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��14�314� <br /> 4B� The �ndex <br /> Beginning with th� first Change Date, my �nterest rate will �ae based vn an �nd�x. Th� <br /> "�ndex" is: Tr�asury C�nstant Maturi ty l Year <br /> The most �ecent [ndex figure a�a��able as af the date. � 45 days � <br /> before each Chang� Dat� is ca�[ed th� "�urrent Index." <br /> If the lndex �s nv langer a�ailable, the Nate �older w��� choose a new �ndex that is based <br /> up�n camparable informatian. The N�te F��Id�r wi�� gi�e me n�tice of this �hv�c�. <br /> {C� Calculation of �han�es <br /> Before each �han�� Date, the N�te H��de� wi�! ca�cu�at� my n�w interest rate by adding <br /> T�4 AND 87�I 1��0 pe�centage paints <br /> � �,87� °/o} to the �urrent �ndex. The Note Hofder w��� then raund the resu�t of <br /> this addition ta the � Nearest 0 Next �ighest � �V�xt L�west <br /> � �.1�5�D °/v}. Sub�ect <br /> to the limits stated in Section 4�D} below, this raunded amaunt w�l� be my n�w interest rate <br /> unti� the next Change Date. <br /> �Th� Note Hc�lder will then determine the amaunt of the manthly payment that wvu[d b� <br /> suffic�ent tfl r�pay the unpaid p�incipa� I am �xpected to vw� at the Change Date in full �n the <br /> Maturity Date at my new interest rate �n substantia�ly equa[ payments. The resu�t �f this <br /> ca�culati�n will be th� n�w am�unt af my manth�y payment. <br /> � Interest-C]n�y Peri�d <br /> The "lnterest�4nly Per�ad" �s the period fr�m the date of this Note thraugh <br /> , For the �nterestWor�ly period, after calculat�ng my new inte�est �-ate <br /> as prv�ided abo�e, the Note F�old�r wilf then determine the am�unt of the month�y payment <br /> that wau�d �e suffic�ent t� �ay the int�rest which accrues vn the un�a�d pr�ncipa� Qf my �oan. <br /> The result vf this caicu�ation wil� �ae the new am�unt af my monthly payment, <br /> The "An�ortization Pe�iod" is the period after the inte�est-onfy peri�d. F�r the <br /> ama�ti�atian periad, after calcu(ating my new inter-est rate as pro�ided abv�e, the Note Ho�d�r <br /> will then det�rmine the am�unt ❑f the month�y payment that w�u�� �e sufficient to repay the <br /> unpaid p��ncipal that I am expected to vwe at the Change C]ate �n fui� �n the Maturity Dat� at <br /> my new int�rest rat� in substantial�y equa� payments. The ��sult vf th�s calcu[at�vn wi�f bs the <br /> new amount of my mnnthly payment. <br /> fnitia�s�' <br /> * -M�99R ��5��} Pag� 2 of � <br /> � <br /> s <br /> S y <br />