<br /> ��14�3�4�
<br /> compiy wi�h the pro��s�ons of any lease if. this Trust Deed is on a leasehald. No impr��ement, n�v� ar hereafter
<br /> erected upon the Property, shail be al�ered,removed, or demo��shed wi�haut the prior written consent of Beneficiary
<br /> Trustor shal� comply w�th a11 laws, ordinances, regulati�ns, co�enants, conditiflns, and restric�ions affe�ting the
<br /> Property and not commit, suffer, or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in �io�ation �f any law,
<br /> ord�nance, regu�ation, co�enan�, condititin, or restrxcti�n. Trust�r sha11 c�mplete or restare, promp�ly and in gnnd
<br /> �orkman��ke manner,any improvement on the Praperty which may be damaged or destroyed and pay,v�hen due,a�l
<br /> c�axms for labor p�rfarmed and materia�s furnished�herefor and f�r any altera��ons�hereof.
<br /> 4. INSURANCE. Trustor, at its expense, will maintain, with insurers appra�ed by Benefciary,
<br /> insurance with respect �� the impro�ements and personal property, �onstituting �he Property, agains� loss by fire,
<br /> �ightning, tornado, and other per�ls and hazards �o�ered by standard extended caverage indors�ment, in an amount
<br /> e�uat to at leas�one hundred per�ent�1��°/o}of the fu]�replacemen��alue thereof and insurance agains�such other
<br /> hazards and in su�h amou.nts as is cus�omarily carried by owners and operators of sim�lar prop�rties. AlI insurance
<br /> po�icies main�ained pursuant to th�s Trust Deed sha1� name Trustor and Beneficiary as insured, as their respect��e
<br /> in�erests���,��r���r,.an.d pr�vide that there be.no cancel.la�ion�r rnodi.f�ation without a�least �5 days'pri�r writter�
<br /> na��fcat��.n to Trustee, and�3ene�iciary ��:iay-��u�ur�such��'insurarice in accardance wi�th the pro�isians af paragraph
<br /> 6 hereof. Trustor shal�deli�er to Beneficiary the original po�icies of insurance and renewals thereof or memo cop�es
<br /> of su�h po�iCies and renev�als thereof. Failure �o furnish such insurance by Trusfor or rene�al5 as required
<br /> hereunder shall,at the op�ian of Beneficiary,constitu�e a default. .
<br /> 5. TAXES,ASSESSMENTS,AND CHARGES. Trust�r shall pay al�taxes,assessm�n�s,and ather
<br /> charges, inc�uding, withou� �imitat�on, fines and impositions attributab�e to�he Property and leasehold paymen�s or �
<br /> ground rents,�f any,before the same become delinquent. Trustor shal�promptly furn�sh to benefc�ary a�l noti�es of.
<br /> amounts due under this paragraph and, in the e�ent Trustor shall make payment direc�ly, Trustor shall prampt�y
<br /> furnish��Benefic�ary receipts e�idencing such payments. Trustor shall pay all tiaxes and assessments which may he
<br /> Ie�ied upon Benef ciary's interest herein vr upon �his Trust Deed wi�hout regard ta any la�v �hat may be enacted
<br /> zmposing payment�f the whole or any par��hereaf upon the Benef cxary.
