<br /> Lender ar its agen.t may ma�e reasanable entries upori and inspec�xons�f the Praperty. If i�has reasonable cause,
<br /> Lender_may inspec�the interiQr�f�he irnprove�nents on the Pr�pert�. Lender shall give Borrower notice a�the time
<br /> af ar prior to such an inter�or in�pec�ion spec�fying such reason.ab�e cause.
<br /> $. Borr�wer'� Loan Ap�plicat�on. Barrovver shall be i_n defau�t if, dur�ng the Loan applicatian process,
<br /> Barro�ver ar any persans or entit��s a�tzng at�he di.rectian❑f Borrawer ar v�ith Borrower's knovvledge or�ans�nt ga�re
<br /> materially fa�se, misleading, or �naccL�rate�nforma�ion or staten�.en�s �o Lender �or fai�ed ta provide Lender vvith
<br /> materia� �nform.a�ion� in connec�t�on tivith the Loan. Materzal representat�ons 1�lG�.l�C��, but are not lim�ted �o,
<br /> repre�entati.ons concern�ng Borravver's occupan�y of�he Property as Borro�rer's pri�c�pa�res�dence.
<br /> 9. Prot�ction of Lender's Int�rest xn the Property and Rights Under this Secur�.ty Instrument. If�a�
<br /> Borrawer fa��s �o perfarm the covenan�s and agreements canta�ned in this Security Instruncxen�a �b} �here is a�ega�
<br /> praceeding tha�mzght signifzcantl�r affect Lender's ir�terest�n�he Property�ndlor rights under�h�s Securi�y Ixzstrum�n�
<br /> ��uch as a�roceeding in bankrup�cy, prabate, for condernna�ian or forfei�ure, for enfarcement of a�ien which may
<br /> a�ta�n priar�ty over�his Securi�y Ins�rument or to enf�r�e Iav�s or regulatzo�s}, or �c}Barr��ver has abandaned the
<br /> Pr�perty, then Lender may da an�d pay for vvhate�er�s reas�nable or appropr�ate to pra�ect Lender's inter�st in the
<br /> Property and rights under�his S�curity Instrumen�, inc�ud��.g pra�ecting andlor assess�ng the va�ue of the Proper�y,
<br /> and s�curing andlar repairing the Proper�y. L�nc�er`s actions can inc�ude, but are no�limz�ed to: �a�paying any sums
<br /> secured by a�ien�vhich has priorxty ov�r th�s S��urity�nstrumen�; �b} appearing�n caurt; and�c}pay�ng reasonab�e
<br /> a�tvrneys' fees to protect its�nter�s�in the Proper�r andlar r�gh�s under�his Secur��y Ins�rument, including i�s secured
<br /> posi�ion�a bankruptcy proceed�ng. Securing the Property zncludes, but is not�ixnited�o, enter�ng�he Property�o
<br /> make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doflrs ar�d windaws, dra�n,water froi�pipes, eliminate bui�ding�r
<br /> other code vioia�ions or dangerau.s conditions, and have u��Iiti�s turned on ar off. Al.�h.�ug;h Le�der may take action
<br /> under th.�s Sec�ian 9, Lender does not have ta do so and is no�und�r ar�y duty ar obl�gation t�d�so. It is agreed tha�
<br /> Lender incurs no liabil�ty far r��t takin�any or aI1 ac�zans authorized under this Section�.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under th�s Sectian 9 shall become addi�ianal debt of Borro,wer secured by this
<br /> Securi�y Instru�nent. These ama�an.ts shall bear�nter�st a�the Not�rate from.the date of disbursement and shal�be
<br /> payable, vv�th such interest, upon natice from L�nd�r�o Borrawer r�questing payment.
<br /> If�his S�cur��y Instruxnent is €�n a Ieaseha�d, Borrower sha.Il comply wi�h all �he prov�s�ons of the lea�e.
<br /> Borrower sha��n�t surrender the i�asehald estate and interes�s here�n conveyed or terminat�ar cancel the graund lea�e.
<br /> BorraWer sha�� not, withaut the express written consent of Lender, a��er or amend�he ground lease. If Borravv�er
<br /> acqu�res fee�itle�o the Praperty, the�easehald and the fee���le shal�no�merge ur��ess Lender agrees to �he merger
<br /> in writing.
<br /> 1�. Mort�ag�Insurance. Tf Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condi�ion�f making the Loan,B�rrovv�re�
<br /> shall pay �he premiulns required ta �naintai��he �Vlortgage In�urance zn effec�. �f, f�r any reason, the Mortgage
<br /> Insuran�e caverage required by L�nder ceases ta he avai�ab�e from�he martgage ir�surer�hat previaus�y provid�d such
<br /> insurance and�orrower v�ras requi.red to ma�e separate�y d�signated payments �o�vard�he premiums far Mortgage
<br /> Insurar�c�, Barrov�er shall pay t�.e prem.iums required t� obtain �average substan�za�iy equiva�ent�o the Mortgage
<br /> �nsurance previnusly�n effect, at a cos��ubstan�ial�y ec�uiva�ent ta the co�t to Barrow�r �f�he IVlor�gage Insuranc�
<br /> prev�ously in effect, from an alt�rnate mortgage insurer se�ected by Lender. If subs�an�ially equivalent Mortgage
<br /> Insurance caverage��na�availab�e,Borrawer sha�I continue t�pay to Lender the amaunt of the separately des�gna�ed
<br /> payments�hat were due when�h�insurance cav�rage ceased ta be in effect. Lender vvi��accept, use and retain th�se
<br /> paymen�s as a non-refundable Iass reserve in Iieu of N�artgage Insurance. Such loss reserve sha�l be nan-refundable,
<br /> notwithstanding�he fact that the Loan is ultimatel.y paid�n fu�l, and L��der sha��nvt be requiired�o pay Borrower any
<br /> in�erest or earnings on such loss reser�e. Lender can no Ionger requ�re loss reserve payments xf Mor�gage Insurance
<br /> coverage�in the amount and far �he period�ha�Lender requires�provided by an insurer se�ected by Lender aga�n
<br /> becomes ava��a�le, is obta�ned, and Lender requires separate�� designa�ed payn�en�s �o�vard fihe prem.iums �or
<br /> Mortgage Insurance. If Lender�•equ�red Mor�gage�ns�urance as a candit�an of making the Laan and Barro�wer v�as
<br /> required to mak�separately des��nated payments tovvard the premiums f�r Martgage Insurance, B�rrav�er shall pay
<br /> �he premiums required to ma�n�ain Martgage Insurance in effect, or ta provide a non-refundah�e loss reserve, u�ti1
<br /> Lender's requirernent far Mor�gage Insurance ends in accordance v�i�h any�xrritten agreemen�t betvvee�.Borrovver and
<br /> NEBRASI�AW-�Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF�RM INSTRLJMENT �����,� �
<br /> Form 3�28 11�� Page 7 af �� www_c�ocmagic,cr��
<br />