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��14�314� <br /> AI�II.TST`A��..�� RA�T� RII3�R <br /> THIS ADJUSTAB�.E �ATE R1DER is mad� th�s 28th day of M�y, ��14 , <br /> and is incorporated intv and snal� be d�emed to amend and supplement the Mvrtgage, Deed <br /> �f Trust, or S�curity Deed tthe "Security Instrument"3 of the same date given f�y the <br /> undersigned tthe "Borrower"} to secure Borro►rver's Adjustab�e Rate Note tthe "N�te"� to <br /> H�n�� Federa� Sa�i ngs ar�d Laan Assn af Grar�d Is�and <br /> tth� "Lender"} of the sam� date and co�eri n� the Prvperty descri��d in the Security <br /> �nstrument and located at: 31l �ubi a St & 3�l �i �!i�e S� <br /> Cairo, NE F8824 <br /> �Pr�perty A�dress] <br /> THIS NDTE C�NTA�NS PRDVIS��NS ALL�WIN� F�R CHANG�S IN MY <br /> INT�REST RATE AND MY NI�NTHLY PAYMENT. INGREASES IN THE <br /> tNTEREST RATE �IVILL RES�.ILT IN H��F-�ER PAYN[ENTS. D�CN�EASES �N THE <br /> 1NTEREST RATE W�LL RE�ULT IN LD�IVER PAYMENTSx <br /> ADDITI�NAL CC3VENANTS. In addit�on to the cv��nants and agreements made �n the <br /> Security lnstrument, Borrower and Lender further ca�enant and a�ree as fvl�ows: <br /> A. �NTEREST RATE AND MQNTHLY PAYMENT GHANG�S <br /> The Note �ro�ide� for an �nitia� �nter�st rate of 4.75D °/o. The Not� pro�ides <br /> for changes in the interest �ate and the monthfy payments, as fal��ws: <br /> 4. �NTEREST RATE AND I'111�NT�iLY PAYMENT �HANG�S <br /> �A} Chan�e [3ates <br /> Tne intereSt rate I wi�� pay may cnange on th� lst day of June �D19 , <br /> and �n that day e�ery 1�th mvnth thereafter. Each dat� on wh�ch my int�rest rate <br /> cou�d chang� is called a "�hange Date." <br /> N�ULTtSTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE R�DER - S�ngle Fam�ly <br /> ��899� ��5��} '1�145 <br /> Page 1 of 5 [n�tia�s: �,, <br /> VMP Mortgage Svlutions, �nc w <br /> � <br /> �8�4}5�1-7�9� � <br /> 8 <br /> G.'' � <br />