<br /> An�app�i�a:tion.�f paymen�s, �nsurance praceeds, or Miscel�l.an.eous Praceeds t�pr�c�:pal due under th�N�te
<br /> sha��.no�e�tend or p�stpone the due date, or change�he amount, of�he Per�od�c Payments.
<br /> 3. �u�d.s for Escxow I�ems. Borrower shall pay to Le�ider�n th�d.a.y Perzodxc Pa:ym�nts are due under the �
<br /> Nate, until�he Note is pa�d in fu1�, a sum�the"Fu�.�.s"��a prav�d�for payment of amou�t�due far: (a}taxes
<br /> and assessm��.ts and other���ms wh�ch ca�..atta�n pr�.ority o�rer this Secur�ty Ins�r�ment as a Iien ar
<br /> encumbran.ce o�the Property; �b}�easehol.d paymerits or grour�.d rents on the Praperty, �f any; �c�premiums
<br /> for any and all in:surance rec�ua.red by Lender und�r Secti�n S; a�d(d}Mortgage Insurab.ce premiums, xf any,
<br /> �r ariy sum.s payable by B�rr�wer�o Lender i���eu af�he payme��of Mortgag�I�suranc��remiums in
<br /> accordance�wi.�.h the prov�s��ns flf Seet�on ��_ These�tems are called"Escrov�r I�e�.'' A�ti�rig�at�.on or a�
<br /> any���me dur�ng�.ie term nf the Loan, Lender may require tha�Communxty Associ.at�on Dues, Fees, and
<br /> A�s�s�ments, �f any, be escro�ed by BorrQwer, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be axa.Escro-ur
<br /> Itena.. Borrower sha�.�.prompt�y furx��.sh to Lender all noti.ces of amtiunts�o be paid ux�der#h�.s Sec�on.
<br /> Borrower sha1�pay Lender th�Funds far Escro�vtr Items ur�l_ess Lender waives Bo�rovver's Qb�.zga��on to�ay
<br /> �he Fun.d.s far any or al�Escrotiv Items. Lender may waave Barr�w�r's obliga�ion to pay ta Le�der Funds fa�
<br /> any or�.��JEscrovw Ite�ns at any�rme. Ariy such�ra�ver may orily be in w�iting;. I�the�v�nt�f such wa��rer,
<br /> Borrower sha1l pay direet�y, w�.en and wher��Oayab�e, �ie amounts due for�ny Escrow Items for wh�ch
<br /> payment of Fux�.d,s has l�een wai�re�.��r Lend.er and, �f Lender requ:�res, sha��furn�sh.to Lender receip�s
<br /> ev�.dencing such paym�nt w�thir�such t�ne period.as L.e�.��r may require. Barrourer's�biigatxon ta�xake
<br /> such payments a�d�o prav�de receip�s shal�fax all pu�oses�be deemed.�a be a covena.��a��agreement
<br /> conta�ed in�is Security Ix��.ru:ment, as th�phra.�e"cflvenant axxd agreement'' is used�n Section 9. If
<br /> �3orrav�rer�s abligated to pay��crow Items d.irect�y, pursu�t�o a waiver, and Borrower fa�.I.s to pay�he
<br /> amoun.t du�fo�an Escrow Item, Lender may exerc�.se��ts rights u�der Section 9 and pay sueh amount and
<br /> B�rrawer shall��hen be o�l�gated under Sectzar�9 to repay ta Lender a�y such am�un�. Lender may revoke
<br /> the waiver as�Q any nr a1�.Escrow Items at ar�y time by a�otic�given in accardance�r�th Se�tion 15 and.,
<br /> upon such revocat�on, Borrawer sha11 pay to Lender a�.�Funds, and in such a�nounts; that are�.he�required
<br /> under�hi.� Sect�ox�3.
<br /> Lender may, at any t�me, col�.ect and hald F�ds�n ar�a�mount�a� sufficzent���errr�t Lenc�er t�app�y t�i�
<br /> Fu:nds at�he t�.me specified under RESPA, ar�d��}not�o exceed the max�un�.axno�nt a�enc�er ca:n requ�.re
<br /> under RESPA: Ler�der sha.Il est�ma�t�the amour�t a�Funds due on�he bas�.s of current dat�.and.reasonab�.e
<br /> estimates af expenditures of future Es�-row Items or o�herw�se in accord.a�c��u-ith App�i.cable Law.
<br /> The Fu�ds�ha1�be held in ar��r�.st�itut�on uTh�se depasits ar�insu�-ed by a fede�-a�agency, i�stru�rnentality, or
<br /> ent�ty[�ncl.ud.�i�ng Lerider, if Lend�r�.s an�nst�tutz�n�r�rhose deposits are sa i:r�sured} nr�xz any Fed�ra�I=Iome
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha�.�.appl.�the Fund.�to pay�he Escrow I�ems no Iater�han the t�me specified und��-
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha1l.not charge Borrower fflr ho�c�Ling a�d app�ying�ie Fur�cis, �.nnua,�.�y analy�i.za.g�he
<br /> escra�xr accou�t, or ve�fying th.��s�rotiv I�ems, �ess]Lender pays]Borrav�er in�e��s�a�.�he�unds anc�
<br /> Appl�cabl��aw per��uts L.ender to make S�c��.�h�x`ge. TJr�e�s�.agreemen��s�ac�e��:ti�g ar
<br /> Appli�a.��e La:w req�:res�nterest to be pa�d���he F'u:nds, I�end�r sh�.Il r�ot be rec�u��d�a pay Borr��er a�a:y
<br /> �.x�.�erest ar earr�.ngs an the�'u�.ds. Borrower and Lender car�a�;ree�.xi wr�ting, �iawever, th.at ix�terest sha.l.l�be
<br /> paid on the Funds. �ender shal.l:g�ve to Barrowe�, v�i�hout char��, an annual accaunting of�he Funds as
<br /> required by RES�A.
<br /> If�here i�s a surp�.us af Funds he�d in escrow, as def�ned un.der R.ESPA, Lender sha�accaunt to Borrovrer far
<br /> the��cess funds zn accordan.ce w�th RESPA. If�here i�s a shortage af F'-unds hel.d�n e�crow, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha���.otify Borrower as re�uired b�T]E�S�'A, and JBorrotiver sha�.1.�pay to Lender�he amaun�
<br /> �ecessary to make up�he shortage i:�accordance�tl�]R�SPA., but in no more th.ars 1�n��n�aly payments. If
<br /> there�s a def�ciency of Funds�e�d xn escrow, as de�'a�.ed.ux�c�er RESPA, Ler�der shall�Q�i.fy Bor�-otiver a.�
<br /> 244�6�22
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Far�nie MaelFraddie N[ac UN[F�RM �NSTRUN��1� �orm 3D�8�Ia'i
<br /> VM P� VN[P6{NE}�13D2}
<br /> UVoi�ers K[raw er Financiai Services Page 5 vf 9 7
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