<br /> Lender pro��d�ng for such�erminatia�or unt��terminatzon�s requzred by App��ca�le Lav�. �o�hix�g�n this Section
<br /> 1� affects Borro�er's abligation�o pay i��eres�at the ra�e pravided zn the N�ote.
<br /> Mortgage Insurance reimbu�rses Lender��r any enti�y�hat purchase��he Note� for cer�ain losses i�may in�ur
<br /> if Borrower daes nat repay the Loan as agreed. Borrawer is not a par�r to the Mortgage Insurance.
<br /> N�ortga�e insurers evaluate�he�r tota�risk an alI such insurance in farce from.time to tzme, and may enter inta
<br /> agreeznents vvith other par�zes that share or mad�fy�heir risk, or z-educe�osses. These a�reements are an�erms and
<br /> cand�tions that are satisfactory�� �he martgag�insurer and the other party�or parties� to�hese agreemen�s. These
<br /> agreements xnay require the mortgage�nsurer to rna�e payments us�ng any s�urce of fu.�lds that�he martgage insurer
<br /> may have avai�ab�e�which may�nclude funds o��ained from Mortgage Insurance premiums}.
<br /> As a resul�of.these agreena.ents, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, a�other znsurer, any reinsurer, any other
<br /> enti�y, or any afF��iate❑f ar�y af th.e foregoing, may recei�e�directly or indirect�y}amoun�s that der�ve from�ar might
<br /> �e characterx�ed as}a par���n of�orr�vver's pay�nents f�r Martgage�nsurance, in exchange far sharing ar modifying
<br /> �he mortgage insurer's risk, or r�ducing Iosses. If such agre�ment pravi.de� tha�an aff��iate of L�nder takes a share
<br /> af the insurer'�r�sk iri exchange for a share of�he premiums pa�d ta �he �nsurer, the arrangement is often ter�ed
<br /> "captive re�nsurance." Further:
<br /> [a} Any such agreement� wil� not affect the amaunts t�at Bflrr�wer has agreed to pay far Mortgage
<br /> In�uran�e, or any other terms�f th�Loan, Sueh agreenr�ents wil�not increas�the amr.ount Barrawer�i�� o�we
<br /> fvr Mortgage Insuranc�, and tl�ey�viil not ent�tle Rorrower to any refund.
<br /> (b} Any such agreements wxll not affect th�rights Borrawer has - if any - with respect t�the Mor�gagQ
<br /> Insuran�e unt�er the Hor�eown�rs Protect�on A�t of 1998 or any ather law. These rights may Ync�ude the r�ght
<br /> to receive c�rtain disc�.vsures, to request and obtain cancel.�.ation of the Martgage Insurance, to have the
<br /> Mortgage Insuran�e t�rminate�automatical�y, andlor to rece�.ve a refund of any M�rtgage Insuranc�prem�.ums
<br /> that were unearned at the t�m�of such canc�Ilatian or termination.
<br /> 11. Assi�gnment of M�scellaneous Proceeds;Forfeiture. AI.�Miscel�aneaus Proceeds are here�y assigned to
<br /> and sha��be paid ta Lender.
<br /> If the Pr�perty is d.a.maged, �uch Miscella.nneous Proceeds shall be applied to res�ora�ian or r�pair of the Pr�per�y,
<br /> if the restoration or repa�r is econami�ally feas�.ble and Lender's security i�not lessened. Dur�ng such repair and
<br /> re�torat�on period, Lender sha11 ha�e �he r�ght t� ho�d such Miscellaneou� Proc�eds untx� Lender has had an
<br /> opportuni�y�a �nspect such Prop�rty ta ensur�the work has been completed ta Lender's sat�sfac�ion, provided that
<br /> �uch inspect�on sha�l be undertak�n promp�ly. Lender ma�pay far the repairs and r�storat�an in a sing�e disburs�m�n�
<br /> or in a series of pragress�ay�ne�ts as the Wark is cainpleted. Uniess an a�reement is made in writ�ng ar App�icable
<br /> Law requires interest�o be pa�d an such M�sce�Iar�eous Praceeds, Lender sha�I na�be requ�red�a pay Borrovver any
<br /> inter�st or earnings on such Mi�cellane�us Proce�ds. If�h� res�arat�on ar repair is not econo�nica�ly feas�ble ar
<br /> Lender's securi�ty wou�d be��ssened, �he M�scellaneous Proceeds shall be app�ied to the sums seGured by this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument, vvhether or not�hen�ue, with the excess, if any, paid�o Barrawer. Such�Vlis�e�laneaus Proceeds sha11
<br /> be app�ied in�he order prov�ded for in Sect�o��.
<br /> �n the even�of a�otal takin�;, destruction, ar loss�n value af�he Property, the Miscellanevus Proceeds shalt�e
<br /> app�ied�a the sums secured by t�iis Security Instru.ment, whether or not th�n�.ue, wzth the excess, if any, paid�o
<br /> �3�rraWer.
<br /> In�he even�af a partial�aking, des�ructian�, or loss in valu�of the Praperty in vvhich�1ie fair�-narke�value of
<br /> the Proper�r irn.m.ediately befare�he partial takir�g, destruction, or loss in value�s equal ta or greater than�he amoun�
<br /> �f�he�ums secured by�h�s Secur.ity Ins�rumen�irnmediate�y befor��he partial taking, destruc�i�n, or�oss a.n�alue,
<br /> un�ess Borrawer and Lender a�herwise agree�n vvriting, the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�sha�1 be reduced
<br /> by the a�n�unt af�he Mz��e].ianeous Praceeds m.ul�ip�ied by the follawing fract�on: �a��he tota�am�unt of�he sums
<br /> secured immediate�y before�he partial tak�ng, destruction, or loss in�ralue divided by�b�the fair mark�t value of�he
<br /> Proper�y immed�ately before�he partial taking, destruct�on, or�oss in va�ue. Any ba�ance sha11 be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event af a partia�taking, destructian, or lass in�alue of the Property in which the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Praperty zn�mediately before the partial taking, destruc�ion, ar loss in value is less than the amaunt of�h�su�s
<br /> secured irnmediately befare�he part�al ta�i.ng, des�ruction, ar �oss �n value, un��ss Borrower and Lender atherwise
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami�y-�Fanni� MaelFreddie illlac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMEIVT �,�c,IV1��xC a
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