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��14�3�4� <br /> De�x.�ery af written notice of Benef c�ary's exercise of. the righ�s granted herein to any tenant oc�upying said <br /> premises sha�1 be suf�cient ta require said tenan�tio pay ren�to�he Benef ciary unti�further n�tice. <br /> 8. �UNDEMNATI�N. rf tit�e to any par� of the Property shall be taken in condemnati�n <br /> proceedings,by righ�af eminent domain or simi�ar action, ar sha11 be sol�.under threat of candemnati�n, al�awards, <br /> damages, and proceeds are her�by assigned and shall�e paid tv Benef ciary who sha11 apply such avWards, damages, <br /> and proceeds ta the sum secured by this Trus�Deed,with�he excess, �f any,paid to Trustor, except that su�h award, <br /> damages or proceeds, or any portian thereof may be used to restare or replace any portion of the Pr�perty taken, <br /> damaged or rendered unusable by reason af the condemna�ion at �he discretion af�he Beneficiary. �f Trust�r <br /> rece�ves an� notice or other inf�rmation regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall. g��e prompt writ�en <br /> notice�hereof to Beneficiary. Benef�ciary shall�e entitled, at its �ptian, �fl commence, appear in, and prosecute, in <br /> i�s own name, any such acfiion or pro�eed�ngs and shall be entitled ta make any compromise or settlemen� in <br /> connect�on wi�h any such action or praceed�ngs. <br /> 9. FUTURE ADVANCES. Upon request of Trustor, Berieficiary, at Beneficiary's aptian, pri�r ta <br /> reconveyance af the Praperty to Trustor,may make fu.ture ad�ances to Trustor. Such future ad�ances,vvi�h inter�s� <br /> thereon, shal�be secured by�h�s Trus�I]eed when evidenced by promissory nates s�ating tha�sa�d notes are secured <br /> hereby; provided that at no time shal� the secured pr.i.ncipal and future advance, n�t inc� sums ad�anced to <br /> pr�tect the seciiri�y;t���,��t.w�.rh�zndred.percent�2��%►��f�!����-�b��a�prin�ipa�arnounts se�ured hereby. <br /> �.0. REMEDIES NUT E��LUSN�. Trustee and Benef ciary,and each of�hem, sha�1 be entitled to � <br /> enforce payment and performance of any inde�tedness or obl�gations secured`hereby and to exerc�se all righ�s and <br /> pow�rs under th�s Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed in connec�ian herewxth or any laws now or <br /> hereafter in force,natwiths�anding some or aI�of such�nde�tedness and�bIiga�ions secured.hereby which may naw <br /> or hereafter be otherw�se secured, whether, trust deed, pledge, �ien, ass�gnment, or o�hervvise. Ne��her <br /> the acceptance of this Trust I]eed nor its enforcement, whe�her by court ac�ion or pursuant to the power of sale or <br /> otiher powers here�n cflntained, shal�prejudice or in any ma-nner af.fect Trustee's vr Benef ciary's right ta rea�ize upon <br /> or enforce any ather security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Benefi�iary, it being agreed �hat Trus�ee and <br /> Benef ciary, and each af�hem, shal�be en�it�ed ta enfarce this Trust D�ed and any o�her secur�ty n��v or hereafter <br /> held by Benef ciary or Trus�ee in such order and manner as the}�,�r either of them,may, in their abso�ute discret�on, <br /> de��rmine. No remed�herein conferred upon or reserved ta Trustee or Beneficiary �s intended tv be exc�us��e of <br /> any other remedy here�n or by �aw provided or permitt�d, but ea�h shall be cumulative and shal� be in addition to <br /> e�ery other remedy gi�en hereunder or novW or hereafter ex�s�ing„ at Iaw or in equity, or by statute. E�ery power or <br /> remedy provided under this Trus� Deed to Trustee or Benef�ciary ar to vvhich either of them may be othervv�se . <br /> enti�led may be exercised, conCurrentl.y o.r independently, fram �ime to time and as often as may be deemed <br /> expedient by Trustee or Benefi�iary and either of them may pursue i.n�onsistent remedies. Nothing her��n sha�l be <br /> construed as prahibiting Benef ciary from seeking a deficiency judgmen� against