<br /> shal�make ali paymen�s of interest and pr�ncipal and paymen�s of any other charges, fees, and expenses contracted
<br /> to be paid to any exist�ng or subsequent lienholder or benefic�ary under any ex7s�ing or subseguent mortgage ar trust
<br /> deed before �he date they are delinquent or in default, and prompt7y pay and discharge any and a�l other �iens,
<br /> c�a�ms, or charges which may jeopardize the security granted herein. If Trust�r fai.�s�o make any such paymen�or
<br /> fai�s t�perf�rm any�f the co�enants and agreements contained in this Trust Deed, or the Note referred to herein, or
<br /> in any pr�or or subse9uent �rust deed, or if any action ar pro�eeding zs cammenced which materialiy affects
<br /> Benef ciary's interest �n the Property, 1t1C1L.1C�ln�, bu� nat limYt�d to, eminent doma7n pr��eedings, proceedings
<br /> in�ol�ing a decedent, n�tice of sale by Trustee, natice of default by Trustee, trust deed f.orec�osure actian, or if
<br /> Trust�r fails to pay Trus�or's de�ts generall� as they become due, then Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option and
<br /> without notice�o or demand upon Trustor and wathout releasing Trus�or from any abl�gat�on hereunder, may make
<br /> such appearances, disburse such sums, and tiake such activn as is necessary to protec� Beneficrary's interest,
<br /> incl.udin�..buti no�limited�o,disbursemen��f reasonable attorneys' fees,payment,purchase,con�est,or�ompram�se
<br /> of any en�umbrance, c�iar��;-i;��•���TM;-���� ��r���f�� ����;`���r�'y��rn��make repairs, flr declaration tif def.aul�under this
<br /> Trust I]eed. Tn the e�ent �ha� Trustar sha�l fail ta pr�cure insurance or tio pay taxes, assessments, or any other
<br /> charges or to make any payments�o any ex�sting ar subsequent lienho�ders or existing or subs�quent beneficiaries,
<br /> Beneficiary may procure such �nsurance and make such payment but sha11 no�be ob�igated to d� so. Any amounts
<br /> disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant �o this Paragraph 6 shall became additional indeb�edness of Trustar secured by
<br /> f.h�s Trust Deed. Such amaunts shall be payab]e upon nQtice from Beneficiary to Trust�r requesting payment�hereof
<br /> and shal�bear in�erest from the da�e af disbursement at�he ra�e payable f.rom time to�ime �n ou�s�anding princ�pal
<br /> under �he Nate un�ess payment of interes� at such rate vvauld be contrary to applicable law, in wh�ch e�ent such
<br /> amoun�s sha11 bear interest at the highest rate permissible under applicab�e�aw. Nothing c�ntarned in this Paragraph
<br /> d shall require Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any ac�ion hereunder.
<br /> 7. ASSI.GNMENT �F RENTS. Benef ciary shal� have the r.igh�, pov�er, and au�hority during �he
<br /> con�inuance of this Trust Deed to collect the rents, issues, and profts of.the PrapeY-t}�and af any personal proper�y
<br /> loCated therean w�th or with�ut taking possession af the praperty affected hereby,and Trust�r hereby absvlute�y and
<br /> uncond�tionally assigns all. such rents, �ssue�, and profts to Beneficiary. Benefi�iary, howe�er, hereby consents tv
<br /> the Trustor's collecti�n and retenti�n uf such rents, issues, and prof ts as they accrue and be�ome payable s��ong as
<br /> Trustor is no�, at such time, an default with respec� to paymen� of any indeb�edness secured hereby, �r �n �he
<br /> performan�e of any agreemen�hereunder. LJpon any suCh default,Beneficiary may a�any time, either in person,by
<br /> agent, ar by a recei�er to be appa�nted by a cour�, without notice and withaut regard�to�he adequacy af any se�uri�y
<br /> far th��ndebtedness hereby secured,�a)enter upon and take possession af the Praperty or any par�thereof and,�n its
<br /> own name sue,for or�therwise co��ec�such rents,issues,and profts,including�hose past due and unpa�d,and apply
<br /> the same, ��55 costs and expenses af operation and co�lection, inc�uding reasonable attarneys' fees, upon any
<br /> indebtedn�ss secured here�y and in such vrder as Benefieiary may determine; �b� perform such acts of. r�pair ar
<br /> pratection as may be necessary or proper to�onser�e the�alue of the Praperty;�c}lease the same or any par�thereaf
<br /> far such ren�al, term, and up�n such candit�ons as its judgment may dictate, or terminate or adjusti �he �erms and
<br /> conditi�ns of existing leases. Unless Trustor and Benefciary�hereof agree othervWise in writ�ng, any application of.
<br /> rents, issues, �or prcif��s �� �n�.,indPbtedness ,securec�...�pY 4'��•.5���� nat extend or postpone the due date of �he
<br /> insta�lment payments as pru�ided in said pr�missary note or change the am�un�of su�h installm�n�s. The en�ering
<br /> upon and �aking possession af the Praperty, the coll�ction of such rents, issues and prof ts, and the appli�ation ,
<br /> therevf as aforesaid shall not waive �r cure any default or natice of defaul� hereunder or invalidatie any act done
<br /> pursuant to such notice. Trustor also assigns ta Benef ciary, as fur�her security for the performan�e of. the
<br /> obliga�i�ns secured hereby, a�l prepaid rents and all monies which may ha�e been or may hereafter be deposited
<br /> with said Trustor by any Iessee�f.the Property to secure the paymenti flf any r�nt or darnag�s,�r,upon defau��in�he
<br /> perfarmanc� of any �f�he pravisions hereaf, Trustor agrees to del��er such ren�s and deposits tia Benef ciary.
<br /> �
<br />