii.} grant other indulgences, �i�} release �r recanvey, ar cause to be released or
<br /> rec�n�eyed, at any tzme a� Benefi�iary's option any par�e� or aX� of the Properry, �v� take or re�ease any other or
<br /> addit�onal security f�r any o���ga�ion herein men��oned, �vi}make sett�ements or�ther arrangements with Trust�r in
<br /> re�atian thereto. A��Trustars sha�l be joint�y and seWerally o�ligated and bound hy�he actions vf.the Beneficiary or
<br /> any one ar rnore Trustor as s�a�ed in this paragraph,
<br /> 1�. ATTURNEY FEES, CUSTS,AND E�PENSES. The Benefi�iary�f this Trus�Deed is en�zt�ed
<br /> to the payment of attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses as pro�ided in this Trust Deed, except as otherwise prohibi�ed
<br /> by law.
<br /> 2U. RECUNVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE, Upon�vritten request of Benefi�iary and upon paymen�by
<br /> Trus�or of�!ru��cz�����ss T�►zstee shall recox��ey t�Trus�or, �r�h��erson or persflns �egally entitled�hereto, wi�hout
<br /> warranty, any portian of the Praperty�t�en held hereunder. Rec�tals �n such recon�eyance of any matters vr fac�s
<br /> shal� be conc�usi.�e proaf of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee in any rec�n�eyance may be described as "the
<br /> person�r persans lega�.ly entitled there�o." �
<br /> �1. N�TI�ES. Except for nati�es,demands,requests,or other communicat�ons required under
<br /> appl�ca�le�aw to�e gi�en in anather manner,whene�er Beneficiary,Trust�r or Trustee gi�es�r ser�es any notice
<br /> �inc�uding,without lxmitatian,no��ce af default and not�ce of sale},demands,requests,or��her c�mmunica�ion with
<br /> respect to�his Trust Deed,each such notice,demand,request,or ather communication sha�1 be�n wr��ing and sha�l
<br /> be effecti�e only if the same is deli�ered�by personal ser�ice ar is mailed by cer�ified rnail,postage prepaid,
<br /> addressed to the address as set forth at�he beginning of this Trust Deed. Any party may at any tYme change its
<br /> address for such notices by deli�ering ar mailing�o the other par�y hereto,as af�resaid,a n�tice of su�h change.
<br /> Any na�Yce hereunder shalI be deemed to ha�e been gi�en to Trus�ar or Beneficiary,when gi�en in the manner
<br /> designated herein.
<br /> �2. RE�UEST F�R N'UTICE. Trustor and Benef ciary hereby request a copy of any natice af
<br /> default,and a copy of any notice of sale thereunder,be mai�e�to each person vwho Ys a parry hereto at the address f.�r
<br /> such persan set forth in the first paragraph of this Trus�Deed.
<br /> 23. G�VERNING LAW. Th�s Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws of the s�a�e�f Nebraska.
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