the Trus�or, to the ex�en� such <br /> action�s permitted by law. <br /> 11. TRAI�SFER (]F THE PRaPERTY; ASSUMPTI�N. If al� or any part of fihe Property ax <br /> in�erest therein is sald, transferred, or othervv.ise con�eyed by Trus�or wathout Benef ciary's pri�r written consent, <br /> exc�uding�a}�he creation of a lYen or encumbrance subordina�e�o this Trust Deed, �b}a transfer by opera�ion of la� <br /> upon the death�f a Trustor who is a j�int tenant or�c}the grant of any leasehold interest�f three �3�years or less <br /> which does not contain an option �o purchase, such actian is a hreach of. this agreemen�, and Beneficiary may, a� <br /> Benef ci�.�'�'����:�n� ���Iare all the sums secured by this Trust D��d ta be irnmediately due and payable; pro�ided, <br /> fur�her, this Trust Deed may;'at��enexi���ry�5 �p�iori,`b��declared immedia�ely due and payable 1f�1} Trustar zs a <br /> r = .r, r^ .� . <br /> partnership and any interest in�he partnership is sold or assigned by any means whatsoe�er, �r�2��f�he Trustar is a <br /> corporation and a transfer af �he ma�ority stock ownersh�p interes� in the corporat�on ocGurs or �h� Trustor <br /> corparation merges in any form w�th ano�her carparation or entity. Beneficiary shall ha�e wa��ed su�h option t� <br /> acce�erate i.f,prior to the sale,transfer,or con�eyance,BeneficYary and the person to whom�he Property is to be sold <br /> or transferred reach agreernent in wr�ting �hat the credit �f such pers�n is satisfactory to Benef ciary and that the <br /> �nterest payable on the sums secured by this Trust Deed shall be at such rate as Benef c�ary sha�l.request. <br /> 12. AC�ELERATIaN UP�N DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SALE. The failure by the Trus�or to . <br /> make any payment or to perform any of the�erms and conditions of this Trust I]eed, ar the terms and condzt�ans af. <br /> the Nate, ar any renewaI.s, modifications, or ex�ensians thereof, or �he failure �a make paymen� of any other <br /> i.ndebtedness, prYor ar subsequent to thi s Trust Deed, and secured by this prvperty, or the death of one �r more <br /> Trust�rs, sha�l�e a breach and default of�his Trust Deed and�he Beneficiary may d�clare a default and may declare <br /> ail sums secured hereby immedia�ely due and payable, and �he same shal� thereupan become due and payable <br /> v�ithout presentment, demand,protest or notice of any kind, pro�ided Trustor sha1l ha�e any statu�ory right to cure - <br /> the default before any notice of. defaul� and demand fflr sa�e may be de���ered �o the Trustee. Thereafter, <br /> Beneficiary may deii�er to Trustee a written declaration of defaul�and demand for sa�e. Trustor agrees and hereb}� <br /> grants�hat�he Trustee shal�ha�e the power af sal� of the PrQperty and, if Benef ciary dec�des the Property is to be <br /> so1d, it sha11 deposit v�ith Trustee this Trust I]eed and �he Note or na�es and any other documents e�idencing <br /> expenditures secured hereby and shall del��er ta Trustee a vWritten not�ce of default and e�ec��on �� cause the <br /> praperty tfl be so�d, and Trus�ee, in turri, shall prepare a similar notice in the form required by�aw, wh�ch sha�l be <br /> du�y fi�ed for record by Trustee. <br /> �a} After the lapse of such time as may be required by lavv follovving �he re�ardation of No�ice of <br /> I]efault,and Notice af Default and Notice vf Sa�e having been gi�en as required by�aw,Trustee,without demand on <br /> Trustor, ���11.���1,the Property, if not redeemed, in one ar mare parcels and in such ord�r as Trustee may determine <br /> on the date and the time and��dcc��i���-���.���-.��;-��-;�Qi-�-���vfcice o��SaCe,�at pu�lic auc�ion,according to Iaw. <br /> �b} When Trustee sells pursuan�to the powers herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds �f�he sale t� <br /> payment of the cos�s and expenses of exercising the power of sale and of the sa�e, including, wi�haut �imita�zon, <br /> 3 <br />